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S2 licensed
i did pay the ultimate price. Without even understanding it until it was to late.
Lost my Family...

Now LFS wasnt to blame for all of that ofcourse. there was BF2..MOH..COD... hehe..
and yes. i was a twat.

still are but not playing 8 hours every day.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :......
This is kinda the wrong subforum as well.

i just noticed that , sry.
S2 licensed
Oh, and about the Oiltemperature.

there is a way (in my mind) to cool the oil som degrees without to much work. i know a friend using a simular way on his porsche powered beetle.

he just put a rediculus long hose for the returning oil. and made sure it was in the "speedair" it apparently saved his day.

its a lowbudget example and might not work on a F3 car but u cant blame me for trying to help. hehe.

its almoast the same as a oilcooler but less weight and less money.
S2 licensed
Hi Tristan.

I didnt read all thru the postings here i just found the one were u did actually find the problem.
as im a workshop manager in a buscompany i actually had the same problem on 2 diesel engines. 10 liters 6 cyl.
they use a dry sump aswell and it was a rubbergasket on the oilpump outlet that was broken. so at idle the pressure went out thru were the gasket should be and when reving the engine the broken rubbergasket blocked the overflow valve.
it took some time to find it.but we did after a few hours.

might not be the exactly same problem u had but simular.

sry for bad english but i think i made my point.
S2 licensed
Hi Karel.
Ill try that setup as soon as possible.
it seams like i made a po po of the string when i tried.

all work no play for a few weeks so it might take time.
no need to hold the 2.5.0 release as it seams im the only one having a trouble setting it up.
visiting Italy (Napoli) 21-23/9
S2 licensed

Im going to Italy stated dates.
To visit a factory there.(all work no plesure)
Any mature LFS member wanting to meet up for a beer?

just send a PM.
S2 licensed
Hi. long time no runnin servers =)

im working with the dynamik intake thingy. and ill try to explain what ive done and whats not working. i might done something wrong or it is a bug.

i change the string to: 25, 28, 22, 2 > 1 > 0 > 0 > -1 > -1 >...meaning all cars will have 25% intake restriction..regardless of cars u leave pit with.
after winning it will be sent to 27% and if u come second only 26% yes?
if u get in 3 or 4 it doesnt change at all. and 5- deadlast lovers it with 1%
u cant get higher than 28 and cant get lower than 22%

but it doesnt,, it changes randomly it seams. winner gets 19% second 20% or have i just done it wrong?
we tryed with 4 people on server and it was all backwords anyway.. winner always got the lowest number ex: 19% and 3:e got 21%

well cant explain it better.

thx for a great script anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Oh no, next one. This bug has been reported so many time before. This is an optimisation, not a bug!

Similar threads:

so sry. the first time i actually see a "bug" its a flamer..haha
Minor glitch in Z25 [Not a bug]
S2 licensed

Take random car. crasch it anywere so it ends up on its roof.
Look from the side of the car and the glitch is there.

The wheels nearest u show the breakdiscs and calipers.. the wheels on the other side dont have discs or calipers.

minor as i stated but im so proud i found it =)
S2 licensed
Quote from Feffe85 :i have a 24mbit line and got it down under 20 secs.. talk to ur isp and/or make sure ur comp is free from ad-ware and stuff..

Sry m8, not everyone lives in sweden.
England for example isnt close to the speeds and connection reability we have. ( some of us haha)

take the complaint to u and adapt.

Sry for spam guys.
S2 licensed
Great news and the best of luck for u guys.
now im well aware that luck has nothing to do with it. not since most of the topnames in simracing joined.

Great vid btw.

See ya all sometime.
S2 licensed
i used to run a kartserver with restrictions.
and if u managed to fill the server it was pure fun racing.

like a bunch of drunk sailors on a rentalkart track.
Team SCCS Servers
S2 licensed
Currently running SCCS GTBR Racing

UFR+XFR with 40% intake restriction.
Airio Tracker (full version)

try it out, give some feedback about balancing.
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Marvelous, I'm always happy to satisfy a feature request in this way, one or two sentences. My list of TODO things grows rather long, some things easier to add, some harder... bad

S2 licensed
ok, this is my setup and it works.
i havnt changed anything else.

# ----------------------------- General --------------------------- #
# Whether to spectate player for pitting (pressing Shift+P) - integer
# Could be used in races closed for midrace join to prevent pitting,
# because only spectating people cannot rejoin the race.
# Time (in seconds) to wait with automatic race restart - integer
# Number of players to be connected for the restart to happen - integer
# Track rotation scheme happening on every display of race end screen.
# Number of races after which to rotate tracks by ending race - integer
# "track[|laps/-mins[|car+car+]] > track..." in the scheme - string
# Instead of laps, minutes can be set as a negative value, the race is
# then for specified number of minutes plus one lap for the leader.

EDIT: just spoted that u use "space" in: ..CAR > Track...
it should be ...CAR>TRACK...
Last edited by Easy_Mike, .
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Ahhh, right, very sorry for that. I suggest you read the changelog file inside the archive. I mention there all changes incl. the updates of the config files. If there are just some bug fixes, it is sufficient to overwrite the EXE and PDB files, keep your TXT files intact.

In case there is a new config item mentioned, just look it up in the appropriate file in the archive and copy it into your current config files. Constantly overwriting all configs an making them again would be too much work. Usually just overwriting the EXE (and PDB for debugging purposes) is sufficient, the config files are for people that install Airio for the first time.

Done deal m8
up and runnin
S2 licensed
Quote from DuleXY :i have problem with trackrotate it's not working. and here is my setup pls tell me what did i do wrong..

file: Airio.srv.4.txt
#================================================================= #
# ================================================================= #

# The values below overwrite default settings from basic Airio server
# configuration file named Airio.srv.txt.

TextLogo=^4SHD^1Team ^1UF-BR

#=======================Rotacija staza ==============================#
# Track rotation scheme happening on every display of race end screen.
# Number of races after which to rotate tracks by ending race - integer
# "track[|laps/-mins[|car+car+]] > track..." in the scheme - string
# Instead of laps, minutes can be set as a negative value, the race is
# then for specified number of minutes plus one lap for the leader.
RotateTracks=BL1|6 > BL1R|6 > SO3|5 > AS2|5 > AS2R|5 > AS6|6 > AS6R|6 >AS5|6 > AS1|10 > AS1R|10

and one more thing when i issue !end command nothing happens, if i try /end it's working normal.

i see your problem. i did it wrong to, until i read the FAQ on Airio tracker.
This is how u want it to be: Rename CAR with wanted car ex: UFR or UFR+XFR

RotateTracks=BL1|6|CAR > BL1R|6|CAR > SO3|5|CAR > AS2|5|CAR > AS2R|5|CAR > AS6|6|CAR > AS6R|6|CAR >AS5|6|CAR > AS1|10|CAR > AS1R|10|CAR

@ EQ Worry: i see a bug:

# "track[|laps/-mins[|car+car+]] > track..." in the scheme - string

Should be (to be more clear)

# "track|laps/-mins|car+car+>track..." in the scheme - string
Last edited by Easy_Mike, .
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Airio 2.1.1 adds some new switches to the !show command for manual setting the personal preferences, corrects a bug not allowing to use DaysChamp=0 in Airio.cfg.txt, corrects track rotation (every race end rotates tracks now) and soves a small problem with !target command display.

One rather troublesome matter was brought to my attention: By default only lap times within 110 percent (configurable) of current WR are stored into stats. That is usually a good value, requiring some reasonable driving skills - the stat files are not full of rubbish then, only valid items. A problem appears though when you want to use e.g. intake restriction, because the target time may simply not be achievable in the car with higher restrictions, your lap times would never be saved.

One way to solve this is to raise the MaxTime value in Airio.cfg.txt file, but that would influence all tracks/cars. The more systematic approach would be to accompany the restriction with specific new lap time requirement, and I think I'll eventually go that way, create a new settings item in file (where also car restrictions are set).

gaaah, just updated my server to 2.0.9........
lets go again then..
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :As I wrote already, LFSlapper was a great inspiration for me, both in ideas and some coding principles. But then more and more new principles and new ideas were implemented and Airio got bigger an bigger. Some people may like scripting support of Lapper though.

Also note that calling the FREE version a "limited" thing is a bit of an overstatement. Yes, there are some advanced things unavailable, but all the core functionality is there. I'd say at least 90 percent of the code is for free. You won't find there only user things such as soft splits and private/server messages, admins may like FTP and IRC communication in the FULL version.

yes, i dont want to talk dirt about LFSlapper. it suits some people, and as stated was the foundation of this amasing Program. i hope its stated more clearly that i didn`t dislike lapper, i just choose this tracker for my servers since its "better" for me.

PM is sent, and u can reply when u stop spinning after reading it.

peace out/Mike
Last edited by Easy_Mike, . Reason : amasingly bad spelling
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :
I would think one instance of Airio would actually require a bit more memory than one instance of Lapper. But of course you may use that one instance for controlling up to 4 servers in FREE version, with memory demands raising only slightly with each connected server.

Exactly, i was running 3 instance of lfslapper and now i only need 1 for 3 servers.
saved me approx. 50mb in memory.

and about the FREE version. even if its a limited version it still kicks the **** out of LFSlapper. No offence Gai-Luron.
im totaly incompetent of programing.

now i cleared my head and will make the PM..hopefully we can continue the discussion over MSN or IRC.

/ Mike
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Hi and thanks for trying out the tool! It is programmed in C#, and it has EXE file, so I don't think it is a script. I'd prefer to call it an application or program, but of course it really does not matter.

Saved memory comparing to what, if I may ask?

Hm, strange, it works OK for me here. To define such restriction you add into (track/car dada) the following:


The empty track name is important, because then the restriction applies to all tracks. But you may also define specific track. Two other conditions must be met for the handicaps filter to actually run. You need to have in Airio.fil.txt (filters definitions) the following:


That is a default state. Also generally Airio checks must be active. You may turn them on by this command:

!ch on

But again, that is a default state. When I have these settings and try to join with MRT, I'm spectated with these info messages:

MRT - Required intake restriction : 40

OK, tell me if this explanation helped.

worked great.
and i even got the trackrotation to work..hehe.
now im thinking of the full version since the pitboard funktion made me
and i was comparing to LFSLapper btw..about the memory.

And script or application, potatoe poatoes..its still an addon.
and i must say this is te best ive seen sofar.

will contact u over pm when i got time to translate my mind to swedish then to english.
until then. keep up the work.
S2 licensed
This is a great script and wasnt that hard to configure
+ side is that i saved alot of memory on my server by running it AND it looks good.

- side i cant the restriction part to work on my 3:e server.
trying to set intake res to 40% on MRT results in nothing.

will upgrade to 2.0.8 asap.

any help configuring this would be great.

feel free to contact me.

SCCS Teamserver
SCCS GT Challange
SCCS Rental-kart
S2 licensed
i tell u this.

Run e few the it.
then me for example might be able to help u.

every racer has diffrent ways to get around the Oval..some even close their eyes.. they usualy gets banned..but its a way of doing it.

and most setups are personal.they might suit more drivers but not all. so for me to build a setup for u is almoast impossible.

feel free to PM.
S2 licensed
Quote from NightShift :I rather think it could be made of butter as well.

IRL you can keep any road car still against a light descent just by playing with the clutch and throttle, often new licensed drivers lack the sensibility to keep the car barely over the idle and rev the engine close to 2000 rpm.

This has absolutely no short term consequences - but try it in LFS and tell me how much it takes before the clutch gets hot.

u do have a point there. Happens more then once when leaving pitbox u rev the car and the clutch overheats.often with GTR cars..UFR is a bitch.
BUT..that has not changed in this patch what i can feel so that would belong in the "improvment suggestions"

what LFS needs right now is a locked TEST panel. reading thru this tread makes no sense.why in dear gods name is it so hard to keep this thread on subject?

yes, this is spam...shoot me
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :....................

I would urge that ABS, whilst a needed feature for the simulation of the VWS, should not be introduced in such a wholescale manner to a racing simulation.


Remember that ABS still is an "option" just as autogears etc. and could probably be restricted thru scripting or even dediserver setup.
And as mentioned there are classes with allowed ABS systems.

Might be a pointer to Scawen to make it a server option ABS[Allowed/NOTAllowed]

however this is not related in this thread,since there is no BUG