I didnt read all thru the postings here i just found the one were u did actually find the problem.
as im a workshop manager in a buscompany i actually had the same problem on 2 diesel engines. 10 liters 6 cyl.
they use a dry sump aswell and it was a rubbergasket on the oilpump outlet that was broken. so at idle the pressure went out thru were the gasket should be and when reving the engine the broken rubbergasket blocked the overflow valve.
it took some time to find it.but we did after a few hours.
might not be the exactly same problem u had but simular.
im working with the dynamik intake thingy. and ill try to explain what ive done and whats not working. i might done something wrong or it is a bug.
i change the string to: 25, 28, 22, 2 > 1 > 0 > 0 > -1 > -1 >...meaning all cars will have 25% intake restriction..regardless of cars u leave pit with. after winning it will be sent to 27% and if u come second only 26% yes? if u get in 3 or 4 it doesnt change at all. and 5- deadlast lovers it with 1% u cant get higher than 28 and cant get lower than 22%
but it doesnt,, it changes randomly it seams. winner gets 19% second 20% or have i just done it wrong? we tryed with 4 people on server and it was all backwords anyway.. winner always got the lowest number ex: 19% and 3:e got 21% well cant explain it better. thx for a great script anyway.
ok, this is my setup and it works.
i havnt changed anything else.
# ----------------------------- General --------------------------- # # Whether to spectate player for pitting (pressing Shift+P) - integer # Could be used in races closed for midrace join to prevent pitting, # because only spectating people cannot rejoin the race. SpecFromPits=false # Time (in seconds) to wait with automatic race restart - integer # Number of players to be connected for the restart to happen - integer RestartTime=150 RestartCons=6 # Track rotation scheme happening on every display of race end screen. # Number of races after which to rotate tracks by ending race - integer # "track[|laps/-mins[|car+car+]] > track..." in the scheme - string # Instead of laps, minutes can be set as a negative value, the race is # then for specified number of minutes plus one lap for the leader. RotateRaces=3 RotateTracks=WE1R|3|UFR+XFR>Bl1R|4|UFR+XFR>SO1R|6|UFR+XFR>KY2R|4|UFR+XFR>FE2R|4|UFR+XFR>AS2R|4|UFR+XFR
EDIT: just spoted that u use "space" in: ..CAR > Track...
it should be ...CAR>TRACK...
i see your problem. i did it wrong to, until i read the FAQ on Airio tracker.
This is how u want it to be: Rename CAR with wanted car ex: UFR or UFR+XFR
yes, i dont want to talk dirt about LFSlapper. it suits some people, and as stated was the foundation of this amasing Program. i hope its stated more clearly that i didn`t dislike lapper, i just choose this tracker for my servers since its "better" for me.
PM is sent, and u can reply when u stop spinning after reading it.
peace out/Mike
Last edited by Easy_Mike, .
Reason : amasingly bad spelling
Exactly, i was running 3 instance of lfslapper and now i only need 1 for 3 servers.
saved me approx. 50mb in memory.
and about the FREE version. even if its a limited version it still kicks the **** out of LFSlapper. No offence Gai-Luron.
im totaly incompetent of programing.
now i cleared my head and will make the PM..hopefully we can continue the discussion over MSN or IRC.
worked great.
and i even got the trackrotation to work..hehe.
now im thinking of the full version since the pitboard funktion made me
and i was comparing to LFSLapper btw..about the memory.
And script or application, potatoe poatoes..its still an addon.
and i must say this is te best ive seen sofar.
will contact u over pm when i got time to translate my mind to swedish then to english.
until then. keep up the work.
u do have a point there. Happens more then once when leaving pitbox u rev the car and the clutch overheats.often with GTR cars..UFR is a bitch.
BUT..that has not changed in this patch what i can feel so that would belong in the "improvment suggestions"
what LFS needs right now is a locked TEST panel. reading thru this tread makes no sense.why in dear gods name is it so hard to keep this thread on subject?
Remember that ABS still is an "option" just as autogears etc. and could probably be restricted thru scripting or even dediserver setup.
And as mentioned there are classes with allowed ABS systems.
Might be a pointer to Scawen to make it a server option ABS[Allowed/NOTAllowed]
however this is not related in this thread,since there is no BUG