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ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
yeah but I forgot to say i havnt played this game for awhile now, but I can see what you mean.

The only thing I wish is that the developers code the Logitech MOMO wheel into the game, so it can take better advantage using it, because right now it just doesnt feel right.
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
I would like to see someone code the Logitech MOMO Wheel, so the game can take better advantage of using it.

What I mean is when I play the game with that wheel I for some reason cant use it because it just doesnt feel right, and if you get someone to code the wheel into the game like how the Richard Burns Rally game has done it would make alot more fans happier.

Also another suggestion is to rebuild the graphics in the option section.

What I mean by this is to include more graphical options like Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering so people like me who like better graphics can use the ingame options instead of using the Ati's Catalyst panel or Nvidia's Forceware Panel all the time before entering the game, if you's know what I am saying.

other then that the game is awesome .

also I know this is in a developement stage, I am just saying I would like to see it included in the next few patches coming out.
So I just brought Live for Speed S2 Alpha :D .
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
So yeah I was playing the demo for about an hour tonight and I finally desided to buy it. The first track I played was South City with the porshe look-a-like car. Then I try out the other cars and I absolutly love the new BMW car man that thing is so fast exspecialy on the oval track, all I need to do now is keep practicing so I can drift with these faster cars and better tracks.

well that's all I wanted to say.

Cant wait for more improvements on this woulderful, brillant , sim racing game .

Peace .
Last edited by ult1mate X64, .
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
That is mad had.
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
Well I have got the settings at 240 turn, 1 for the other thing,and wheel turn off and I have it about 95% the way I like it, but now I have other problems like the Force Feedback has a hicup in it (goes off then back on) and just getting uset to it .

With getting uset to it I mean like I am good at racing with this setting its just that when I make a mistake or try to drift with it I am totaly crap at it thats were the other 5% comes to complete 100% the way I like it, well anyway I would like to thank all the ppl that help me out and I am sorry if I got you's angry in anyway.

Thanks again .

Note: I am going to be buyiing the S2 License soon , one track and three cars are getting abit boring .
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
Hey guys is there a way to setup the aa and af without going into the Catalyst Panel, maybe oneday the dev's could also put that option in the game .

and thanks dev's for the update cant wait for the next one .
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
Still sucks.
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :lol does it really matter THAT much that the wheel ingame moves just as much as the wheel in front of you? lol i mean common.. what difference does it make lol?

set wheel compensation to 0, not 1

and it shouldnt be calibration, if it was, then the steering ingame wouldnt move in the first place

Well the steering wheel works great in other racing games has I mention before like V8supercars 3 demo is just a demo and it works perfect on that game plus other NFS MW etc etc but this is the only game that dosn't work with my steering wheel, and yes it does matter that the game steering wheel is the same has mine for 1: I am used to it and 2:thats the way I like it that way.

Quote from Dan Hot :i have wheel turn compensation at 1 and wheel turn at 270 and it feels great. its the main reason i bought lfs - it felt better than any other sim i had tried (i've given up with rFactor, but RBR feels good right enough).

So when you have your ingame car wheel turn left or right fully you dont have 5inches left on your MOMO Racing wheel.

Also the pedals are perfect it's just the Steering.
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
I just tryed the settings and its still sucks (I know I'm picky). I think there maybe a problem somewhere cause when I put the wheel turn to 270 and the wheel Turn Compensation to 1 (already did have) it didnt match the MOMO wheel at all. Like the ingame car wheel was turned right fully but I still had about 5inches left on my steering wheel.

Why can't the game support it like RBR game and other Racing sims.
My MOMO wheel sucks...
ult1mate X64
S2 licensed
Hi everyone I have a MOMO Racing Wheel and its great for other Racing games cough*richard burns rally*cough V8 supercars 3 demo*cough , but its is way way crap on LFS S2 like the car steering wheel dosnt stay with my wheel. Is there a way to fix this so the car wheel and turning cycle is the same has my MOMO Racing wheel.
