I would like to see someone code the Logitech MOMO Wheel, so the game can take better advantage of using it.
What I mean is when I play the game with that wheel I for some reason cant use it because it just doesnt feel right, and if you get someone to code the wheel into the game like how the Richard Burns Rally game has done it would make alot more fans happier.
Also another suggestion is to rebuild the graphics in the option section.
What I mean by this is to include more graphical options like Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering so people like me who like better graphics can use the ingame options instead of using the Ati's Catalyst panel or Nvidia's Forceware Panel all the time before entering the game, if you's know what I am saying.
other then that the game is awesome

also I know this is in a developement stage, I am just saying I would like to see it included in the next few patches coming out.