Well woz your theory may sound correct, but i dont see how this would be an advantage seeing as a game pad has no motor connected directly to the joystick thus could not result in the perosn Actually fealing the car like with a wheel or a true FFB Joystick, aswell as having the Force Feed Back yes thats right Force Feed Back <<< what us wheel users fealing the cars position in game and linear changes, what you probably meant was Rumble a tiny little motor inside the game controller with an off balanced wieght designed to make vibrations, thats all it can do and will ever do unless you can hook the joystick of the gamepad directly to a motor to simulate what a person would feel on a wheel and in real life. so +1 from me as i cant see how a wheel user can benifit from stabalisation seeing as we already have it with >Force Feed Back< centering springs and dampers.