Scipy has done some serious testing with quite some fast people and he says 25% is the best balance over the whole stint. You can't get perfect balance for all cars, fzr wille be quicker here, xrr there.
Apart from that, you have to concider some other aspects apart from pure speed like fuel and tire consumption (which is better on the xrr) sequential shifter (fxr, xrr) etc. The biggest problem is the xrr getting stuck in a gravel trap, but you can't balance that as it's a clear driving error.
// We had this discussion also in MoE (thats why it took us so long with the balance). In the end you have to trust a few really stupidly fast people (over a longer distance) running several different settings and not the teams driving in the league as harsh / mean that might sound. //
I guess when I can figure out the exact times and timezones you want to do the races I'm going to join this small league, although I might have to miss 1 or 2 events.
I'm not really sure what the benefit of evern more limitation would bring apart from even smaller grids in nearly all pick up races...
I'm using cockpit view atm, but I don't see any need to force everyone else to do the same. All I want is close and fair racing, it doesn't matter what view your opponent is using.
looks like the login isn't working as it should be, when i try to login with my normal account i get "invalid password" (and yes, it's the correct pass ).
Also looks like I'm not the oly one who can't login