first of all I am sorry for the things, that happened last time. When i read the posts of our last 24h race i noticed, that someone of our team made confusing posts. In fact it was our fault.
I hope you will give us another chance and compete with us in another 24h race.
After the vote here and in the GER community, we desided to take Open Wheelers. They are special to drive sometimes, so we want you to vote for the final track.
'' We will look at every time-out, if they are unintentional we give the lap back ''
who said that?
Scipy asked me, what about the panalty, cause they dropped out in last chicane... s9 I said in last sector there will be no more panalty I never said, that we change the whole rules. I was always available to ask me about that, but nebody did.
Every Disc. or shift-P will result a one lap panalty. It's clear in the rules! If you drop out in 3rd Split we will give back that lap, cause you would have 2 laps panalty then...
none of our sponsors tols us to win that event or something... and our team of course don't get that prices... pff
Disconnects will be investigated after the race.
The tracker is putting the +1 lap on the tracker automatically for disco.
They may be removed after the race. That means no +1 lap penalty for disconnect so far... So, wait for the results after the 24H. We arent inhumane. So just keep cool
-You can now download the templates for the race-skins. Please send them as soon as possible to [email protected]. We will send a little Discription of the team to multibc and we'd like to send the skins too, that they know, which car is yours.
You should use the templates and the eventlogo on your car.
-Just more important is the Ruleupdate: autoclutch is now forced, so that the buttonclutch/clutch macro isn't usable.