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S3 licensed
Mannn sweet. Im a big follower of the BTCC.
I was a bit miffed to see Seat leave though.

Anyone know who Jason Plato is driving for next season?
S3 licensed
Anyone for a group hug? :grouphug:
S3 licensed
I really dont know why people that think the world 'Demo' translates somehow into 'Free Game'. There should so be a time restriction on the demo. :doh:

As for the server though, try looking in empty servers that run a cruise mod maybe? (By putting your Empty filter bottom right, to 'Yes').
S3 licensed
Chances are,
If you cant be arsed to buy S2.
No one 'will be arsed' to help you.
S3 licensed
Well when i launch LFSLaunch all i have ticked is smokemod and high priority status. I shall try updating smokemod if the version happens to be the problem.
S3 licensed
Here ya go.
Anyone can make sense of that is a genius if you ask me.
S3 licensed
Hmm yea maybe thats a point. Ill do that tommorow after i try and remember the exact error message when it kicks me off.
Error when loading another players car
S3 licensed
Christ almighty this thing has put me off even thinking of playing LFS ever since i installed this mofo of a patch.

Yea its all good what theyve done and everything but every f**kin time someone leaves the pits there will be a message come up in the center of the screen. 'Car Error'. In the chat it will say could not load So and So's car and then i will get one of them really wierd and random error messages. EG.


So then ill be on my multiplayer thingy and ill exit out of the game with sometimes nothing on the screen apart from buttons. So for example ill come back after being DC'ed and all ill see is a black background with buttons like Display Server list and all that. So i click back and i get to the main screen with the live for speed logo totally whited out and it will say that im a demo racer not S2 licenced. So ill exit out of that and my screen resoultion will be something like 1280 because thats what i run LFS in and ALL my desktop items move to thier default places. So then i try to switch back to 1024 and it wont work because its soo laggy after all thats happend therefore leaving me to restart my PC on a cold reset.

The reason i have had to write all this out also because whenever i take a screenshot i cant paste into anything because paint wont load or anything like that. My external screenshooter programs dont work. Its like its paralzyed my PC.

And just to note im perfectly fine with everthing else. Its ONLY and its ALWAYS when someone leaves the pits in MP. No matter what track what car or anything. EVERY TIME!

I need some serious help here because im proper anoyed with this.
Thank you to anyone who responds or askes a question.
S3 licensed
Try clicking on Display Server list before trying to unlock. Has a time out limit on it so you dont freeze and it seemed to work quicker than trying to unlock.
S3 licensed
Quote from LineR32 :
Couple of shots from a race I didn't finish. Last pic says it all. ... 32/LFS%20Skins/th_Me3.jpg ... 32/LFS%20Skins/th_Me4.jpg

Haha! My brother is Ree44u. The FXR with the yellow stripes. If he did anything wrong ill pwn him for you lol.

Oh and by the way. Try and remove the 'th_' part out of the URL so it comes out bigger. All the th part does is make it into a Thumbnail so it can be posted with a smaller clickable image but the LFS forums dont support the code so it would be better to use the URL without thumbnails
S3 licensed
Great idea though Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :DaveWS... you said "I can now give up on CSR" in the test patch thread, does that mean you ain't gonna update this pack anymore? Or was that just a flying comment That would maybe needed after patch V release, because the LFS car sound pitches has changed a lot...

I agree. I am a big fan of the CSR Remixer and i was sooo bummed when patch V came out cos i knew that CSR would make it sound all dodgey because the pitches where matched to U and stuff. Also some bugs lke when you went on any Exterior view in U it would cut off CSR completly which i thought was good, but now in V is does all the sounds regardless of what view you are in. I dunno what im saying but i strongly think you should keep going with CSR. T'is the best little mod ive ever downloaded for LFS
S3 licensed
Im the 3rd car just tipping over

EDIT: That was a pic from my old PC. Not very good quality. =/
Last edited by Cpl.Anger, .
S3 licensed
I too find this insanly anoing when im trying to learn new tracks and im trying to learn my points on the track. When im on a combo i know then im fine because ill listen to the engine, No problem. But otherwise its rather aniong

EDIT: Ooops. I bumped a old thread ...
S3 licensed
TBH, I dont know most of that cr@p in the pits i just change some sliders to what they where on my old setup from the new one and use the Modified new one
S3 licensed
My bad
S3 licensed
I was kinda puzzled by this picture i found on google.
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :

@cpl anger; turning shadows on may help it; it looks like the car is floating

Oh yea. Well it was off my old pc which was pretty slow so i turned them off for better fps. Damnit.
S3 licensed
Comments Anyone? Click me!
S3 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :lol i love mr.greenie

I made that helmet skin :sadbanana
S3 licensed
Thought i might as well post this here
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Please don't bump old threads

Why not?

Good job there 'Don'.
You couldnt do one for the FXR could you? Im dying for a nice FXR Interior like this
Full digital dials?
S3 licensed
This may seem a bit of a 'Amatuer' suggestion to some of them being made but do you not think pressing F12 just to see how much fuel you ACTUALLY have in your tank is anoing?

What im trying to say is,
I think all the dials next to the fuel and clock and turbo and whatever should have a selection to be digital.

It was just something i came up with.
I dont really mind if it doesnt happen.