As time goes by, I understand what are you trying to tell me. But
I do *not* want Force Feedback at all. Im trying to turn it off
Of course it works when I turn it on in the game and move the
streng bar slightly up. But I can not seroiusly drive with FFB activated. It simply shakes the wheel and makes you get tired. From my point of view there is no advantage having FFB on.
OK you will ask why this stupid guy buys an FFB wheel just to turn it off.
The answer is simple. The wheels are way better and the non-FFB wheels use springs or something like that to center it. I do not want this either.
I just wish to have a wheel that moves easy and fast and if I take my hands off it should stay where it is. My "old" MS wheel could do this but its getting old and the buttons are not reliable.