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S2 licensed
Thanks for that. I knew there must have been a trick to it.
How do I RECEIVE a setup?
S2 licensed
I've raced online a few times and asked for and been kindly sent a setup, but I can't find it! Where does the setup go when someone sends it to you?

Maybe it is in my list of setups for the car, but since I've been to the setup field and downloaded a bunch of setups for each car (and since LFS's garage and replay user interfaces are horrible and don't allow you to filter and offer few sorting options - such as sort by date modified) I can't tell if the setup they sent is in my list of setups, and if it is then how do I know which one it is?

I've spent 15 minutes hunting through the online manual, googling this without any luck and I tried looking at my data/settings folder but no file appears there. Can someone please answer this trivial question for me (step-by-step if possible). I'm sure I'm missing something really simple.

Thanks heaps in advance.
Filter Replays by Car, Track & Driver
S2 licensed
The replay user interface is not helpful at all. Once you end up with lots of replays it's extremely hard to find the one that you are looking for.

A very simple fix to LFS would be to implement replay filters for Driver, Car and Track, exactly like in GPL. This is a very useful feature for hotlappers, who want to be able to view WR replays, or really anyone trying to view replays.

Can we please, please have this?
LFS Rank setup pack?
S2 licensed
I'm trying to get myself a Hotlap rank, but several of the car/track combinations have no setups on the setup field website (or anywhere else I can find).

Does anyone have a LFS Rank setup pack with the 18 car/track combos required? It would be muchly appreciated (esp the LX4/Kyoto Oval as I've never driven the LX4 and my attempts at a setup are useless).

S2 licensed
Quote from filur :Maybe check your global profiler settings first, ie. profile assigned auto / fixed profile etc.

Thanks, but I tried all those settings. I even tried using a persistent profile setting, but when the wheel is active it just seems to ignore the profiler.
S2 licensed
Quote from dontsimon :1) Unistall the whole package (profiler and everything) and reboot your machine.
(2) delete everithing in C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Logitech
(3) Clean out your Temp folder and go into C:/Windows/System32/Drivers folder and delete anything in there that has anything to do with Logitech (logitech drivers usually begin with Wm.-just hover with your mouse and it will say Logitech or not.)
(4) In the same folder, delete the five or six Windows drivers that begin with "hid." You should watch after you delete them, though, to make sure that they re-appear. Be SURE they re-appear!!!!!!!! If they do not, go into the recycle bin and restore them. Reboot your machine.
(5) Now, re-install whatever driver package it is you decide you want to.

Try this. Might help.

Once you reinstall new drivers, make a brand new profile for LFS and point it to your LFS exe.

EDIT - Just read that you have Logi keyboard too, so yeah, this could interfere with that

Thanks, I'll give that a try now. What about registry settings? I suspect it might be a dud registry setting more than a dud file...

EDIT - That fixed it. You are a LEGEND!!!

Now the long version in case anyone else runs into the same problem. I did what you said and then installed the 4.60 driver. The auto detection after installation of 4.60 didn't detect my Wingman formula force and I read the readme and the Formula Force is only supported in Windows 98/ME (they call it a "Legacy USB Device"). So I unplugged the controller and plugged it back in. Windows (XP Pro) detected it correctly, but said the file "WmUSBHid.sys" could not be found. I restored from the recycle bin the version that I had previously deleted (it was the 4.25 version) and completed the windows hardware detection. I then ran the Logitech detection again, it detected it and I just ran LFS and the profiler is working.

So it's all good except Australia just got robbed by the referee and a diving Italian player in the dying seconds of their World Cup match against Italy...
Last edited by FunkyGibber, .
S2 licensed
I just tried uninstalling 4.40 and reinstalling 4.25 - still got the same problem.

I suspect that this could be a registry setting type issue. Does anyone know how I can clear out all the logitech gaming software registry settings?

I don't want to go removing everything with Logitech in it as I have a Logitech G15 keyboard and a Logitech G7 mouse...
Strange Logitech Profiler problem...
S2 licensed
I have a Logitech Formula Force and until recently had the version 4.25 driver installed. However, I recently bought a Logitech MOMO Force for my second computer and noticed that the force effect on the MOMO was less skittish in a straight line with the 4.40 drivers that came with it.

So I installed the 4.40 driver that came with the MOMO, and then later installed 4.60 driver, which is the latest from the Logitech website. Both of these drivers have much better FF effects than the 4.25 driver, but now the buttons and keypresses that I have assigned in the profiler don't work. The profiler appears as normal and I have mapped one button to be a SHIFT button and other buttons to be keypresses. They appear to be fine in the profiler, but when I play LFS the buttons behave as though no profile is set.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers (4.40 and 4.60) but the problem remains. I haven't gone back to 4.25 yet, because the effects in 4.40+ are so much better, but I miss being able to pause the game by pressing a button on the wheel, and getting an extra 4 buttons due to the SHIFT feature.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
S2 licensed
Quote from RedStarArmy :Team Inferno Setup Field

---god damn it you people reply fast : )

That's what I was about to say!!!

Thanks guys!
hotlap & setup websites?
S2 licensed
I've googled and googled and can't find any good hotlap and setup sites for LFS.

I used to do lots of hotlapping in Grand Prix Legends and I want to get up to speed offline on LFS before I do too much online racing (plus I often struggled to find a server with a decent ping from Perth Australia). Watching and analysing hotlaps of really fast guys helped a lot in GPL, as well as using their setups as a base for my setups.

I have found a few sites in the past, but can't find them again, or the laptimes on them aren't very good. Can anyone suggest any sites out there where I can get *really* fast replays?

A related question is: What is the lap record for BL in the BMW F1?

Thanks in advance
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes, there's a lock button.

Sounds like your son just clicked lock, unlock, lock, unlock, lock. And there you go, that's your unlocks all used up!

The lock button is so that someone who unlocked to S1 level, but now gets a S2 license, can lock it then unlock again to S2. Or to lock a computer to stay within the license agreement that allows two computers to be unlocked.

The game password stays there when you use the lock button. So he didn't need to know your password, to unlock again on the same computer, as long as he didn't exit LFS in between locking and unlocking.

It's no great loss to lose an unlock, so there's no reason to make it more secure. The important thing is to have a secure and different web password, so your account cannot be hacked.

Wow, thanks for the quick reply. This community is great!

One more question...

If I want to prevent my son from unlocking the game again (he's promised not to do it, but I also have a 3 year-old who is less reliable ;-), can I unlock the game with the new unlock you gave me, and then change the game password so that next time he tries to lock it, the stored password is different and the unlock won't work?

I kind of guess the above will work, but the problem is that he can lock it and then I need to use up an unlock, so it "works" to prevent someone using up one of your unlocks, but it doesn't prevent them making you need an unlock because they locked your game

I think I read another thread that says you can zip up your LFS directory and if anything goes wrong you can restore it and it will be unlocked. Will this work? I believe it will, provided (as will be the case) that it is unzipped back into the same directory on the same PC. If this will work then I think I will be safe if my kids go click-crazy on me again...

Thanks again to you and the rest of the community.

Unlocks gone and game locked. Was I hacked or was it my inquisitive son?
S2 licensed
I've been scanning the forums but can't find anything existing post that covers this exactly. I just downloaded LFS about 2 weeks ago - tested it for a week, loved it and bought it on the 22nd.

I installed it fine and have been having great fun, but today when I go to use it, it says that it is the demo version, and I have no unlocks left???

Now my 6 year old son has been playing LFS as he is a (virtual) petrol head too. When I asked him he said he was playing with the lock/unlock button (as kids do) so I think he has done this somehow, but it doesn't seem right to me for the following reasons:

1. How could my game go from unlocked to locked? Is there really a "lock" button? If so, why is there a 'feature' like this? I can't check this myself because it is locked at the moment

2. How could he have used up my locks when he doesn't know the passwords? My in-game driver name is "Ben" (different to my license name) and my son doesn't know either my game or my web passwords (which are not the same). It doesn't make sense to me that my unlocks could be used up by someone who doesn't know my passwords.

3. Could my account have been hacked? My wife said that my son was racing online the other day so I suppose it is possible, but I think unlikely since my son doesn't know my passwords. Has this happened to anyone else?

BTW, I've just emailed the devs with the above info and a request for a new unlock (I'm impatient and don't want to wait for Dec 1). But I'm very confused as to how I could have ended up in this situation. I don't want to stop my son from playing LFS because there is a risk he will lock it, and frankly I don't see why he should be able to...

If anyone has any answers to the above I'd appreciate it. Thanks for your time.

Ben (FunkyGibber)