Oh i used to love LFS. The BMW addition had me hooked for ages. Been an owner of LFS for 3 years now and its just recently i have found this. And on Race 2007 it is all wheel to wheel. Especially the minis. And for those ignorant, Race 2007 and GTR2 have great graphics AND great handling/physics. Actually the physics on LFS have been all over the place. Its only now that its kind of ok...
Not played for a while and thought i would have a go for old times sake last night. Have to saw i found it a bit dull...
Thing is i play a lot of GTR2 and Race 2007 and the racing a graphics are far superior. Brands hatch indy with minis, imola F3000 and formula BMW. Monza and Monza small circuit to name a few.
Is LFS a dated game that has had its time in the sun?
whats it to do with you? This is an example of the LFS forum. Should we all have blond hair to post? Freedom of speech. You don't own the forum you know tsk...
its true, there a no good servers anymore. Problem is too many bans for life so not many racers. I used to love this game and used to recommend to my friends but now would suggest spending the £26 fee somewhere else (if its still that expensive).
have to admit the STCC servers are by far the best and im gutted to be banned but thats life. Only thing is they were a bit strict for my liking. Any bad move resulted in a threat to ban.
So... hence im after some tips on best servers apart from STCC.
(all you mini racers who knew me on STCC (Enforcer) hello!!)
hahaha do what you like! You really think i care that much? Yeah i play LFS here and there but its not my life. Your a lonely person hey. Got out on your bike for a ride. Feel the breeze in your hair. Meet a girl maybe!!