That's true, however, the link would not be picked up via normal means places use to send out mass emails. Many of the people who send out mass emails don't go to each site they email, they run scripts and/or buy email addy lists.
Ok. I just wasn't sure because the email page/s that pop up don't list a destination for addy for the emails.
I'm sure it will get all worked out, I was just a little "peeved" when I first saw it. It looked like I was charged, and then charged again when the exchange rate went up. It's probably, as you said, just an error they made. I'm sure it will be taken care of. LFSS seems to have a pretty good operation going over here.
On a side note, I am really enjoying the game. I really like the feel of the cars when used in conjunction with my FF Momo wheel. Great fun to drive!
Tweaker, where in CA are you from? I'm from CA as well.
I purchased LFS a few days ago and was susequently charged $42.33.
Today, according to my bank, there is ANOTHER charge pending for LiveForSpeed for the amount of $42.54.
I would really like to know what is going on here.
I just emailed the people at LFS, but to be honest, I'm not even sure if I am sending email to the right place. Why not just have a customer service email link?
Anyways, I await a response from whoever handles these situations.