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Da Fish
S3 licensed
A seriously good idea, and long needed forum item!

May I suggest the title for this sticky? "Scirrocco, mods and new tracks"

That should grab their attention!
Da Fish
S3 licensed
I just get the feeling that unless the rules are tightened up, we may see the more worthy and knowledgable amongst drift away and be left with pointless flames and comments, that are neither helpful or worth spending time to type/read.
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :Which is what stops an argument - See how simple it is? Answer politely before the cavemen turn up and start bashing skulls.

I gotta agree with you, I sometimes hesitate with the mouse over a thread wondering how many flames and downputtings are going to be in it.

Long live intelligent answers. It's not big and it's most definitely not clever!!
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from hazaky :True, but throwing few interesting tips and stuff at them is acceptable i guess. Ive sent them few messages

I bet they LOVE you!!
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Mines is F1SHY

Nearly went for an old car I had's number, but thought this one was more fitting
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :All you people?

I am not whining about lack of progress, I am quite fine with the amount of progress happening at the moment. It's acctually a small amount of the community that are arguing with each other about the rapidness of progress. And an even smaller amount are making threads about it.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not generalizing anyone, in fact it's pointed at the people who misunderstand the work that's going into this, it's just that there seems to be a rather large amount of bitching going on here about it, which ends up in nasty sniping about development/lack of.

I just think folks should appreciate what they've got, as there are a whole lot of people in this world with absolutely nothing, never mind a S1/S2 license, and stop moaning about something they've already got, and are getting free updates for
Time off
Da Fish
S3 licensed
I've been looking at the forum quite regularly since I got into this game, but lately, I haven't had the time to play quite as regularly as I wanted, which brings me to the crux of the matter.

All you people who are whinging about lack of patches and development should just take time out from the game, 6 months or a year, as I have, and you will realise that over that time the game has indeed advanced, I find it far more enjoyable to play now, and appreciate the work that's gone into every detail. I also look forward to the next patch, which I believe is bringing a tyre physics update. I will not be moaning about the lack of development, as I can see that to implement the tyre physics would mean a major re-work of the code, and a slow down on the actual forward motion of the development. I'm quite pleased that Scavier have decided to go this route as it shows a particular eye to detail which I appreciate. Why would I want to play another NFS for heavens sakes. As has been stated many times on this forum, we are getting updates and patches for FREE, yes free. Just feel lucky you're along for the ride, as I think once complete, this sim is going to be one heck of a drive!

Time off from the game is an option, go play something else or get out more, when you come back I guarantee you'll appreciate it more, as I have.

to the devs!!!!

p.s. please stop all the pointless threads about no patches and lack of development, they are beginning to get VERY tiresome. In fact someone should make a sticky thread about the patches and development of the sim, so that new posters will be aware of the situation.
Last edited by Da Fish, .
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from Foilpact :Id say its too expensive considering S2 is the same age as the first Forza Motorsport on Xbox 1....

You would say that, but S2 has been updated time and again with more content, and will soon have a shiny new tyre physics engine to enhance it further. The Forza Motorsports, has never been updated, only sequels added, each costing way more than LFS S1 and S2 combined.

You're never going to please everybody on here as to whether it's too cheap or not, as the purists tend to not want wreckers and the like, but I think it's great for people who are less fortunate in the financial stakes, because it means they can hop on for the ride, meaning we don't lose any great talent out there!
Da Fish
S3 licensed

3 hours is a long time to concentrate on that track, remember having to do a 1 hour stint a while back, bloody hard going for my feeble mind, lol
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Why do folks end up flaming each other when we get this situation?!?!

Yes, I agree it would be a great enhancement to the game to have some real life tracks, but I fear the devs have enough on their hands trying to get things the way they want it right now, and folks keep wanting more and more everyday, its not an easy job to keep a balance, which is probably why they are developing this game the way they are, after all, it's their project, we're just along for the ride!!

And, yes, many people have posted similar threads, and many other duplicate ones, all without using the search button, only to find the folks who are on this forum day in day out, and every hour in between, getting on their back just because they may think that they are some sort of superior forum being (no offence intended, by the way, all you forum regulars ). Most of these people who post have not posted many posts, or are noobs to the forum, and all that is achieved is getting each others back up and driving future friends away.

I'm sorry if my 2 pence worth has annoyed anyone, I just thought that it's always the same on here when folks jump at each others throats, and then the whole thread ends up off topic, then gets locked.
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from Quint999 :
Keep getting "Connection Queue Full"

how long is the allowed queue ?

Same here!!
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :... whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous demo behaviour, or take up thy credit card against a sea of n00bish T1 collisions and by licensing end them?

Da Fish
S3 licensed
I used to hate SO, but I had a brief break from LFS last year, I got back into it again with the STCC servers, and since they had, and still have, SO running a lot, I learned to drive the combos better, and have actually come to enjoy it. It rewards accuracy (not that I'm the most accurate driver), I just think that with a bit of practise you can learn a track/combo.

Don't give up on it after a couple of botched laps, if your still not getting it after 10 laps keep trying, its an aquired taste, but one that improves with practise, much fun to be had!!! :elefant:
Da Fish
S3 licensed
In some ways, I think this is the right thing to do. If your were to drive on the road with only 3 out of your 4 wheels still on your car, you would be pulled over by the first policeman to spot you, and told not to go any further, and probably fined too!!

It's a shame its got to be like that but the rules of the road are there for a reason, and for the safety of the other road going public.

I am a big fan of rallying but it is probably down to the driver to take that little bit more care through the stages so that he can drive through the road sections legally. If the general public has to be road legal, why should a rally driver have any exceptions, its all part of their trade.
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from Davo :To get tv director working all you need to do is set the port in tv director e.g 29999. Then open lfs and type /insim 29999. You should get a welcome message that tv director has connected. If you get nothing something is wrong, but you should atleast get some kind of error.

Yeah, I know that there should be a message, but nothing comes up! I've re-downloaded it, just in case there was a corruption in the file, but still no dice.

Are you sure I don't need to open ports on my firewall, as this happens with all the insim add-ons that I have downloaded? And, does it long for the welcome message to appear, cos I have left for about a half hour and still nothing?
Da Fish
S3 licensed
I am still having no success, I have Mcafee firewall, and am sure I used to get it all working, but don't ever remember opening any ports.

I've even tried disabling the firewall (no idea if that would make any difference) but it didn't work either.

I would be great to get sorted as I would like to use lfs tv director.

There must be a way to sort it, and I'm getting fed up scratching my head, its starting to hurt now lol.
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from jamesrowe :You put a smile on my face And others by the looks of the comments

I liked it

Thanx mate
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :view a car from almost any angle, and look at the roof.. and what do you see? the ground.. thats not right :S

I noticed this with that one in the picture I attached, in one shot I could see the road, but as you say it has to do with the custom environment maps
How to get insim working?
Da Fish
S3 licensed
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I have had problems getting insim going, I cant get any of the add on programs working with insim, doesn't matter what version of LFS I have had, it never seems to have worked.

I have followed the instructions and still it never seems to connect to LFS.

Anybody have the patience to explain it to me?

Maybe its just me being thick and not seeing something
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from keiran :Jim Bamber's stuff is a lot better and funnier than that -


Yeah, I know, just thought it might put a smile on some peoples faces, obviously not
Da Fish
S3 licensed
oops, forgot that I was subscribed to autosport, lol, but they have a lot of material that doesn't require to be logged in, so I forgot heh heh

here's the pic
Button cartoon
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Found this on the autosport website. Kind of says it all lol
Da Fish
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Stupid question, but are you maybe using custom reflection textures?

I don't think so, but I have downloaded updated sky textures before, but can't remember if South City was one of them. Would that cause them to look a bit off?
Is the South City reflection not quite right? [custom textures]
Da Fish
S3 licensed
I was looking at a replay of a recent race I was in and just happened to notice the reflection in the roof of my car. If you'll notice, it seems to be a seascape with buildings on the far shore and trees closer up. Now don't get me wrong, but I thought South City was a concrete jungle type area, and that the reflection should have been a sky as I was looking down onto the roof.

Maybe its supposed to look like that so it can make it look more like sky to the casual viewer?
Da Fish
S3 licensed
I'm with pipex, and I have never had any problems with port blocking. I read in a report on their website that they were going to restrict P2P bandwidth to 30 Kbps, but I would have said it was the other way, I feel like I have better download speeds