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OMG this bullshit discussion still going on? I'm amazed that the posts still has the same content as they did back in 2009.

There wasn't so long ago that they updated LFS with open layouts, something that has been on the community´s wishing list since 05-06. Also more objects for track editing, also something that people wanted since 05-06.

I think this forum is just to damn moody, one could easily think that the game is dead. Get out on the tracks! thats where the racing is! not here in a forum... the reason for less people online is that nowadays league racing is big and people tend to focus what time they have over for LFS on practice and racing there.

I have not been racing actively on public servers since i was back in demo(05). I go public for cruising and drifting. And always done my online racing in leagues, thats where the real action and fun is.
BCCC is back.
S2 licensed
Probably an unknown team to most of you guys bot i thought id throw it out there just for the sake of it.

Originally started in 2008, BCCC has been consisting of swedish drivers and almost exclusively taking part in the swedish series called Torsdagsrace.

In the late 2010, we lost all but 2 members to either other games, studies or jobs. So i decided it was time to pull the plug before the team lost to much of its already diminishing glory.

We didn't actually do that much great things as a team, but we used to have drivers fighting amongst the top positions in Torsdagsrace. We also did some endurance and minor races. Even hosted our own autocross events but they did get cancelled after a few races due to bad planning and low interest.

//end of rant.

Today marks the day when BCCC rises from the ashes, with the original lineup of drivers almost intact. How long will it last? only time will tell... but the level of seriousness amongst the drivers suggests that its not just a random burst of nostalgia, we are here to stay!

If you have Skype and can speak swedish you can always apply for membership(either here or in our sub forum at We are always on the lookout for new drivers! but we are in it for the FUN! driving fast and making scores comes second.
S2 licensed
Went to Sweden Rock festival
Got a temporary job for 4 months.
Quit my phone job
remade my room
bought a TV a ps3 and some stuff for my miata
Then i got stressed depressed and unemplyoed and havent pulled out of it yet...
S2 licensed
I can finally say that im happy to have moved on...

GT5 on ps3 is so much more fun than LFS has given me in the last year or so.

I still say that GT5´s physics dont even come close to LFS´s. But all the stuff around... buying, selling, tuning, better gfx combined with "decent" physics made me forget LFS for the time being.

S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Not being funny mate, but why would scawen, and you all talk as if it is only scawen on his own, which isn't true but anyway, gives a damn about demo? Yes of course demo is the first impression of the game and needs to be decent for people to then buy S2, but if demo was so good, then why would people want to buy S2, when they can get the good stuff for free. Yes EQ did him a favour, but then there are always going to be people who do stuff like that, and im sure they all forsaw that.

All in all, my general point, if it hasn't been clear, is why spend all that time improving demo, instead make the next 'level' up significantly better so when the demo driver does consider buying S1, S2 or in the future S3, it will look drastically better than demo - and therefore much more appealing.

I agree with this, if anything the demo should have more content removed.
Back in the day when the best driftcar(XRT) in the game was available in demo, people would spend years playing demo without ever buying the game.
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :A group of teens split-up because of being disappointed of being only on reserve list in an amateur endurace league. How on Earth can it be Scawen's fault?

They probably don't deserve flaming, okay. But sorry, this sounds silly. I mean, no longer than 4 days ago, they made a partnership with another other team. And some time before they signed with new drivers. Which means that this decision has been taken in a very short time, probably without having a real think about that.

It's not like managing a team takes ages. It's quite simple if you are organised, once you have the skins, the forum, the website, you are all sorted, just take a few minutes a day to see what's going around, and that's all, no need to do more if you are busy. You may then take more time if you want to do special stuff, I don't know, a website update, an article, but that's just optional. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have the time to drive, you have the time to roughly manage a team. Therefore pretending they don't have the time for it is probably wrong.

They pretend not having made it to GTAL, but that's technically incorrect. In fact, they have made it to it, the only problem is that they haven't made it to the full time list. If they had a look at what happened in the previous seasons and at who's in front of them on reserve, they would knew that it would have been very likely for them to get a slot in the 2nd half of the season. I know it can be very frustrating to be on reserve, it's something I experienced several times in my "career", but it's not worth throwing everything away, you just have to cheer up yourself with other stuff until you get a slot.

And it's not even like GTAL was the only league where they signed-up, what will happen to their Desire of Patience tour entry?

So yea, just IMHO, this is silly. Unless they have real plans for the future(TRR?:tilt, in which case I withdraw all what I say. But I seriously doubt it.


I dont say your wrong, but i dont want this thread to turn out the way the TRR thread did. With pages of useless bulls**t. I know what your talking about, ive been managing a team for 2 years. And like you say, it doesnt take much more than lets say 10-12min a day to manage a team once you got skins and stuff sorted out.

IMO they went in with to high expectations to start off with. And when
they didnt reach their goal they got tired of.

Maybe they just are tired of LFS? who knows...

Quote from TehPaws3D :I was never disappointed, I just wanted the skins and to drive better.

Kinda sucky the second team/group I go into kicks it me out. But oh well.

Well to cheer you up i can tell you didnt get kicked, the team got dissolved and thus nothing you can help. It shouldnt effect your reputation to get into another team.
S2 licensed
Quote from marcel1 : true^^

No its not, IMO its been no apparent change since 2007. Its just this forum that has been infested with idiots.

Apart from the introducion of insim overuse and invasion of cruise servers i dont really notice a huge change. It´s just that the people have changed their mind about how they spend their LFS time.

The serious people are where the serious racing are. In league racing, the level of driving and sportsmanship are on another level. And once you get used to that level you dont want to go back to the crashfest that always has been public racing.

This means that "the n00bs, the retards, the lazy and the unserious" are the ones still playing public racing, and IMO i think its better that they stay there and leave the ones serious enough to find good racing alone.

Quote from PoVo :Haha... no it's not... I'd rather wait for LFS than GT5

Id rather wait for LFS too, since it already now have better physics than GT5 will have.
S2 licensed
Quote from zippytheone :Did the humiliation of being paired with TRR push it over the edge?

Good luck for the future

Just back off okay? DTR did nothing to deserve flaming and joking. Ive seen this team since they started and they have always been nice and never actually done anything what i concieve as wrong.

I wish them good luck with the future whatever their choises may be.
S2 licensed
Guys! take your b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t through PM alright! no one cares about your e-penis okay! let them have their promo-thread going without your crap.

Ill make sure to checkout the server.
S2 licensed
I read somwhere that it could depend on that they are using a serverconfig for consoles and that it helped(not fixed, but made it better) to change some values in the config.

Im no computer geek so i dont really know what they where talking about, exept that it was some settings the serverhost could do.

It seems like a fun game though, but like said i would give it a week or 2 so the major "ZOMG! a new game! i must quit my job and play 24/7" passes, by that time there should be a update released and defenetly less overload of 24/7 playing.
S2 licensed
I also wish to warn people about online issues, the game in its current state is NOT playable at all, atleast not in MP. With seruous lag.

I would recommend people to wait for a patch and then try to read some reviews after that.
S2 licensed
I theory i have about public racing not being what i used to be, is that by this time most players have tried out league racing, when i entered my first league. Public racing died completely for me, the level of driving is on an entire different level. Maybe not skill-wise but certainly crashwise, since you loose points for crashing people dont tend to take to many stupid risks.
S2 licensed
I like pointless threads like this one... its so fun to see people make fool of them selves.

To be honest i dont see any reason as to why we need to know that just YOU dont like LFS and that you are going to stay away for 3-4 years. Just do it and dont think about it.

As i tend to think i have a life nowdays i dont spend all my time on LFS. And TBH i think more people should try it, any game will be boring if you spend to much time on it. I still enjoy 2 practice/fun sessions with my teammates and 1 league race a week in LFS.

If i feel like playing LFS i just go online and do it, or if i dont feel like doing it... guess what??? im not doing it, i just play another game or do something useful. And i dont write stupid topics about it cause nobody gives a damn about what I think if LFS.

/end of rant.
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :My friends == Piratebay

Thats wrong.

My friends=crack
S2 licensed
Quote from JBiturbo :I used to think that about a YEAR AND A HALF ago!!

And when the patch comes out ( if it does at all ) i think it will not bring any more then what scawen anouced ( tyre phisics, VW and the Rock track ). It can, maybe, bring just a litle perk here and there, but nothing big like another car or track or night time and rain.

Like i said a few weeks ago, i already gave up on the waiting....LFS disapointed me and alot of fans out there, because 2 years and a few months for 1 track, 1 car and some new phisics its not something worth waiting for that long.

But even in this situation, I still play LFS now and then, due to the crapy sims that are out there...none can satisfy me like LFS does and i dont have that much money to waste in Iracing. The only problem is that theres very litle good servers to race on these days.....all i see is cruise , drift, and demo servers.......very few like cargame S2.........i also miss CTRA badly!!

Well...its a shame...realy

Like "KSA Land" said, rockingham is NOT and never was included in the patch. The official content is JUST physiX and the VWS, but im having a hard time believing that Scavier wouldnt add some bug fixes and minor tweaks at other parts of LFS while their at it.

Ivé heard some talking about "limited setups" options but if its going to be realeased in this patch or in S3 i dont know... hell i dont even know if its going to be released at all.

The bad server thing is nothing you can blame LFS delveloplment for, thats the players doing what they want. You can always sign up for a league or something, i play in a league once a week and i experience great racing with top quality drivers and in a great racing atmosphere.

The only way you can get some good racing is by stop whining about it and go where the good/serious drivers are, instead of waiting for them to come to you.
S2 licensed
As ivé stated in this thread before... I think that they got more going on "under the sheets" than we hope for.

I dont think it can be that long before an update, unless they decided to pull the plug on LFS witch i doubt cause they make money from it.

And like ive said before... if there they even mentioned S3 it means its development is already started. As to how far i cant say, but if it were me i wouldnt "stir up" a hornets nest by talking about S3 when a long awaited and overdue patch hasnt been released yet, whithout being somewhat prepared.

I think that besides the VWS and some new PhysX, the patch could very well have some other features and minor updates, atleast thats what i would do if i where in ScaViEr´s shoes. If its already delayed by that far, i would probably stretch it a bit more just to release a hell of a patch to keep the crowd happy.

And with S3 on the horizon i think Scawen wants to keep this patch really good, so good it will be the last patch in S2 before the game turns into S3. That would leave his back clear to just concentrate on S3 and his private life.
S2 licensed
I agree on the whole "points ruined drifting" thing... Drifting is about style, having a great line, much angle and good speed. Ive done so many bad runs that gave me quite high points, and many great runs that wont give that amount of point´s.

Also like said, the art of twindrifting is hard to find nowdays.

If you want some points for drifting you should join a drift competition, with judges... they know a good run when they see one.

My driftserver will never have airo... i drift for the drifting, not some useless points...
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :I think all the tracks that we have will be modified, because the "Rockingam" one is laser scanned, and the force feedback on the wheels will vibrate / hate nascar-type cars /

Well thats you! and oval racing can be very fun. And with rockingham i think we will get another oval into the game aswell.

And i think the only thing thats missing from the game is a car speciallized for oval racing. Just imagine all the new nascar leagues that will come from this.
S2 licensed
Quote from ldriver :the day we have some new physics we will certainly also have around 20 new cars as the existing ones may not feel the same as they used to do.
I hope the interiors will also be updated.

This is a wise post that touches a thing about content that i think most forget.

With updated physics EVERY car in the game will be different, thus you could say we would get 20+ new cars once the patch is complete.

What i would really like to see a nascar-type car, it could be based on the for expample the rb4, just converted to a nascar, both visually and, with a big-ass v8 and rwd.

Exept for rally cars i think that is whats missing.
S2 licensed
Thanks guys!
S2 licensed
I think LFS will be "the game that never got finished"... Because as the history tells, games get...

... done/finished, then played, perhaps upgraded a little bit, then they die cause people change to a new game.

I think LFS could be the game that kills this... cause its holding ground still after 5 years with no really major changes to be "up to date"... this update would sort out physics and bring the game closer to perfection... And even if S3 may be on the horizon, do you really think scawen would just release S3 and be done with it???

S3 would have alpha/Beta/whatever, then "the real thing" and without doubt some updates.

And i think that scawen or "scavier" as a team would have spent to much time, earnt to much money... to just watch their "baby" grow old and die... i think that wether he/they wants it now or not... there´s gonna be something else for LFS in the future aswell...

Just my 2c...
BCCC 2 years down the road...
S2 licensed
Wow its been 2 years already!!!

Doesnt feel like its been that longs since i decided to pick up LFS after 8 months of abcence, and out of boredom start a team with an ex-teammate(the team changed to rFactor).

With some unrest in the beginning and the other dude pulling out i had to basicly start from scratch on my own.

This was about this time of year, back in 2008. And since then ive had a great squad of drivers with me... Arnie, Hjorten, Yoshiwara, Fredde... they have all been along since the very early days.

I just thought id share this great moment with all of ya...(and get some spotlight...:schwitz.


BCCC short for "Burning Clutch Car Club", is a sweden based team with only swedes in the lineup. We call us a "alround" team, but we are mainly/only at the moment racing. We are not fixed to racing... in fact, all current drivers exept "MAX" joined as drifters...

... i dont have a clue as to why we ended up mainly racing... it just happened

We are competing in the swedish league called "torsdagsrace" as we have since the early days. And at this moment it is our primary focus.

Current Lineup is...


Our forums.
S2 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :And showed of the Camero's crumple zones and driver safety at the same time.

Thats exactly what i was thinking...
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :I also would like for buying parts to be easier, seems a bit cluttered.

Cheers for the input though! Need mixed viewpoints to make a game that works for a wide variety of users. Keep it coming.

IVe just started with the same name i have here... give me a few days to get everything in order.. i seem to have bought a silvia q´s and its a drift car.

And im currently need to get the hang of everything...

Right now im going to sleep though.