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Super Adam
S2 licensed
umm...i know there's already a police skin for the UF1, but i was wondering if someone could make a british police version?
Super Adam
S2 licensed
those are awesome!
one problem though, there's no reverse light that i can see, unless u can only see then when comes on when u reverse but other then that, its just invisible?

other then that there A-Spec!
Super Adam
S2 licensed
ok ill delete them, sorry jakg and slidaaa, ill look at the dates from now on.
sorry dudes
Super Adam
S2 licensed
um i did just say sorry! sheesh, sometimes apoligy isnt enough with you people, from now on ill look b4 i post but i can erase something ive already posted can i? hmm?
Last edited by Super Adam, .
Super Adam
S2 licensed
this rules! fantasic vids! when i get s2 (in less then a month) im seriously lookin for uf1 clubs!
are there any? (i know theres this one, but in case they dont let me in)

edit: sorry, i didnt realise how old this topic was before i posted, im sorry
Last edited by Super Adam, .
Super Adam
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Yea, i do like this:
1. I open the replay
2. Open the test drive system
3. Vóila! You can drive that track!

So, please, has anybody got a .Spr of this?

EDIT: And, if only it is Blackwood layout, you can do that.

damn u! there not gonna give us 1 now are they! :sadbanana

EDIT: donna ban me for tryin 2 cheat my way into a layout, i wont try again cause im gettin LFS S2 in a month as it is
Super Adam
S2 licensed
a gif? usually works 4 me when i need summat see though
Super Adam
S2 licensed
gr8! thanks dude!
Super Adam
S2 licensed
oh wow! blue smoke! is there any chance for a red version? or a green?
this is cool
Super Adam
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :no, should work on most (road at least) cars

awesome! ill grab this then *downloads*
Super Adam
S2 licensed
Quote from Jambo :hi

here is a skin for the nissan skyline skin in 2fast 2furious, but does any1 have any other look a likes, eg the mitsubishi Evo, the mitsubishi spyder, or even the s2000?


what do u think?

Heres what it looks like in real-time,
Please Reply with any other skins


PS(this part is edited) I DID NOT MAKE THE SKIN, tonix did, just so people know im not takin the honour of a ksin i didnt make, thanks.

umm can we please have a link to the big version of this pic? cause all i get when i click it is the tiny tiny version

EDIT: just realized this skins not 4 one of the demo cars can u pop up the big version anyway, so that others with S2 dont have this tiny tiny version?
Super Adam
S2 licensed
pretty cool add-on there, dont think ill download it though cause id drarther blackwood in the grassy state it is now
Super Adam
S2 licensed
cool, do i need S2 to use this add-on?
Super Adam
S2 licensed
Super Adam
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :winrar - its MUCH better than winzip and .rar files are much better than .zip

oh rite so i gotta go find myself winrar, ok thanks for the help dude
Super Adam
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :that might help

unzip a .rar? what do u do that in? i got winzip but that dont work, wha do I do?
Super Adam
S2 licensed
preview pic? i think its a setup, not a new car 4 LFS, so there's no point in a preview pic
Super Adam
S2 licensed
lol very funny
Super Adam
S2 licensed
cool! pity i cant use it yet, i await my birthday with great anticipation! (u could never guess why)
Super Adam
S2 licensed
gotta a quick noob question here, wich files do u edit for these? i know its .dds but wich one?

oh and b4 u start shouting CRACKER! at me, im only enquiring about blackwood i aint got no other tracks so i aint able 2 do those adverts
Last edited by Super Adam, . Reason : so that noboys starts shouting CRACKER! at me
Super Adam
S2 licensed
thanks dude! *downloading now*

EDIT: umm that download didnt have the skins in, unless im supposed 2 unzip the .rar?
Last edited by Super Adam, .
Super Adam
S2 licensed
damn rapidshare!
i wait though the download ticket, then it dosnt work! it thinks im a robot!illepall

cant u upload it 2 something else, or at least put the skins up here? i really wanna race and drift in them skins
Super Adam
S2 licensed
so what if its chavvy? he only asked if its possible, not if its chavvy or not
Super Adam
S2 licensed
umm...isnt this topic supposed 2 have the skin templates in somewhere?
Super Adam
S2 licensed
thanks guys...umm...all 3 of you