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S3 licensed
HP Reverb G2 here. LFS is soooo crisp in VR. Best out there really.
S3 licensed
Thank you sir.
S3 licensed
I am unable to connect both the wheel and the pedals. Only one or the other is selectable. I have Fanatec CSL DD and pedal set.

Anyone have a solution for having two inputs?

I have looked at the manual, didn't see anything there.

Thank you.
S3 licensed
Valid point. But autocross has no draw, nor does drifting or drag racing. I race new tracks whenever there is a server with more than 3 cars.

That in mind, there seems to be more people on the demo servers. Demo is important, but perhaps it it too good?
Well, perhaps I was wrong....
S3 licensed
It seems there are some issue with the physics and more tracks is certainly less important than the physics.

My mistake.

I figured as much....
S3 licensed
I did a search for more tracks. Didn't see the heading I was looking for. Perhaps more than just more tracks I would like to see something like rotating tracks/cars. Like first person shooting games.

Keep things fresh and keep from having the one guy that has this track/car combo figured out to perfection and just keeps running the table.

I liked the old Grand Prix Legends game with the LOADS of add on tracks. Lots of fun.

My nickle. Jeff
More Tracks...
S3 licensed
I think the sim is very nice. I would really like to see more tracks. Plain and simple. There have been many suggestions, short ovals, dirt ovals, etc. I think some good dirt tracks and a Sprint Car would be great. But really, all I want is more tracks.

A Simple Guy
