TigerDirect came up as $262.76 US for me, new with warranty. ($234.99 + $27.77 SH)
One seller on eBay is offering wheels for $239.99 with free shipping - not sure how many he actually has; he only puts up 5 at a time. However, you take a gamble on the warranty because the serial numbers on these have been blacked out - the seller says you can read the numbers on some wheels, though.
Sure, it isn't the same 149 CAD deal as a year ago, but it still beats every other offer I can find (while keeping the mfgr warranty).
Make sure you buy it at www.ncix.com, and not www.ncixus.com, otherwise you will pay quite a bit more (~60$ more). When I checked on 10/21, the wheel would run $241 US and some odd cents with S&H.