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S2 licensed
Some notes. I reconected to the server seconds before the race began. Lag start at Lap 20. This time, LFS ended kicking me from server.. Lucking for me, that that was after race ended.

Here are all replays.. Server side.. Mine.. And saved by another driver.

Server´s Replay:
My replay:
Replay saved by mikelquin:

I need a solution for this..
S2 licensed
I´ll try go get that..
S2 licensed
Quote from :I don't see lag...

I see an error at the beginning of the replay;

Could not load yyy's car and after that just "car error".

Feels like synching errors / packet corruption.

Replay 2.

Lap 12/18 when I pass SP1.

I thought that my replay should have recorded exactly what I saw, but now, in my replay, no lag, everyone moving correctly.

In race, since that point, I didn´t saw any car, so that makes racing a bit frustrating..
Lag issue
S2 licensed

I have a problem with LFS while playing online, and yes, I post in Bug section because I think is a bug..

I can stay in a server for a time ( 20-25 mins ) with zero lag. But then, I get lagged, I stay on server, receiving Fastest lap msg, time splits and other stuff, without seeing any other car.

This race was yesterday, for some reason, I couldn´t reconect before the race begin, so I get lagged in race.

I attach 2 replays, replay 1 is recorded by me. Replay 2, is recorded by another racer.

Isn´t a punctual issue with my adsl prov., because it always happend in the same way. Even tho, if I´m lagged, everyone vote end race, and start a race, just like happened yesterday, I can see everycar without any lag, and certain time after that, I get lagged..

And the best of this, I can have 4 mins lag, but LFS doesn´t disconect me..

With no more, here are the replays, waiting for an awnser:

My pc is cleand of any kind of virus, I formated recently. Lastest drivers.
Dual Core E8400, 2 GB Ram, ATI 3870 512mb.
20mb / 1 mb ADSL con.

Edit Before posting:

Checking the replays, in replay one, that is mine, LFS has recorded all cars correctly, but yesterday, while the race, I couldn´t see any car since lag began.
On replay 2, recorded by another participant, I apear just as lagged..
LFSW - isonline not working
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
It´s down again..

At least, some LFSW things don´t work..
S2 licensed
It´s solved now I think..
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Could we get a few more details from the OP please?

No, really not.

Our quals session are 60 mins with an insim app which send info to a php that process the info (license, lap time, etc ).

That´s the second time that had happened us. First time was two weeks ago, and yesterday was the second time.

Maybe a way to reproduce it is starting a 60 mins qual session at 23:30 p.e., doing some laps, close to midnight 23:58 or 0:02, leave the server without restarting qualy, race or ending session, and no more activity until some hours after (10 hours p.e. )..

The LFS server is running on Windows Server 2003 R2 64bits. GTM+1 . I don´t know if it´s synchronized by npt, but I could ask it if necesary...
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :concrete case? :3

Your english is too hard to understand :worried:


Do you understand it now?
mpr autosave function bug
S2 licensed

I have a dedicated server (Z25) with auto save replay option activated.

The replays are saved correctly but if you have a qualify session in progress and the time change to 23.59 to 0:00 ending the session after the change day, this replay isn´t saved.

I haven't tried it with practise mode or race mode, but I suppose it should fail too..

Last edited by ESPAÑA[XTM], .
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :

Mouse steering only full lock after SHIFT+F4

That´s happened me too
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :you can't see mirrors in chase view.

I can in real life.. so is a bug I think..
S2 licensed
I have found a bug.

I don´t know if it´s already reported, but I haven´t seen anything about it.

Look at the attached file, I have draw 3 circles in the mirrors, as you can see, they are in black..


Edit to add: Using Y30 Version
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :hmm, so the situation is :

-you are in a car on the track?
-you have not moved in a while?

Exactly. I´m on the track, with one lap done, and stopped for 14 mins, but before this stopped, I was 10 mins stopped, and from this first stop, It shows me offline

Edit To add:

If I do Esc + Boxes or spectate, I will appear Online, for a time, after that time, I will appear again offline
S2 licensed
Don´t work at the moment

I´ve started a 60 mins Qual session, I have stay stopped for the first 10 minutes, I´have done a lap, and It shows me Offline.

I´m already conected, and as you can check, Offline in the Status Button...

Icon Status
S2 licensed
I posted this in General Discussion, but I think that the correct place is here... So i copy and paste the bug.

On long races, the image button show that you aren´t online, when you are. If you join into spect, it shows ok again for a time, after that time, you´re "Offline" again

S2 licensed
Quote from FireFox86 :Small preview update. I managed to render the (smx file) track succesfully.
Its not yet available. It takes some time to display the cars and other information nicely.

For the future..

Could be posible an option to chose, I want watch the race on 2D mode or I want watch the race on 3D?

S2 licensed

So what´s the original so?
S2 licensed
That video is very very similar to

The same music, the same intro, the same efect with cars accelerating..

This video that I posted is done 100% by Lynce to and the video that appear in first post, I think that is a bastard copy...


EDit to add:

The first video posted in this threat:
From: DaveRST
Added: 1 day ago

The video that I posted:
Added: 3 days ago
From: LynceLFS
S2 licensed
That isn´t a esencial thing.. but would be good have it..


Quote :Töki (HUN)
I think it would be too difficult to create

I think that would be easy because actualy lfs record how many laps do you do, so lfs just would must check if you´re leader, and if is yes, +1 to Total Leader Laps count..

S2 licensed
No hosts, no racers online..
S2 licensed
That´s a lfsw bug, or hack lfsw?
S2 licensed
PM Sent
S2 licensed
He have a new PM..

S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron

I would like a suggestion for the lfs stats. Now with the problem of the lfs hack speed would be fantastic that LFS stats could calculate the maximun aceleration of a user, in the same way that happend with Max speed.

So, watching this table, we would know that nobody is using cheats and could give interesting info to know about the set, f.e. he have a set with less max speed but with high aceleration etc.

But as I said, principaly for know if someone cheats..
