What kind of team are you looking for? (Race, Drift, Cruise, Drag or other) Drift and or cruise
Age: 18
Country: United States
Preferred Car/Track: XRG/XRT Blackwood and Skidpad tracks
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Drift Points: 5k and up
How Active Are You?: 10+ hours a week (full time college student)
What Kind of Control do you use? 360 controller
Time Zone: CDT
Skill: 5+
time zone: Central
whats up dude. seems like a pretty chill team to drift with, and improve. i've ben playing lfs for a while, only recently bought s1, plan on upgrading s2.
Oh yea, i have a bit of knowledge in video editing, if you wanted to make a couple of vids or what not. i don't personally own Final cut pro, but the school would let me borrow it if need be. let me know