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S3 licensed
Yep, I am keen for an update if possible as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from Widdowmaker :Ghost car would do it - but I dont know if it works with X?

Quote from P4U7 :Hi all,

Ghost car was good; it had PB and split times compared but no longer works.

This new vcom insim program seems to be exactly what i want, offline PB, splits, top speed ect. AWESOME! just no ghost car to chase down.
The winamp plugin is also good!

Anyone after a offline program check vcom out! until we have something official within the game.
S3 licensed
Hmm any more info on dedicated mode or how to have a look at this?
S3 licensed
I looked at lfslapper but it seems to be setup on a server for it to run.
I haved looked at it a few times but not sure how it would work offline in single player.

Having a internet connection and also having greater number of AI is a big downside. So that isn't really an option. I dont think iut gives you your current / PD splits ether duirng online races, just updates on your PB when broken.

So a stand alone apllication or having it a part of LFS would be great.
Off line (single player) training
S3 licensed
Hi all,
Just wondering if there is a add-on or feature that will hold PB, splits and other lap information during single player races / off line training.

It would be good to check / know your PB and best splits during offline racing. And that also holds this info after quitting. Fuel burnt # laps per track and car etc. Very similar to LFS stats but for offline / single player racing.

I do a lot of racing / training and testing in offline mode.

Best lap chart is ok, but its resets after each race or when you load lfs again.

Ghost car was good; it had PB and split times compared but no longer works.

Any help or info would be great, or do you think this should go under improvements / suggestions forum?

Sticky keys and Invalid key sound problems
S3 licensed
Taken from the W10 thread

I also have had issues with sticking keys, only when using the keyboard setup.
I first thought it was my batteries in the wireless keyboard, so swapped them. But still happened then i deleted my current settings/control options but it still occurs.

The Problem:
When shifting from N to 1st at any start of a race(new false start system), i will sometimes need to hit gear up 2 times before it will actually change. So sometimes i will need to hit it twice and the car behind has already taken off and hit me . Probably happens every 3-4rd start.

This has also happened with the pit speed limiter L "default key" with the same issue/effect. Need to hit it a second time before the limiter is off.

I don’t believe it to be a keyboard issue as all the other keys, throttle, brake, rear view ect have not had an issue.

Also Scawen i remember a while back with a previous test patch there was an issue with the invalid key sound during races and general game play. Well it seems to have come back with the newest test patches. At the moment it seems to be completely random, sometimes going down the straight with only up arrow pushed. To sometimes when changing gear, turning, braking at the same time ect.

If you would like me to test or check anything please let me know.

I am a keyboard racer at the moment so i am not sure if its related to the keyboard at all..

System specs: Core 2 6600, 2gb ram, 7900GT 512MB ram. Win XP SP2

S3 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :I've noticed the same but I believe it's not related to W10 only:

I also have had issues with sticking keys, only when using the keyboard setup.
I first thought it was my batteries in the wireless keyboard, so swapped them. But still happened then i deleted my current settings/control options but it still occurs.

The Problem:
When shifting from N to 1st at any start of a race(new false start system), i will sometimes need to hit gear up 2 times before it will actually change. So sometimes i will need to hit it twice and the car behind has already taken off and hit me . Probably happens every 3-4rd start.

This has also happened with the pit speed limiter L "default key" with the same issue/effect. Need to hit it a second time before the limiter is off.

I don’t believe it to be a keyboard issue as all the other keys, throttle, brake, rear view ect have not had an issue.

Also Scawen i remember a while back with a previous test patch there was an issue with the invalid key sound during races and general game play. Well it seems to have come back with the newest test patches. At the moment it seems to be completely random, sometimes going down the straight with only up arrow pushed. To sometimes when changing gear, turning, braking at the same time ect.

If you would like me to test or check anything please let me know.

I am a keyboard racer at the moment so i am not sure if its related to the keyboard at all..

System specs: Core 2 6600, 2gb ram, 7900GT 512MB ram. Win XP SP2

S3 licensed
Thanks for the update, will test tonight, and let you know. But the few test before are all very stable, long distance, and quick for me.
Again like people say for experienced people they may not be good, and have an idea about car setup and what to do to correct any issues but few like myself are unsure!!
S3 licensed
I really like this idea.
The setups I have found or tried to edit or create my own, are all really bad. The WR sets are setup for 1 laptop which is very very hard to control / unstable for your average racer.

I liked the Bob Smith setups
But since the recent patches they are unusable.

I would love 1 or maybe 2 car setups that are stable and have good race distance. And that are more competitive than the standard setup supplied.

Look forwarding in testing and using these.

Last edited by P4U7, . Reason : formating
S3 licensed
Whys that....?
After the hype over this car, i have re read the original few post to find some more info. Thinking a new feature would not really be classed as a new car. But something new instead.
S3 licensed
Long time listener, longer time racer...... But still no means a good racer....

Any who, what do you guys/girls think about the April teaser posted on the main page dated Apr. 3rd, 2006 22:00, about the following comment;

"We have also been experimenting with another interesting feature as well... "

Is this F1 car the interesting feature they we have been told about, or is this still going to be a even bigger surprise..? would love to hear your comments.

Anyway back to reading, and applying what i have learnt today, in hope that i get another 1/100th of a sec of my next lap.
