Hello Gegry,
I tried several LPT-PCI cards and all are in different address ranges then the basic onboardports.
Is it possible to make a config option for the port that the LPT uses ?
I didnt wire the 7-Segment display because i can't test it.
@Gegry1992: Is it possible to make the program use other LPT I/O adresses ??
I bought 3 different Parallel PCI-Cards and all are in:
1030-1037 & 1028-102F I/O-Range instead of the normal 378-37F
that XX-YY-ZZ stuff means how they build the type numbers for the
XX= Is USB speed
YY= IC Packaging (SMD or normal......)
ZZ= Is total amount of pins when the IC is a DIL
I found some dealers that have them: Farnell for example, the link is from the belgium site, but they are worldwide.
I think that this is the most advanced , but its pretty hard to solder it because its a SMD component, it has the most I/O pins.
Most pins are bidirectional, this means they can be configured as input or output.
Try to read this manual, it doesnt contain the 40pin version,
but the 44 pin version has only 2 or 4 I/O pins more. so that leaves about 30 free programmable pins.
I think you can build a complete dashboard with it if you use matrix for the LED displays (for speedometer).
Indeed. but the refresh rate isnt the problem.
It's the current that is drawn from the port, 1 LED uses around 20mA.
Most LPT-port chips only can source between 2.8mA and 6mA(rarely).
That is why you need to use that ULN2023.
It's just the avoid that you burn your LPT-port.
@Gegry1992: I maybe found a solution to makr an USB version from HexWax, it's called ExpandIO-USB. The benefit is that you don't need to program the PIC. you just need to write the
to control the outputs.
ya kinda, you can think if it as being a big transistor, it makes sure that you can't draw to much power from your LPT port, thats why you need a external power or a 12v powerconnection from the computer PSU.
But also remember that it will invert the signal, that is the reason why it is used for common Anode LED display.
i think you still need that ULN2803 Then, i found out there's a limited to power consumption on the LPT-Port (sourcing= 2.6ma @ 2.4v & sinking=24ma @ 4.2V).
indeed, but i don't care to much for gear display because once i know a track
i always know in what gear i'm driving.
But thats a personal thing, i can see how other drivers benefit from a gear display.
personally i benefit more from a limiter, Shift & fuel warning.
But if you want to programm it, i will test it , i still have some 7segment display laying around here.
Looks good also, i can see the benefit of that one to.
But the one in this thread is a bit easier to build, for me at least .
And, call me leazy, i dont need to worry about external PSU.
ah i see, but the turnlights are stil wrong then, if you look from behind the car. (i know, i'm a pain in the butt)
maybe a small request: Low fuel warning where you can change the value when the warning must start. example: AS3 needs 2.45% feul/lap, so you can set warning % at 3%. Or something like that .
I really like the indicator mode, i think that it is really an added value to racing in LFS & problably for drifting, cruise also.
I'm currently testing on a older pc that has an onboard LPT port.
Guess what, it's working .
I hope the LPT card i orderd now will work on my race pc (i ordered a card that uses the windows drivers instead of its own).
I noticed 1 little thingy while testing:
It seems that when you use the indeicators, not the rpm, de leds are backwards working: instead of LED1 & LED2 being the shift light, it is LED7 & LED8 lighting up.
RPM indicator works perfect, btw i love that Style 2.