"It amazes me to think that people actually STILL believe throttle braking, and the way it works in iRacing is just "the way it is" lol. I have never had to do it in other sims (rFactor,LFS,NKP) in such a ridiculous way. When I get on the brakes in a real car I actually have time to react to the weight transfer and position the car accordingly, instead of having this weird instant change in direction that is unnatural and unpredictable. I don't like having to react to little twitches and changes in the cars direction, because no real car is like that at all. Driving a real car fast is fluid and smooth, not twitchy and unpredictable. I will say this again, and I'm sure people with no experience will tell me I'm wrong, but I don't feel like the cars have enough inertia..they just shouldn't move as quickly as they do.
I do not like throttle braking at all, but it's the only way i can get a somewhat natural feel for the car under braking to where I can confidently brake late and deep. Atleast in some of the lighter cars.
It has nothing to do with the diff or whatever, it's just the way the car reacts too quickly. Why is this???? I know other drivers who have raced in real life can relate, so why is this such a mystery? Why is it that whenever you are going into a spin you can just lock up the brakes and the car will instantly snap straight? Mass much?"
I've always felt iracings weight transfer was exaggerated but I'm no expert. More wrong over there than just the tire model in my opinion. I'm just happy that I'm not the only one who feels this way.