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Quote from zeugnimod :You didn't get NOTHING but you got constant updates and additional features without having to pay anything extra for it.

Was referring to the past year, sorry forgot to write that... Last patch was 1 year ago, July 2nd, 2008...

I don't really care that the patches were free, I would gladly have paied for them, as i do now in iRacing. I know i am going to be flamed for this, but nonetheless that is my oppinion. And THAT is why i went elsewhere, where i HAVE THE OPTION to pay for more...

Quote from zeugnimod :When have the devs ever disappeared for a year?

Same as above, more or less. After devs have released patches around every ½ a year, then nothing for a year, IS disappearing TO ME... We might se it differently, but thats how i se it... And looking at the new features, comming in the new patch, I started looking elsewhere...

Insight to why i race sim:

I have ALWAYS wanted to go racing IRL, but i am not rich, and i do/did not have the talent for it, besides i am a big fellow, so it was never really an option for me to go IRL racing. BUT LFS satisfied a lot of my dream of going racing, as it is a VERY good sim, and as i said, it has given me hundreds of fun hours over the past 2 years... Think i have done over 115.000 KM online...

And comparing RL racing costs to my costs of Sim racing, there is NO comparison, not even considering the price of iRacing, will i ever get close to RL racing costs. So it is, for what i use it for, still a bargin... I could maybe get ½ an engine for the price of iRacing for a year, INCLUDING all content...

LFS is CHEAP. Value for money, is OFF THE CHARTS, 200 out of 10... Why anyone stays Demo racer for months, even years, is beyond my comprehesion. I bought LFS after having SEEN it. I never drove one KM as a demo user...

So for me, in the end, it was never the cost of the sim, that kept me in LFS, it was the Sim, the racing and the community... iRacing fullfills the first 2 requirements, but i will miss the community of LFS... THAT is why i made a new team where i went, to have contact to other racers here in Denmark...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Thanks for all the nice comments about the team that used to be, and me

Yes, Racer hero gave me away, its iRacing... The new team has the same name, with an added i, take your guess where i added it...

First off i would like to say that i will miss a lot of things from LFS, especially the social aspect of LFS, i have gained a good deal of friends, with whom i've spoken on Team Speak, and a few i've met IRL... What i will miss most will be IGTC, and this was the reason, the decision was so hard to make...

I Love Endurance Racing, but i do not want to be in 2 sims at a time, and in the end IGTC was not enough to keep me in LFS, as there is "only" 3 races left, and next one is almost a month away... This was not to say that its a bad thing, sorry if it came out that way... IGTC is the best series i have raced in... Well organized, exceptional racing, but not enough...

We have NEVER been invited to take part in MoE, therefore we have not driven MoE, would have liked to, but honestly, I was not good enough for MoE...

This thread came a bit off topic, when you started to talk about one of my reasonings for leaving, the development. On that i have a few comments.

First off, the Devs have done an amazing job of LFS so far, great respect for the work they have done, don't get me wrong there...

Secondly i have been dissapointed as well, some of the decisions of development has in my opinion, been completely off track. WHY did they use a lot of time to reinvent South City and Blackwood, they look great, and the changes were for the better, but why on earth did they spent time on 2 well working tracks, instead of making a new environment... Or two...

Thirdly, it was great to see new cars every once in a while, in my active LFS period, the FBM and BF1 have arrived, and then they annouced VWS, and i was really looking forward to that one, would rather have had new track, but a new car would have been fun...

Fourth, as a few of you said, we were quite active in different leagues, i even won a few, and we tried out hosting a league as well, a MRT league, and we had a league all planned out for when the VWS arrived. But my issue here is the choice of tracks, and this is where LFS is lacking, there are only so many tracks suited for different leagues, and when looking at making a league, i always ended up having the same tracks, over and over again, and they have been done to boredom, and then how many sign up for something that has been done over and over again... I know there are xxx combos, but they are not all suited for different cars, try Westhill in UF1, YAWN...

Fifth, i have been posponing trying out iRacing for 2 reasons, it is expensive, and i knew i would want it all, plus, i was faithfull to my sim LFS, that has given me so much fun over the past 2 years, but in the end i honestly was a bit bummed by the fact that VWS has been posponed for WAY too long now, it might be they are doing a revamp of the hole thing, or doing groundwork for great things, or even S3, but my patience got more and more stretched, as the 1 year day for the last patch was closing in, and that day is today, and still no patch...

So 1½ month ago i found an offer for iRacing i could not say no to... Sorry i will not tell what offer i got, NOT EVEN IN PM... So don't ask...

I downloaded, installed, and drove the WORST car i have ever tried in a sim, on a track i have never ever heard of, yet after 5 minutes i was completely blown away by the track, and the FFB it gave... After that it took me a week to open up LFS to have a go... Needless to say, i didn't spent much time on it... Couldn't find a track i wasn't even bored with, just looking at the track name... Ended up doing a bit of XFG @ AS Club...

After 1½ months at my new "home", i can safely say, LFS do NOT need more cars, it needs TRACKs, and badly at best... Over the past 4 weeks i have been driving just 1 single car, but tried out 5 different tracks... Go figure, i was looking forward to VWS, but that would have been fun for a week, whereas a new track environment or 2 would have kept me here...

And my reservations on trying out iRacing due to its price, were well grounded. My worst fears were met in full, i have bought ALL content, even though i am NOT looking to do ANY oval racing...

I bought LFS in Jan 2006 for £24 and paid nothing since, i bought an extra account though, newer used it, so i know it has cost me £24 BUT...

Yes it (iRacing) might be more expensive, but if NOTHING is what i get for NOTHING, i'd rather pay a lot for a lot...

To the devs, keep up the good work you have done, and keep the patches comming at a steady pace, like you used to, once every ½ year, but NEVER EVER leave everyone wondering, by teasing and then disappear for a year...

As for returning, i doubt it, would like to say i would, but honestly, 3 against 50+, i know where the new things come faster...

Since arriving in iRacing, 5 weeks now, 1 new track has arrived, 2 are almost done... They have promissed 4-5 new cars, 3 will arrive within 1-2 months i think... We have had a patch, not that i know what it did, but it was there, nonetheless, all this in 5 weeks...

Hope that development will pick up here, and you all get happy with LFS again, for those of you that are not, and i hope that you will be able to keep SOME of the old timers, there are still a lot of good drivers in LFS, and LFS is a good product... But its no longer enough for me...

One last thing, the thing i love most about iRacing, WE HAVE NO WRECKERS, ban them in LFS when you see them, racing is so much more fun without them... THAT is the one thing i will NOT miss... Safety Rating works...

Kindest regards and good luck
Franke... Click
Last edited by Franke, .
Alias Racing Team Closes
S2 licensed
Alias Racing Team Closes as of June 30th, 2009...

1 month before our 2 year birthday, I have decided to close Alias Racing Team, due to lack of interest from our members, to keep the team alive...

5 of us has gone to another racing sim, where I have founded a new team for that...

I have had 2 good years in LFS, but now it is over, at least as my primary racing sim... I might do occational LFS racing, and if i do, i will be driving my Alias skins...

Team Owner
Alias Racing Team
Franke... Click
Alias Racing MRT Grand Prix Series...
S2 licensed
Hi there,

11 spots open in the 7 race MRT series...

Sign-up and information here:

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
I had that problem when trying to run it on Dedicated server on Vista x64... Havent gotten around to reinstalling the server to XP... But didn't have that problem when on XP...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Quote from migf1 :I think a good setup contributes a lot more than 2-5%. In patch Y my pb with XFG@BL1 was 1.33.800 while with the default race-s setup I could hardly drop below 1.35

Unless my calculations are incorrect that is LESS than 2%

Diff / Targettime = Percent

That is:

(95-93.8) / 93.8 = 1.28%

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Cool XFG interior, i feel right at home, have been driving the Fiat Punto (Mrk. I and II) for 6½ years, so THAT is why i feel right at home... Rumors have been round that parts og the XFG has Punto part's but NOW it is really visible to me

GREAT Patch...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Hmmm, apparently i was the first one to say MRT as my fav. but was close to selecting XFG or FXO...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
BUG or anoying little thing!!!

Results after a race, can we PLEASE have the laps down the same weather its 1 or more laps that someone finished behind?

As it is now, IF someone finishes 1 lap behind they are registered as -1 lap, but if someone finishes 2 or more laps behind it is listed as +2 laps or +3 laps...

Can this please be changed to EITHER - laps OR + laps

The menus look just yummi, and for the multiplayer replay thingy, COOL, but have to say FINALLY ...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
I am running Vista Business x64 using Logitech G25...

But i don't know what you are talking about concerning the drivers, i did this install on Aug. 25, 2007, and it has worked like a charm, from day one. Honestly i am still running the drivers installed back then. Maybe i should have a go at installing the new ones.

Franke... Click
Last edited by Franke, .
S2 licensed
Thanks TAA,

I actually found that file yesterday, when i was do some extensive searching for, but thanks anyways.

If anyone wants to se the result of the rolling start procedure i made, it's used on server:
Just start a race, and it will activate automatically... Hopefully

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Problem is i am making a rolling start simulator, and need to show text "LINE UP AND ENGANGE PIT LIMITER" message when 1st car passes last split And being 1st lap i don't know by then which split is the last...

I suppose i will need to make a file containing tracks and no. of splits on that track then...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Quote from T-RonX :SPX does the job.

Do you by chance have a variable containing the number of splits on track? Like a SPX.LastSplit indicator?

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Thanks a million, can you please tell me the one for split as well?

Forgot i need that one too

Franke... Click
S2 licensed

A bit of documentation would be in order, on that we can agree, but right now i need to know which of theese 3 letter code things to enable, to see when someone crosses the start/finish line, can anyone help, please?

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
I tried, but it tells me that IP and port has been used before, even though i checked that port is not the same, but it will not accept as long as i have the same IP

Might be an issue for Victor?

Franke... Click
More servers on same IP for relay
S2 licensed
Hi, i sigened up for Insim relaying, and got access to it for my servers, my problem is that my 3 servers are connected on the same IP, and the setup will only let me input one of them, though they have different insim ports...

Any suggestions? Or might this be an error?

Franke... Click
Fuel estimate in pit...
S2 licensed
It would be nice if fuel consumption showed the actual LFSWorld fuel usage, unless combo never driven before. Or just a buttom that gets it off LFSWorld...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
On KY National, the Restricted XFR had a top speed of 181 to 185, and the best anyone achieved in the Restricted UFR was 172 i think... So XFRr has WAY to much power at 43%, i suggest that we try a few tests with 45% setting... We have to find the correct setting, otherwise the UFRr will die, in these matched Restricted UFR+XFR races... And it would be bad to have different restrictions, as it has happened with the GTRr class, as CTRA has one restriction spec and MoE has another one

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
We tried your restrictions today, and it is WAY off, in the end, no one selected the Restricted UFR as the Restricted XFR was close to 3 seconds pr. lap faster than the Restricted UFR... We drove on KY National...

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Well, as said earlier, i haven't cleaned up the code, the result posted was made from no knowledge of C# in 7 hours, where the goal was to make a restriction checker, that i needed like 3 days ago, so when i got it to work and it did the basics, i had to stop for the night... I have to find out how to add files in projects, make classes and about a million other different things, and being a Delphi programmer, i know about classes, units ond the importance of keeping it nice and neat, hence i wrote that i didn't have the time to clean up... Have to learn a bit more c# before that is possible. But the will be a priority when i get back to it... Could just have made the easy solution and let everything be static in the program, but that wouldn't have been nice, as i promissed to publizise the app, as lots of people seem to want the functionality... Found 3 or 4 treads regarding this, once i got into what it really was...

Regards Franke

PS! I will update the source when it has been cleaned
S2 licensed
Anyony have a base setup for the UFR-babyR?, if i might be so bold as to call it that

Franke... Click
S2 licensed
First of all..... I DID IT, though i did whine A LOT... But that aside i made it... Thanks mostly to the_angry_angel and DarkTimes... Thanks a million couldn't have done it without you... YOU GUYS ROCK...

(DarkTimes i made an extra param for your source so i could use ushort, and a check so it allows for using linebreaks and comment lines)

Though its not completely testet... Means i have not done other testing than selecting a car with wrong settings...

Well i have included the App, dunno if its too many files, but you can setup the essentials in the Restrictions.txt file, and it works on local servers AND Dedicated server...

If you setup 0 KG restrictions, then any KG restriction is allowed, if you set >0 kg, it MUST be that setting on the car...

If you setup 0% restrictions, then any % restriction is allowed, if you set >0 %, it MUST be that setting on the car...

Have also included my C# project as well, didn't have time to clean it up, and is based on the Example from T-RonX's LFS External Nice little tool, Thanks. So install that and use the enclosed source... Not cleaned, don't know what to clean and what not to

Kind regards
Franke... Click

EDIT: The program MUST be started after insim has been set in LFS, and the app MUST be closed before closing LFS, otherwise it fails...
Last edited by Franke, .
S2 licensed
Ok... Almost 4 hours later... And progress

I can easily make the restriction checks now, BUT i can for the life of me not find out how this file system works, would like to make an ini file like setup for restrictions, used inifiles a lot in Delphi, cos its easy peasy to find something, but i have now searched the help, but nothing...

It took me, by the help of TAA's post, about 10 minutes to figure out how to make the restriction, and an hour to /spec player, had difficulty finding the right variable to spectate... But thats done, but 2 hours to figure out how to read it EASILY from a file LOL... TOTAL C# NOOB...

If someone can make a function where i can put in Filename, Car, Restrictiontype and return me the value, i will make the app publicly available, with source code and everything

Can you help? Or point me in the right direction on file system in Visual C# 2008 EE... Will continue to look for a while... otherwise i will give up on file thingy, and just make it blocked, but then it will be worthless to the rest of you, as password is even hardcoded... Man i feel stupid 15 years programming experience and stuck on a simple thing like files... Tsk...

Kind regards
Franke... Click
S2 licensed
Problem is that i have not setup any programming tools for it, so have to get that to work first, then find out how to do everything, so the solution to my problem might be easy, but i "just" have to get everything to work, the programming itself is no problem, as i said i have many years experience in programming, but none for LFS

Franke... Click