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S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :He's not actually from America, he's British but lives over there now, therefore understands English perfectly unlike Romanians, and is sensible enough to know what he's talking about.

Your luck that you know english perfect , because both of USA /U.K. using english
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :You are missing something, YOUR STUPID friend give his GAME AND MAIL PASS to the guy, and the funny party?, he did it more that 2 times.

Is like give the keys to your car to the theft, so you are F** up

Listen to me Inouva , this topic was born with only one target .The real thing why i was really upset is that i was waiting 3 weeks for a feedback with any solution on my problem !!! This feedback what Victor was written why we could get it 1-2 days after the notification mail of the problem, than sure this topic never "Born This Way "

I apreciate your talent on track, but ... I had never any problem with you until now, but if you use this kind of expression ,then i will like to know you personal , afterwards you will be unable to hold your drivingwheel ,and no god will protect you ,... you can believe me i'm good in that!!!
Great job Victor van Vlaardingen S.M.D.
S2 licensed
Just Wonderfull ... was taken 3 weeks to get feedback of "we dont care about your account" and was taken 3 minutes to buy a new S2 Victor van Vlaardingen S.M.D.