I have the latest drivers and am slightly reluctant to reverting to an older version. I may try this as a last resort.
The card is not overheating and works perfectly in Half life and other games
I have tried re downloading and replacing my install/extraction. No improvements
The card is only 32MB I think, this could be the problem. Although in the options settings checking half texture size reduces the memory used to only 10.6MB but the problem still occurs.
I recently downloaded the LFS demo at work and loved it. I now want to play it without looking over my shoulder at home. I've downloaded the demo but there is a major glitch with the graphics, i've attached a screeenshot. It looks like a graphics driver error but I have the latest Nvidia drivers for my card, 71.89. This problem happens online and in single player/training. I have the Q patch. The PC specifications are below; I know its an old system but I am prepared to run the game in the minimum settings and belive the problem not simply being down to my PC having as much processing power as a cabbage. Many thanks in advance for all help.
Windows XP PRO SP2
AMD Duron 750MHz
Geforce2 GTS PRO
60GB HDD / 40GB Free
All temperatures and voltages are exceptable