Yes, thank you. The Devs were very responsive. In case this happens to someone else, they simply said to just assign a new Game Password and try it. Worked like a charm.
There are several issues going on internally at the moment. The first one is my inability to provide the time to produce the magazine at the moment. I have an emergency family medical crisis that is taking much of my time in addition to the work I must do for that which actually pays the bills. The same thing would have occured had I still been with the other magazine, however they have alternate means to get the magazine produced. We do not.
The other issues are things which I'm really not ready to bring up for discussion at the moment. Just don't have the energy or the emotional wherewithal to go into it. Unfortunately, there is presently no timetable to determine when said issues may be resolved. Perhaps an internet only version of the magazine may take the place of the PDF produced version, can't say for sure. As I said, the aforementioned emergency is taking all the spare energy I have.
As soon as the DNS number transfer is complete, the former site will open with a page directing visitors to the site that is currently up with the new name. This new site will be for racing equipment only going by the name:
VirtualMotorsports Racing Equipment
If the magazine returns in whatever form, it will be distanced from the publication by keeping the other name and domain. That's really all I have at the moment. I really appreciate that some of you were interested in seeing it continue. Again, not saying it won't, just don't have answers at the moment.
I didn't want anyone to think these fantastic comments are going unnoticed. We plan to respond to all of it. it's just right now we're up to our ears in other stuff, me with real work that should subside a bit by early next week. We'd like our responses to be equal to the quality of the feedback. If only all forums were this constructive... Again, thanks guys.
By the way, couldn't resist the immediate response to this item @ glyphon. That's a fantastic cover design! Anytime you want to do a cover, you're hired!
I do appreciate the reserve in judgement. That's fair. But they do what they do and we have our own ideas about content. Being new, VM will of course be an evolving process for improvement each month.
As I was the one resonsibile for design and layout in the other magazine, I can certainly see where one would find similarities, although I would like to think it has some different flavor to it. The main goal is to keep it easily visible and readable on screen and to that end I did make some minor changes, albeit subtle. However I would like to think that the design itself is distinctive enough from everything else.
As always, we are always open and appreciative of any and all constructive feedback. Thanks.
We plan to launch tomorrow. Magazine is done. It should have some things of interest for everyone. Unfortunately, there is still not the LFS coverage we were hoping for as well.
Our offer still stands and always will. We want to talk about the LFS community. We welcome submissions for articles, ideas for articles, and mostly writers of articles from the community. It can certainly be more then one person so that contributions are often but not necessarily the responsibility of one individual. We're very flexible in that regard. Our goal is to write abou the communities that make up the sim-racing world. And you guys are a huge part of that.
Any takers?
As far as the matter of page 5 on Autosimsport, saying you missed something could be considered an understatement. What's missing could fill a book. However, I won't be writing that book nor do I think anyone else would either. But yes, the truthfull answer to your question is that the comments had everything to do with our leaving.
Autosimsport is still in my opinion a fine publication and one of which I was proud to be a part. I wish them nothing but the best for the future. Comments on page 5 aside, their latest issue appears to be another great one and certainly worth downloading.
With sincere apologies, we suffered a severe setback in our schedule due to the storms in the Southeast US last weekend. There were very severe thunderstorms over the Atlanta area, which I'm sure anyone who lives there can confirm. That caused my DSL modem to fry. Forunately, no damage to my computer before I had a chance to unplug it. The modem was plugged into a powerstrip, the computer into a UPS so maybe that's why the computer was spared. This occured on Saturday. The replacement modem did not arrive until end of day Tuesday. This effectively cost us four days of production time as I had no way to access the files needed to produce the magazine.
As my real life job depends on my computer, the lack of Internet/email caused several delays in that area as well. So now we're playing catch up on all fronts. We thought that we might be able to get the first issue out by tomorrow but that is looking doubtful as well.
Your patience and support during this time is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
We are at the point where the products you've been waiting for, such as the HyperReal brake option and the Racing Rack Professional, are available from the factory. We'd like to get orders placed for those who have been waiting for this availability as well as those that have pre-ordered.
As an incentive to get this program rolling, effective immediately, we are offering a 5% discount on all equipment orders for customers in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Placing your orders now will ensure that the correct mix of products are available when they ship from the factory.
The prices on the website and store have been updated to reflect the promotional pricing.
Looking forward to hearing from all interested parties.
Perhaps you could enlighten us as to why you feel the way you do. I personally have felt all my life that there are always two sides to every story, and as such have reserved judgement until both sides are heard. However, to keep this topic from going off track, perhaps you'd like to PM me for further discussion of your feelings. Otherwise it would seem to me unfair to judge us based on the comments of what could be a higly biased party.
Thanks for the replys guys. We welcome your questions and concerns.
Just to clear this up, this will be a freely downloadable publication integrated with a companion web site. Thus, this is intended to be an online source of information.
As stated, our publishing model will be somewhat of a departure from that of Autosimsport. Our intention is to more closely focus on the individual and varied communities of the different major simulations. Like yours for instance. Therefore, there should be enough of a variety to entice readers to download both magazines. We feel competition is a good thing and as such welcome it.
VirtualMotorsports LLC will have more then one facet to it. One indeed is the distribution of racing hardware. In those cases, you will not find us submitting reviews on hardware we distribute. Will we accept reviews of the brands we distribute from outside contributors, even if the review is not completely favorable? Absolutely we will. The magazine, published by VirtualMotorsports LLC, should be and is independent of the distribution business with regard to sphere of influence.
Other then the items distributed by the hardware division, there really isn't any other areas of perceptible conflict with the magazine division. However I guess that will be for us to prove by our actions, correct?
We are proud to announce a new e-zine dedicated to sim-racing and sim-racers. The inaugural issue of VirtualMotorsports is scheduled for June 28, 2006. The e-zine’s co-founders, Christoph Schirmer and Bruce Saltzman, have vast experience in the professional publishing arena and have for many years been actively contributing to the community-based development of sim-racing.
Christoph is co-founder and president of FILSCA, the global association of online racing leagues and the home of FMI, the first and most comprehensive automated league system. In addition to being a co-founder and the publisher of AUTOSIMSPORT, he has also been its occasional author.
Bruce Saltzman is a graphics and publishing professional with almost 20 years of industry experience and also has an extensive background in advertising and marketing. Since 2001, he has been a member of Team McPherson Racing. He took over the design and production of AUTOSIMSPORT in July 2005. He was responsible for the development of the e-zine’s classic layout which contributed highly, not only to its current visibility, but also to its standing with industry partners. In May 2006, both Christoph and Bruce resigned from their positions with AUTOSIMSPORT.
While the plan is to continue with the tradition of reporting on the issues that you want to read about, we are planning somewhat of a departure from the usual format. This will include tight integration between the e-zine and a companion web site, which is planned to be launched soon. We will do our best to offer you a format which brings you all the knowledge and information fit to publish about sim-racing.
For those that would like to participate in building an exciting new environment for sim-racing as news or feature contributors, please let us know by using the contact info below.
VirtualMotorsports Sim-Racing E-Zine
Publishers and Co-founders:
Christoph Schirmer
Bruce Saltzman
Sorry guys if I misposted. It is actually in the hardware forum as well. However I do appreciate your indulgence for whatever time is granted.
The idea about a forum for advertisers is a great one. Also, Autosimsport did a review of these pedals. All product reviews can be found on VPP's site.
Although we have been live for a number of days now, I'm pleased to announce that with the completion of phase one of our e-commerce site, we are officially open for business.
Virtual Motorsports LLC is proud to serve as the exclusive North American distributor providing sales and service of VPP premium racing equipment systems. You are encouraged to visit our site at Your comments and feedback will be most welcome in addition to any questions you may have.
It has been our goal to provide the most efficient shopping experience possible. To that end, please don't hesitate to contact us should you encounter anything that hinders you from realizing that experience. We have tested the store for complete functionality, however it is difficult to imagine every possible scenario. So again, please don't hesitate to contact us with any issues concerning site access.
Over the coming weeks you will most likely notice changes to the interface of the e-store portion of our site. These changes are specifically planned to further enhance the experience during your visit. Your patience during this time will be greatly appreciated.
Although we have been live for a number of days now, I'm pleased to announce that with the completion of phase one of our e-commerce site, we are officially open for business.
Virtual Motorsports LLC is proud to serve as the exclusive North American distributor providing sales and service of VPP premium racing equipment systems. You are encouraged to visit our site at Your comments and feedback will be most welcome in addition to any questions you may have.
It has been our goal to provide the most efficient shopping experience possible. To that end, please don't hesitate to contact us should you encounter anything that hinders you from realizing that experience. We have tested the store for complete functionality, however it is difficult to imagine every possible scenario. So again, please don't hesitate to contact us with any issues concerning site access.
Over the coming weeks you will most likely notice changes to the interface of the e-store portion of our site. These changes are specifically planned to further enhance the experience during your visit. Your patience during this time will be greatly appreciated.
* Editorial
* Force Feedback
* News
* T1: Mystery Sim Revealed
* T2: An Appointment in Lienz
* Split-2nd: A Conversation in Lienz
* T3: Armaroli—Designing the Concepts for the Future
* T4: NRD V8 Open-Wheelers
* Rally Insider: Rallying Around Richard Burns
* Fifth Column: From Here to There via Before
* Chequered Flag: Racing News
* Front Straight: The Manthey Porsche — An Appreciation
* Interactive Racing: Cut to the Race
* ?Gazzeta Auto Italia: Amicizia, Sport e netKar in Fiera
* Back Straight: Plunging into the HEAT of Road-Racing!
* FILSCA Monthly Results
All the latest news - including coverage of nKPRO's debut in Lanciano
* T1 - Online with netKar PRO - World Exclusive Review of nKPRO Demo
* T2 - KART Masters: Inside Se GAMES' sim
* T3 - Lienz Festival of Speed: ISI's new release unveiled
* T4 - Steve Smith's Fastest Car in GTR
* Exclusive interview with RBRO
* Aussie V8s
* All the latest on N2003, NASCAR Heat
* Racing News and Results
* Comics, columns, results and ... so much more!
I have to say that the response has been overwhelming for just the first day. However I have to admit I'm not surprised as the LFS community is one of passionate sim-racing enthusiasts. i'm also thinking that based on our desire for a monthly column dedicated to LFS, it might be a good idea to consider more then one individual. That way, no one person has to feel they're under pressure each month. Also, different points of view are always a good thing.
As far as what to write about, just keep it topical. The column is really not about racing leagues and race results. That information is generally found in the FILSCA section of the magazine. All FILSCA member leagues have those results posted on a monthly basis along with appropriate news items in the FILSCA News section. It's one of the perks provided for being a FILSCA member.
Take a look at some of the past issues to get an idea of what I mean when I say 'topical.' That should help you decided if this position is right for you.
Thanks again guys for the great responses. Let's get the LFS community a proper voice in AUTOSIMSPORT.
We at AUTOSIMSPORT have felt for some time that the LFS community has not been adequately represented in our magazine. To that end, we are conducting a search for a person or persons who would be interested in authoring a regular monthly column about LFS and what's happening in this vital community of sim racing enthusiasts.
If this sounds like something in which you'd be interested, please send me an email and we can discuss it further.
* News: The latest from the sim community
* Turn 1: Lord of the Hungaroring - GTR Setups
* Turn 2: ARC_Team's Power Pedals 'Home-Edition' Preview
* Turn 3: Made with Laustahl: The VPP Pedalset Professional
* Turn 4: Modding the Mods
* Side-by-Side: R.A.C.E.R.
* Fifth Column: The 2005 AUTOSIMSPORT Readers Awards
* Front Straight: Stop! Your 'authentic' pedal set is all wrong!
* Interactive Racing: Supporting the Community
* Latin Racing Heat
* Gazzetta Auto Italia
* Rally Insider: Rallying around Richard Burns
* Back Straight: AeroWar88 Mod Conversion for rFactor
* Racing News and Monthly Results