well first commit charge was 720mb (i only got 512mb ram), but then i closed most of the programs and got it down to 400mb with lfs but.. i tried to play but nothing changed... before closing lfs it was up to 500mb already
it can't be malware because i just installed windows xp yesterday
// i lost the freeze with gpu downclock (and lost about 20-30fps @min gfx) but still doesn't explain why there ain't no problems at other games
well i can play most wanted for hours and not a single freeze, just had problem with 2 games.. fx5200 does have a fan, i can't see it moving(since card is upside down) but i can feel the air moving , and the annoying part is that lfs keeps on freezing even at 640x480 16bit resolution with most of the effects off.. i think it started with previous patch.. i'm gonna download older version and see if it's still freezing... and if that dosen't work i think ill need to start downclocking again
tried patch v, still freezing... cpu usage goes to 100% and whole pc freezes with the game.. mby memory leak or something?
My LFS seems to be freezing for 10-15 seconds.. it happens randomly.. sometimes i can ride clear for 10 sec sometimes 2 min (current best)..
i had a similar problem with gta san andreas (had small freezing) but i managed to fix it with DOWNclocking my gpu core but no affect on lfs, tried minimum grafix but nothing.. my pc dosent have quadturbo processor or hd4870x2 gpu but... game shud still run smooth
i has a p4, fx5200gpu and 512mb ram.. and i have no problems on my laptop with like 64mb integrated video
well i used seperate and then i cud only use 1 of the pedals but how i split axis.. i dont have any drivers or something.. just plug&play i did some split axis stuff whit the software i got whit the wheel but.. nothing changed in game
well the thing is .. i can't make a burnout because the brake and acceleration are on the same axis in lfs(only in lfs) so when i hit brakes and gas at the same time nothing happens .. in other games and in "gaming software" program where i config my wheel n pedals.. the gas and brakes are on difrent axis.. oh btw.. i have a cheap logitech "formula vibration feedback wheel"
well i think if i wud install older windows.. then ill coud dl driver update(since there is no xp version) and have 3d suport thingy... but i can play old games atm like quake2
edit: oh well.. i mostly use my laptop to study anyways.. i can still play lfs on my pc :P
well.. i knew that.. but how can you tell does it suport dx8 or not.. if its not some geforce or some other known gfx card. (ps its adapter tab and.. u can see the gfx card name just by clicking settings tab.. it will be above the res. like... lg tft flatronic on geforce 440mx)
but there prolly wasent even dx when this pc was built
anyways "Silicon motion LynxEM"
i tryed everything but still no progress cant get the game workin on my laptop (PIII) it fits min. req. I think the problem is whit video driver (the latest is from 2001 jan. )