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Gediminas lfs
Demo licensed
Quote from Gediminas lfs :Kazkiek padejo. Dabar apsukos bent sukyla iki maksimumo. Gal gali duot savo skype ? Patogiau butu susirasyt, padetum dar truputi

+ man neiskyla zalia juosta..
Gediminas lfs
Demo licensed
Quote from Sobis :I'll write in lithuanian languague so he will not misread.

Sveikas, eik į: nustatymai>valdymas>Ašys/VIBR.
Ten reikia nusistatyti ašis. Tu kai paspaudi pedalą (pvz gazo), tau iškyla žalia juosta apačioj kairėj? Jei iškyla, vadinasi LFS 'sugavo' tavo pedalus ir tada reikia nusistatyti. Spausk ant Akseleratorius ir tada ant šliaužiklis 0. Po to spausk ant stabdžiai ir pasirink šliaužiklis 1.
Jei pas tave ne lietuvių kalba, ją gali nusistatyti paspaudęs nustatymuose ant game.
Aš pats turiu FFX ir man jis veikia kuo puikiausiai jau 3 metus.

Kazkiek padejo. Dabar apsukos bent sukyla iki maksimumo. Gal gali duot savo skype ? Patogiau butu susirasyt, padetum dar truputi
Problem with my FFEX pedals.
Gediminas lfs
Demo licensed
Quote from Gediminas lfs :Hello.

I not very good know elglish speek, that's don't be angry if i do most mistakes

I got Logitech formula force EX. In all games my pedals works good, but on LFS... Steering wheel works good, all butons too. But i can't set in settings the pedals.. :/ Then need to set axelerate and brakes i just can't do that, i'm pushing the pedals, but they don't set... (looks like that they dont works, but it works 100 percent.)
Maby someone can help me ? Pls.. I'm so wanna to play LFS !

And sorry if i writed this post not in this place.. I don't know where i'm need to write about my problem, but i think here
Can't set with my FFEX pedals
Gediminas lfs
Demo licensed

I not very good know elglish speek, that's don't be angry if i do most mistakes

I got Logitech formula force EX. In all games my pedals works good, but on LFS... Steering wheel works good, all butons too. But i can't set in settings the pedals.. :/ Then need to set axelerate and brakes i just can't do that, i'm pushing the pedals, but they don't set... (looks like that they dont works, but it works 100 percent.)
Maby someone can help me ? Pls.. I'm so wanna to play LFS !