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Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I didn't think I was that positive about it.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I agree with Tor, the DK2 screen resolution is noticeably too low. But apparently the CV1 edition up next is going to be higher resolution.

As for the difference. At first driving tin tops it wasn't bad, I'd played LFS in 3D at high res before so I was just exchanging free look for resolution... But in the open wheel cars it was astounding.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Sorry let me understand right, because it sounds like you want to add pictures of LFSrs in to your Fappening download folder.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I have a small amount of rift usage on video to edit but I won't have time to see what I've got and edit it up for a another week or so.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from three_jump :This is gold



The crusts on your picture look more like an American pizza, but otherwise that is exactly how it looks.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Paris is lovely for a short break, Nostradamme, Eifel Tower, L'arc de Triumph etc... And the weird metro that has wheels as well as rails (I assume they still do that, it's been about 20 years since I was there)... But I could not imagine spending all that long there.

The Mona Lisa (in the Louvre) is actually just a small yellow painting of an un-exceptional woman and a massive crowd infront of it - you'll get at most a few seconds infront of it - and only then with some assertion.

Paris is a total contrast to the rest of France, it goes from a Western nation to something out of the middle ages. To give an example, in Paris toilets are clean - but you pay to use them. In the rest of France toilets are disgusting holes in the ground, but at least free... The Parisians have the audacity to call them Turkish toilets, like they're not responsible at all for their terrible sanitation!

I could spend a week in France, but I couldn't spend more than 2 or at most 3 days in Paris.

Most French are very pleasant and will help you in English as best as they can (English speaking is relatively common, but extremely heavily accented).


London is a fantastic place to visit, you must see Hamley's, Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square and have a night out in Soho.

Much like Paris however, it's novelty wears off quickly and the prices are extremely high. You could be entertained every day of the week with something new and different in London but it'll cost a small fortune.

I can highly recommend some time in Holland, if you get the chance go to de Efteling (it beats Disney Paris hands down), de Bazaar is also pretty cool if you head up North - and Amsterdam has my favourite museum of all: Katten Kabinet which is worth a few hours of your time although it's a fair way off the beaten path - the Rembrandt museum is less crowded than Le Louvre in Paris, but if you want to see Anne Franks house you need to arrive EARLY. Very early. The queues are a mile or two long (there is another house of a less famous Jew in Haarlem a few miles out from Amsterdam which never has a queue).

If you head further East Vienna (or Wein) is worth a visit, which has the Prater (amusement park) and some lovely architecture - plus some nearby climbable mountains for some in the wild romantic sex.

Rome is great if you love churches, if you don't then there isn't much else to see. You can see the entirety of Venice in a day and Pizza is a pretty dirty city except around the leaning tower of pizza which is quite nice.

I've not been to Barcelona.

Hope that helps.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
bah, no force feedback on the Hyundai... And I agree about the life expectancy of the wheel bearings playing LFS for hours without steer by wire...

But I don't 100% agree that steer by wire can't be safe, we don't all take 6 years to release an update :P... But some aviation style engineering would be needed to ensure the system fails to safe and I'm not sure I would trust some car marques with that job... So I cede the point
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Well that was awesome.

I just got in after dropping Tor off at the airport, so for me the weekend is now finally over and I'm exhausted from all that driving.

LFS on the Rift is pretty epic, especially when driving the FOX which was simply put amazing - so great work from Scawen there.

Of course the focal point of any LFS meet up is the karting, and it was as usual my pleasure to clock a 1st and 2nd, thus further cementing my record as the most successful LFS meet karter of all time - way ahead of Jason who isn't bitter about it at all.

It was an amazing event and great fun, so thank you very much Jason and Michelle for laying everything on. I really enjoyed it, and I hope sleeping until 13:30 on Sunday wasn't overstaying my welcome too much!

It was kinda odd not to have Ben or Victor there - you will have to do better next year guys!

And I still can't believe I lost the poker when I was holding three of a kind. Dan is going to make a lot of people broke one day.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Probably Friday late afternoonish as usual Jason, obviously it's up to Tor but I've half a plan for casino tonight. I might even posh meself up a bit.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Setting off to pick you up in a few minutes Tor.

Unless you bought more Havre Gryn, in which case I'm leaving you at the airport.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
That's a damned shame Bob
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
That's great news Victor. Just a thought: How does it handle entering times on a future date that is on the other side of a local timezone change?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I've worked for firms like that, or as I call them: Professional Bankrupts, these days I check the directors and their history, and the solvency of the company prior to interview. It's not infallable but I'll do anything I can to avoid working for another crook - it's just soul destroying and messes up your own credit rating. It took me years to get on the housing ladder as a consequence.

I wonder if this effects Rogue System.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Indeed, I've watched the end of a few live streams

I'm pretty well up on time zones, but I wasn't without error when running a league back in 2006... That's a great feature suggestion.

I'd like to see a calendar thats hyperlinked to lots of meta data too: server join links, lfs watcher / replay files, LFS world results etc.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
That's cool, just don't plan on staying long in the airport. Stansteds short stay car park costs more than the GDP of South America.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from mbutcher :It's really nice but some older browsers (especially mobile) still can't render web-fonts.

I've never come across a font that I could not get to render on anything on the web - but there is a trick to it :P

The problem is because there are different OS', so specifying a font you install to a web page usually involves pointing to a particular font file on the server - but different OS' need the file in a different format.

I use Font Squirrel's Webfont Generator to convert my fonts in to all the different formats needed. It should work with everything post WAP :P.

I have not tried FontAwesome, but I would be surprised if it cannot handle the job
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Monday is also fine Tor, in many ways its better because less rushing around .

Plus this way you get 2 nights in a gay bar.. Or two Knights, depending upon your point of view
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Hi Tor Thursday should be good for me - but we'll head to Jason's on the Friday afternoon/early evening so that Medusa is not home alone too long, I'll be booking it tomorrow.

The airports have not changed since page 1! Take your pick...

Quote from BeckyRose :
Birmingham (59min)
East Midlands Airport [Castle Donington] (1h01min)
Luton (1h01min)
Stansted (1h21min)

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :looking at analytics, the number of mobile users is only a few percent, so imo it's better to cater for desktop first. In our case at least.
Yes I like stats too

I thought that might be the case being a PC game - and I imagine most of the mobile use is from forum members who have already purchased and are therefore less likely to convert.

In my day job I'm coding for 40% tablets, and statistically speaking I still need to support IE8 upwards - because the visitor numbers X conversion rate X average order value says that the time spent supporting IE8 pays sufficiently well to keep doing it - although I would love to personally visit all my IE8 users homes and throw their PC's from the top of the nearest tower block. It was only six months ago I could drop IE7!

I believe that respondaptive sites are going to become more problematical to make soon though, with increases in mobile screen resolution they'll detect essentially as desktop resolution - but on a small screen. It is possible to detect retina by the pixel ratio property, but I guess we'll have to move over to dpi at some point - but that makes development on a single device much harder. I'm not looking forward to that at all.

Anyway I'm rambling ineffectually, are you coming to the Rift Meet? It would be nice to catch up.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :Yep, using Mustache

I have trained you well young padawan! Have you played with helpers and sub-templates? I'm all over that stuff! Especially method calls from within the template so you don't have to pregenerate content that isn't needed Mustache (and similar systems) are just win. (but not as cool as shaders).

Quote :I actually started out with a fully fluid (hah) design. But there were a number of pages that hold a lot of content which are very hard to wrap into a narrower area.

You're right: sometimes you have to work from the mobile view up - and very occasionally you end up delivering the content twice in different ways which can be frustrating. There is a downside to respondaptive web design ( I am too used to saying responsive! I use respondaptive here out of deference to Scawen only! )

Quote :the only way of fixing a table with a lot of data for example is I think to really redesign the page and think of another way (a way mobile users are used to) to display that same data.

Data tables are just difficult on mobiles full stop, I remember when I had one of my home businesses hooked up to a real time Google spreadsheet (which was actually a cool thing in itself) so I could check in on my business from anywhere and control my whole company from my iPhone even when I was over in your neck of the woods... I usually didn't though because it was such an ordeal to use a spreadsheet on an iPhone!

For the most part working around the limitations of mobile is about thinking in different ways, rather than squeezing down desktop designs into mobile. Many designers insist that a proper site is designed mobile first and then design tablet & desktop afterwards... But design is subjective and mostly opinion driven... The world is full enough of opinions - I prefer stats
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Doh! Brain lapse, I meant "October" .. And yes, slightly over 2 weeks, I'll get it booked
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Under two weeks notice makes it extremely difficult to book time off, I would be in breach of contract technically. Whilst it's a fairly informal atmosphere here - I am a leader and should adhere to the rules.

If it must be, then it must be - but I would prefer August.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :I know everyone's saying to make it responsive, but imo that is really very hard to do - to make an entire site responsive (or adaptive, whatever). Some content is just not suited to wrap nicely into a tiny window.

If you're using template based content delivery then it's pretty easy. Did I sell you on Mustache when we chatted about it before?

I use a custom css grid system inspired by Bootstrap to do the respondaptive (I'm in marketing, so putting those 2 words together seemed like the natural solution!) - the key lies in setting

After that it comes together pretty easily with media queries like:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {

I use some standard layout stuff, to produce final html along the lines of

<div class='row'>
<div class='column large-25 tablet-50 mobile-100'>
My left column content
<div class='column large-75 tablet-50 hide-mobile'>
My right column content

The result is really easy to use, although it does produce more div layers in the final output - but applied to the output templates it should make short work of a migration to respondaptive web design.

Quote from Boris Lozac :Just can't get used to the new forum design and i find myself not frequenting it regularly like i used to..

I'm finding myself not checking in on the mobile, although vbulletin was a pain in the neck it was easier to read on mobile.

On desktop I much prefer the refreshed site .
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I've heard "mobile friendly", and of course there was Googles campaign to "Get Mo" along with a cartoon character called "Mo"... But not mobile friendly view, which could describe a different thing. I would say a better choice of wording would be "adaptive design" - but we live in an era where the period symbol has been 'abbreviated' to "lol" - so what would I know...
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Because it's called "Responsive Design". It's the marketing term (so to speak) for a website that each page can be rendered in a way that is usable for any sized device, instead of the old style of if(mobileDevice){redirectToMobileSite()}.

Yeah I get it now, ever since the first person explained it to me. I've made LFS do that for a very long time, but didn't need to use a misleading name for it. It's self-adjusting, so call it self-adjusting, don't call it responsive which already means something completely different. I'm more of a no-nonsense kind of person and I don't go along with stupid marketing speak. So I'm just telling you that is a stupid name and no-one outside that niche will understand it. That is not communication.

Sadly Scawen, in the world of web deelopment the proper word is "responsive" - as a web professional and a hobbyist games developer myself I completely understand your confusion though. There's lots of things that annoy me about web coding too!

I do view and post here on my mobile - but Victor no doubt has the stats and will know if the extra work warrants doing - how many people without licences are viewing on mobile? I'd hazard it's mostly us forum junkies... But let the stats guide you CRO should be the focus, and I've already spoken in private to Victor about that in the past.

Site design refreshes can have a short term negative impact on sales whilst prospective customers don't recognise the site and think they've lost the link - but once the lull is over I hope the facelift achieves everything you hope for