S3 will come out when it comes out, end of story i dont care if it takes another 5 years, ill stick to LFS because its the god damn best racing simulator ever!
They dont advertise themselfes, thats true, but stores do it for them, i always see some discounts or great deals on Logitech wheels in this or that shop, but never saw one for the other wheels mentioned a few posts back, i think its the matter of shoppers demands,if tech shops offered wheels like Leo Bodnar wheel, or FREX, i think people would buy them and then the demand would be greater, and with that, people would hear more about those wheels. But we are entering a disscusion of marketing and advertisment now.
Nobody is fighting, just disscusin about wheels, we cant even know how the other wheels perform because they arent advertised enough, and you dont see them being disscused much, in apart from the G27 which is disscused on a regular base.
To be honest i have heard only about the T500, the other three, never heard of them from anyone, and another problem is that in your local shops you cant even get three of those wheels. In Croatia all you can get from shops are G27, DFGT, Thrustmaster F430, other lower quality thrustamster wheels, and strage japanese wheels for low cost. Fanatec, Leo Bodnar, FREX, all have to be bought over the internet i suppose?
1. Because of the best community ever!
2. Because LFS has the best physics of any sim i played
3. Because i still hope that i will see the day when S3 comes out
4. Because it never gets boring to drive in LFS
5. Read my signature
Thank you for the reply guys, by your statments, i have decided not to try to hook those two up, im having a hard time with FPS now, it would only get worse if i connect my laptop to my screen. Ahhhhh save money, upgrade to a new configuration
I think we should give him a chance guys, he is one of the most legit racers i know, if you wanna race with somebody on S2 this is the guy wou wanna be racing againts!! I support him completly for S2! You should to!
Great stats, great driver and a great person to!
On demo servers you cant pass some turns fast in the xrg without drifting, and thats ok, but i dont tolerate when someone drifts the whole track and doesnt respect the blue flag when others catch up, when i warn someone about that, usualy the person that was drifting starts to insult everybody on the track and leaves, and i dont get that..
But i agree, dont drift on the race track and dont race on the drift track!
No, frustrated people write like this. Because you have no idea how much effort my team put into the managment of those servers, and how much time it took to get those servers full and keep them runing full. And now we cant do nothing either than stand and look how this Anakin dude is ruining all the hard work because he hasent got anything else to do..
Some of us are not programmers, and we dont do this kind of stuff, and as i can see people that are programmers and do this everyday, even have a problem on how to stop him, so please think before you say anything at all.