I need a bit of help. I've recieved my Oculus Rift DK2 today and have played several demo's. Awesome stuff but whenever I try to play LFS using the DK2, something is wrong. I've tried multiple things but whenever I go to the 3D mode and select the Rift, it says tracking isn't enabled. It's very weird because it already says that in that status thingy. The Rift has been found but it doesn't use the tracking. The tracking camera is enabled and working fine.
I don't get any of this either: "You should be given the option to exit, ready to restart in Rift mode".
Again, it does recognise the DK2, but can't use tracking. Whenever I do go into 3D mode after following all the steps, closing the game manually and start it again, nothing happens. Not on my main monitor and not on the Rift either. I just see my Rift as a 2nd monitor and that's it.