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S2 licensed
Nation: SRB
Driver Name: Milos Vojinovic
Username: misa555
Number: 06
S2 licensed
As a driver who caused the incident I feel like I need to say few words. It seems to me that its better for us (GT2 cars) not to be a gentlemen on the track. Only thing being a fair driver brought me is three hits, that caused suspension damage on my car, and 30s time penalty. Despite all of that we still haven't decided to protest against any of GT1 cars. Maybe we should have, that way GT1 cars would be more careful when they lap us.

As for the incident it self, when i saw #16 car in my mirror before T2 I left enough space to turn dumper truck in that corner and still, somehow, #16 car manage to stay behind me. Exiting the corner I looked left to see where the #16 car is and i havent seend it, neighther I saw it in my mirrors(which are usless btw.), so I asumed that it gone on my right side. When I saw car in my mirror, it seemd a bit too far away, but at the moment only thing that crossed my mind was that it was the same car (#16), so i went as much left as I could so he could lap me as easy as posible, but unfortunatly that was some other car and I crashed into #16, who was on my left at the time.
Another thing, overtaking someone on the outer line is, by my opinion, extremely rude. In this case #16 driver not just that he missed his chance for clear overtaking (lapping in this case), that was given to him at T2 , but he tried overtaking on outer side, even he couldn't comlete it before braking point. Let's say tahat i haven't crashed you into that wall and that there was no third car, there are two scenarios of what could have hapend. First is that we paralely enter that corner and i let you pass. In that case you slow me down quite alot, and thats exectly what you've called unfair driveing. Second one is that i dont let u pass. That way eigther I slam you into another wall or you slow down to avoid incident and not overtake me. Eigther way overtaking on outer side is eigther pointless or unfair. Now just imagine what could hapend if third car was included.
Btw. don't think GT1 cars doesn't slow us down too or that you are the only one being slowed by GT2 car, there are same rules for every one in your's class and where you run on GT2 car is pure luck(or lack of luck) and thats part of racing too.

Just to make my self clear i dont think that crashing you is anyone else's fault but mine, it's just that, that sentence about my distinct lack of situational awareness and ignoring other cars, bothers me. I can handle the penalty but I can't handle beeing called noob or unfair driver, cause I'm not eigther of those two things(as nobody from AMT is, otherwise we wouldent be called to join the team).

Looking forward racing you at WE, and sorry for my broken English