Hi all !!
It´s great for me that I can take part of that league. Thanks Gizmo.
I recognize some of your names becouse we race together other leagues like UXRL, Mini Turbo Cup, CRC Mini League 5... Other names sound me as WR holders, others are well known leagues organizers, and others are new for me at all... Nice to meet you all and to share that league with you.
I would like to comment some of the points I´ve seen in this thread from my point of view.
1. I need to know the day and time for the race. Please. I work and it´s normal for me not arrive to home until 18:30 - 19:00 UTC or so. Once a month I think I can make it early with no problem but I would like to know it ASAP.
2. +1 vote to create a protocol for if there are more drivers turning up than slots available. Depending on the final decision for the point 1, it can happen that I am the last one joining the server every race. Or not. But I found the Becky's proposal to be a good alternative. Most of the times someone can tell if he can make the race or not at least one day before.
3. +1 vote to drop 1 (at least) round of the championship. Though I am from those who will show every race.
4. +1 vote to put something in the last chicane, or to be prepared for hard stewarding. I vote for the second option, thinking it better.
Finally, sorry for my bad english, spelling errors or whatever that sounds rude or something like that for you, not on purpose. Everything that admin decide will be ok to me in the end
