Just one question : Is it necessary to dowload April Pack, August Pack and then June pack and install them all ?
I think that the last pack (June) is enough but I'm not sure.
Open LFS Folder and open CFG.txt with Block Notes, look at the number which is allocated to outgauge port, for me it's 11111, you open now virtual dashboard, you click on setup and type the number you have found for UDP Port, click on apply et voila . . voila !
You are right, I just hope that you'll publish all schematics about this project which seems so promising - You are doing a fantastic work which sends to prehistoric times all that had been done before.
I have made a GI rev Meter according to Nick's schematic, it works fine for all cars.
I have tested it on LFS patch Z (10), no problem : 4 leds for RPM and 1 led as shift - Light.
Two pictures front side and Back side.
I use an AC/DC 12 Volts Adaptor and 510 Ohms Resistors
I upload the folder which contains LFS Companion and a lot of Txt files this morning.
You just have to wait that they Add it in latest files.
I have never tried it.
Don't expect to use it with Z version of lFS.
Uploading in lfs database
This tutorial expects you to have registered. When you are logged in, a "Click here to submit a File" link will appear in the downloads section. Browse to the section you want your upload to appear and press "Click here to submit a File". Fill the form, and ensure everything is compatible with the rules. Then click "Submit file" and wait for the file to be uploaded into your servers. Do not press the button more than once, large files will take a long time to upload. After submitting your file/mod may take up to 3 days to appear in the downloads section.
I'm sorry to disturb you one more time but I have problems :
I haved clicked on SetUp to install your program.
I have got this message :
Impossible to install or execute application.
This application needs Assembly devExpress.XtraWizard.v8.2 version, you have to install Assembly devExpress.XtraWizard.v8.2 version in the Global Assembly Cache ! ! !
It's too complicated for my "little brain" . .
There are also two folders called SimAdapter and, can you tell me what I have to do with them.
Thank you very much in advance for your precious help
Can you explain very simply with a short tutorial how do you install Simadapter client simvb.net and how you make it work together with simadapter and simview in LFS.
P.S : Untill now, Simadapter and simview Work fine on LFS with these parameters.
After Modifyng CFG.TXT
Outgauge Mode 1
Outgauge Delay 10
Outgauge IP
Outgauge Port 4711
Outgauge ID 1
In SimView :
127.0.01 as IP
9090 as server Port
9091 as Client Port
Je suppose à voir les couleurs du drapeau que tu es Belge, une fois . .
Je viens à ton secours en te répondant en Français parce qu'à priori tu as affaire à un petit trou du cul d'Anglais qui se croit spirituel et très drôle.
Si tu veux des PRESETS pour LFS Tune dont le développement par CIPH a cessé, il faut que tu passes en revue toutes les pages qui lui ont été consacrées, tu devrais pouvoir trouver quelques trucs mais il n'y a pas grand chose, ça te donnera quand même quelques idées, le mieux c'est que tu expérimentes par toi même.
Le fait de ne pas trop maitriser l'anglais ne va pas t'aider, bon courage quand même.