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ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Thx for the hard job Scawen.

Now for the big one!. Make some over the top physics and shut up all those iracing wanabees
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Well, i´ve driven lot´s of cars over this years. I´ve some experience driving fast and i have gone to a few BMW training lessons.

All in all, LFS is the only simulator were i feel comfortable with the handling of the cars.

Haven´t tried iracing, but in LFS the response of the cars, the feeling on the steering wheel, the FFB, the weight changes, etc. feels pretty realistic to me and way better than any other sim.

The extreme set´s may be difficult to handle, but according to what i have learn from guys who has experience in racing, the car´s set for circuit behave in a similar way to the fast set´s in LFS.

Also i love the way LFS manages the behaviour of the car according to how you use your tyres and how you heat them.

The physics are not perfect... well, scawen is working on that and till now he has done a better job than most of the big software companies out there. BTW, i also own Rfactor and i got bored of trying to get the damm thing work properly. I only use it now to make some laps on the F1 circuits before the races and since i got F1 2010 i am not bothered with that either. (btw, F1 2010 is awful regarding car control)

My last try was NFS shift 2 because i wanted to try some of the circuit´s..... After and hour i quit full of frustration and it´s suppoused to have direct support for my G25
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
I am pretty excited with all this news, but i wan´t to point out something that really put me on fire:

"Talking to Victor about possibly releasing the updates in a patch, he asked if it was possible to do a quick fix in SHIFT+U mode to help with his LFS Record program. I have long been a little frustrated in SHIFT+U mode so I got a bit carried away with that and rewrote all the camera control. It took a few weeks (that made me nervous as I really want to finish the new physics) but the result is a lot nicer to use. You can move the camera around freely, not bounded to the track path. The editor is fully aware of where your mouse is pointing and that helps with mouse movement and object positioning."

Whoever says after this that Scawen is not interested in lfs anymore, can go and hit his head in a wall
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Nice server and nice racing. It feels so good to have some decent LX racing that i feel like having a new game

Also thx for removing the points system. I think the new one rocks

See you in the server!!
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Hi scawen.

Thx for your post and for letting us know whats going on in the background.

I would love to see the work go faster, but thats because after playing lfs everything else in the market feels lame.

I have desperately tried to find other game that gives me the same feelings and sensations while waiting for the new patch but i failed

So i am going to wait for as long as needed because this kind of work is different from the usual stuff made by big companies and once you get hooked is like a drug... you will never be completely free of it.

Also, i know you don´t want to open the game to modding yet, buy after the physics are ok that would be a blast and could release you guys of the work of beeing asked for content again and again.

So please, keep working and keep the illusion.
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Well, i tried to teach driving to my little cousing (she is 11) with my G25 using the H pattern.

I made a setup with shorter first gear and a few tweaks and tell her to drive at legal speeds.

It certanly helped her to understand whats going on in the car. After an hour or so she was able to make upshifts and downshifts pretty well. She even learned to avoid the car moving sideways while changing gear (typical noob mistake) and that kind of basic stuff.

The father didn´t knew anything about this and a week later he was amazed when his daughter was correcting him for not putting a lower gear entering a slow corner and as the car was underpowered at the exit

So, it´s not bad to get the basic feeling for the basic driving movements (clutch, braking, H pattern, etc.)
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
When you struggle to get 20 minutes to play you don´t have much choice
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from no_one :Tut tut bob what will this anchor do to the handling balance

If you hang the anchor at the back of the car, you will create a porsche 911
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
This post reminds me of this great "Top Gear Challenge":

Some of you may remember it. They were trying to make a Renautl avantime as fast as an Mitsubishi evo.
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
IIRC, the 3d glasses have a similar effect as using a monitor with half the hz. (half of the images go to one eye and half to the other).

So in theory, in a 60hz monitor you are having 30hz on each eye. That is a really low number and can give you a nice headache.

I am very sensible to monitor refreshing speed. In 60hz monitors i can´t play more than an hour. Now i have a 75hz monitor and things are better, but as soon as i can i will change it for a 120-200hz monitor.

So if you want to use 3d i reccomend having a monitor with a good refreshing speed to avoid your eyes hurting.
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Thx to the devs for the new patch

In the old patch test forum someone posted some info about using multi-screen sets in a single screen computer.

I´ve never been comfortable changing the FOV in the game. That looooong arms effect did annoy me so i was using always a FOV that didn´t let me have a proper vision to the sides.

Well, i have been trying a 3 setup monitor (using only my 19'' monitor) and you can get some nice results using a kind of fish eye. It´s hard to explain in english but i have much better lateral view without losing my dashboard in the horizont

Frames have suffered a bit, but perfectly playable with an ATI 3870.


I read about it in this post, not in the patch test forum:

And thx to the devs for the new server management system. I have to say that i have found NO OTHER GAME in my life that handles online playing as well and as fast as this. I am amazed how such a small team can make things better than most of the big companies.

But i have a complain.... i´ve get so used to having such detailed menus that other games out there now annoy me . Yep, it´s true, using other games i feel that i cannot get the controls exactly as i wont them, i have to use console commands to solve issues, etc....

There are a lot of small changes that make the game experience much better now.
Last edited by ATic ATac, .
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Beer + LFS = Win!

I have to say that i had to stop using the F1 BMW in the game because i had no time to drink in the straights
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
To do a Glock: Try a risky strategy in the last laps of a world championship, almost succeed and get bashed for failing
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from RocksGt :In Spain this is actually called to pull a St. Ganchaw

I think noone in the world can understand that joke except a spanish forocochero
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :i feel sad, ferrari just broke my heart. i dont understand, why replace a driver who filled the whole team and fans with pride during the post shuey era, for a man ( the last man to defeat shuey)..... it just is pure nonsense.... + kimi is the one and only iceman.... was it because he likes an ice cream and a coke? seriously... i dont think that i will bother watching the races if kimi isnt there....

kimi to redbull anyone?

I have some friends who are hardcore ferrari fans (which was not that easy in Spain with all the Alonso followers)

Well, they were quite dissapointed with kimi. Yes, he got a WDC, but ferrari fans were used to win or at least to feel that their car was strong and dominant.

In 2007 McLaren was ahead (till the las 2 races, lol), in 2008 they had a lot of mistakes that ultimately costed them the WDC. In 2009 they have been nowhere for months....

They are now thinking of a new start, a new era, a new leadership... well, they basically want something like the schumy years back and they don´t feel that kimi is the man for that.
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 : Why Ferrari Suddenly have so much faith in Alonso? We all know he is good, but it isn't recent news, if they really wanted Alonso they would have got him back in 07.

This is speculative, but IIRC Alonso signed an agreement with McLaren to exit the team at the end of the year, 1 year before the end of his contract.

That agreement had a clause saying that Alonso couldn´t go to ferrari in 2008.

Then Kimi won the WDC and he used a clause in his own contract to renew automatically with ferrari for some more years. (2 i think)

This is and old tale which goes back to the minardi days, when todd tried to get FA, but he chosed Flavio instead and went to Renault... and Todd got slightly upset
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
I reckon this game is the best value for money i have come across in my life because you can keep playing it for years, so i don´t mind what the future S3 license will cost....

but please release something!!!!!!!

It´s just the wait is killing me

I am really excited to see how lap times on a real circuit will compare with the virtual ones. I would also love to see compared telemetries
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Can the poll be edited to include Hamilton and Alonso?. It´s pretty weird to see nakajima and not 2 WDC
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :someone who is consistently excellent should be consistently on the top of the podium I would say....

Actually it reminds me of a season where senna won the championship despite having less points, he won because the rule states that only a number of the best scoring races count towards the championship (I forgot how many), Prost was more consistent and Senna had more DNFs, however counting the best races only, Senna won, nobody seem to have a problem with that.

I would love to see the system to reward risk taking rather than consistency, but I just don't see why can't they go back to the old scoring system, which solves everything and people can actually comprehend.

Yup, years ago it was common that pilots could discard the worst result´s of the year.

It was the same in bikes, and i when they took that out, many racers complained that they were rewarding the slow consistant guys instead of the fast guys... just the opposite as today
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :It's totally fair, don't DNF. If you push your engine program too far and blow it up or drive the car over the limit in crash how is that unfair? I just don't get these posts about someone winning the title by finishing 2nd all year being unfair. The guy ran in second place a lot! He obviously has talent and a fast car, how is it not fair for him to be a champion?

How is it more fair to win a couple races and DNF in all the rest because you made stupid mistakes, but you could become champion anyway since all that matters is wins now.

Yes, but the DNF can be because the second guy took him out

My point is that there are no perfect systems. For a long time we have been rewarding consistency. It´s more or less the same now, but having to take more risks for the win
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Well, i have to say that i agree with the new rule.

F1 drivers over the years have been separated between title contenders and the rest, who were fighting for a good place at the final standings.

With the old point system, after the last pit stop the races become bored as everyone settled and preserved engines. It was so difficult to pass that the teams (not the drivers) usually decided that getting two points was not worth the risk. We had excepcions over the last years (spa 08, etc), but the rule was that the ending of the races were just boring.

So now, noone will be able to cruise when leading or going second. Either you win or you win. There are no more options for the contenders.

Seriously, after a few races, the number of possible WDC´s is limited. Even if a lot of teams have mathematical chances, the truth is that miracles don´t happen often.

If one pilot rules like the schumy era, the championship will be over pretty soon, but with the current regulations i expect at least four teams with enough potencial to win races and we will problably get to the last races with the title undecided.

Let´s be honest, the majority of the pilot´s know that they have no chances of getting the title unless something amazing happens. It has been like that for years and will be the same with any kind of system.

Have an open mind guys. Wait till the middle of the championship and the let´s make conclusions based on facts.

And i want to remember you that with the old system one pilot could win 5 races in a row, another one make second in the same races taking less risks and if the first pilot had a DNF he would lose all the advantage in one race. Is that fair?

btw, 10 days to go... wooooooot!

Ops, and some guys mentioned motogp.... well, except for the fight at laguna seca it has been one of the most boring years i can remember of.

Rossi wanted to win that race just to get a psicological advantage over Casey. He has always done the same, destroying the opponents self confidence. It was a tactic, nothing to do with points. Rossi is in another level and must not be used for comparisons
Last edited by ATic ATac, .
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Amazing race. So many things happening on the first hour it was hard to even remember them

It´s curious how races this days are decided by small things. If massa didn´t had the error in santa devota that costed him a few seconds he could have won the race be exiting his pit stop in front of hamilton.

Congrats to the british fans. Even if Ham was lucky with the first safey, he made a truly great race.

Still wondering what happened to Raikonnen. He was like a shadow of himself all the race. Very dissapointed also with Alonso. He had a good chance of getting to the podium and just killed it by losing the nerves (and killing heidfield´s chances of getting a decent result on the way)

I would pay money to have races like this every weekend
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from steviemax :Please don't take anything negatively. By having a over 30's server, I believe the atmosphere would be alot more relaxed. This is not to say it won't be competitive.

I could be completely and utterly wrong in my assumption, but at the very least, it would be nice be know one is racing with people of a similar age group.

I think age is a good general indicator for behaviour and expectations. Just would be interesting to have such an option.

I am 38 now.

A few years ago i was playing counter strike and found a server were most of the guys where 30+. It was amazing, no whining, cheating, etc.

In online gaming is just not the same to play with kids than with adults. I love LFS because pple seems more mature than in other online games.
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :Quote from Mark webber about the upcoming Spanish Grand prix:
MW: Barcelona is a track which everybody knows very well. I wish we would race in the other direction, as we are all bored driving this way around.

Pretty much sums up the weekend.

Unfortunately i have to agree. Set´s are perfectly studied and overtaking is really hard, so most of the race will be decided on saturday
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from traxxion :Bah seems like I really am the only one who thinks nowadays F1 cars are the sexiest vehicles ever.

+1 for the slicks though.

I agree with you. This is 21st century and i love the way that cars look .

I´ve seen a F18 fighter really close and it´s the same feeling of air flowing allong the shape. The way the honda looks remains me of a transformer and i love it

Anyway, i want the slick tyres back and if i get better racing i prefer to get rid of all the aero