Hi All.
Top game, I'm trying to run a dedicated server to get some of my mates to play.
When i start with lfs cfg=setup.cfg i get an error 'invalid command line'
my setup.cfg is
//Example dedicated host configuration file.
//How to use : LFS /cfg=setup.cfg
/host=Host Name
//if required - password
//if required - admin password
//if required - InSim port
//if required - local specified ip address
//a high number below 65536
//Blackwood/South City/Fern Bay/Autocross/Westhill/Kyoto Ring/Aston
//config : 1=GP/2=RALLYX in Blackwood
//no / yes
//weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood
//cars allowed - see README.txt
//max number of guests that can join host
//max number of cars in a race
//max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc
//max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc
//smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second
//qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying
//number of laps, 0 for practice
//if laps not specified - hours
//no/yes : can guests vote to kick or ban
//no/yes : can guests select track
//no/yes/ban/spectate : wrong way drivers
//no restart within X seconds of race start
//no restart within X seconds of race finish
//no/yes : allow join during race
//no/yes : pit stop required
//fixed/finish/reverse/random : race start order
and my deb.log says
timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
Invalid command line
I have only just downloaded the dedicated server zip and have made no modifications
It's running on an AMD XP2400+, 512MB, Windows XP Media Edition
Can anyone help?
ta Spotta