[screenshot] In preferences of GFX card I had set all on Max Performance. Also there was Default texture (Předvolba textury) set on Performance. When I change Default texture on Quality, font is OK.
How you can see at screenshot, i got a problem with main font.
I had uninstalled LFS Q (where everything was all right) and now I have installed LFS Z from full installation downloaded at http://liveforspeed.at/?q=downloads in new fresh folder, everything from old ver. was deleted.
I wish if you can disable connecting on server with a used nick and also disable changing nick in the game or kick when somebody change it to the same nick like another have.
Because there is no other way how to uncover fakers in the game and they are really awful with mess and rush they are doin (for example faker is spamming and crashing others and after that vote kick the original player, everyone press 1, because they are angry).