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White Lightning Motorsports
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Drivers needed
We would like to announce our first event since we joined the LFS community, the WLM Road series. This will consist of multiple car classes on all different types of LFS road courses. All races are designed to take 30-45 minutes. There will be a 15 minute qualifying ​session at the beginning of each race. The race will begin as soon as the qualifying is over. When you finish qualifying park your car in the pits, DO NOT spectate. If you are spectating at the end of qualifying, you will be forced to start in the back. Be ready to put on your race setup and fuel either before qualifying is over, or right before the race. All times posted below are the times that qualifying begins. Races will all be in the WLM public server. The server is still under construction but when it is up we will be racing the track in which the next race is on.

Team Name: White Lightning Motorsports (WLM)
Server (Y/N): We own 3 servers, 2 of which have been taken down from the public. They are now private to the team.
If yes server name: [WLM]Racing, [WLM]Drift (Public) & WLMotorsports
Type: Racing, Drift, Cruise. Whatever division you pick.
Team info: Owner: [WLM]Cinema
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Depends if i know them.
Demo/S1/S2?: S2 but im open to s1 drivers also.
Extra Info: last i checked we were in a partnership with TGR Top Gear Racing but that was about 3-4 months ago, ill have to check in with them.
Last edited by Speed Werx, .
Welcome A New Team To LFS!
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Drivers needed

We would like to announce our first event since we joined the LFS community, the WLM Road series. This will consist of multiple car classes on all different types of LFS road courses. All races are designed to take 30-45 minutes. There will be a 15 minute qualifying ​session at the beginning of each race. The race will begin as soon as the qualifying is over. When you finish qualifying park your car in the pits, DO NOT spectate. If you are spectating at the end of qualifying, you will be forced to start in the back. Be ready to put on your race setup and fuel either before qualifying is over, or right before the race. All times posted below are the times that qualifying begins. Races will all be in the WLM public server. The server is still under construction but when it is up we will be racing the track in which the next race is on.

1st annual "Caged in Derby".
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
The first annual CodeRed(Caged In Derby) will be held Dec. 31st (Monday).

I have developed a brand new layout! It's based on the autocross course and features lots of different obstacles including ramps that go almost 90 degrees up the walls of the autocross park dubbing it "Caged In". Anyways the layout will be a surprise for anyone who would like to participate in this event!

It will be a 4 "race" format. The format will depends on how many people we are going to get in the server. But, for example say we get 24. the last 18 people from the 1st round will goto the next round. next round the last 14 people will move on. 3rd round will be the most crucial to those who make it, out of 14 people whoever the last 10 people are qualify for the FINAL. (Top 3 podium)

The will be awards at the end of the tournament for example (most speed, best technique, wildest driver,)

Caged In Derby

Please sign up for the event prior to the start time. Dec. 31st, (8:00pm) Eastern

Sign up at:

Happy Ramming, Speed Werx
This is crayy!
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Now its saying it not finding my user name??
Still out 4 me
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
It's still not connecting for me. I took my server offline just in case something serious is going on :S
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
i took it off the site.
Done! :)
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Here you go! Only took an hour (: Its 2048x2048 so its as hi res as you can get it (: This was one of the easier ones iv'e done in a while (:!classes/c1yws

^ Your Skin ^ (3rd one down)
I'll give it a try (;
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
I'll have it done by tomorrow (:

Next time you want a skin just order a custom skin from my website (:
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Sorry it bothered you guys so much jeez. lol
Creative Skinzz Designs
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Creative Skinzz Designs
I'm pleased to welcome another website dedicated to LFS and Iracing. I have made the website because, after all the year of playing LFS i've found myself grabbing other designers skins and using them. One day (3 years ago) i got tired of the same old general racing brand skins, SO my solution was to put all the textures and un-official mods that ive gathered over the years and contribute to the LFS community in a way thats not a forum and has live updates. What i mean by live updates is, There's not one skin, texture or mod on my website that isn't compatible with LFS 0.6e.

On to the good stuff, I'm now making customized skins for LFS users, you can sign out a form on the website. BUT, what makes this process so unique is you can order a roll cage, gopro camera attachments, suits, helmets and you can even order custom in-game banners for Blackwood and Fernbay.

Talk to you soon, Creative Skinzz Designs

Creative Skinzz Designs
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Last edited by Speed Werx, .
very nice!
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
The tail lights are awesome! Very good, high quality work. (:

This is just a personal picture with the interior and taillights (:
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
And how would i go about naming this file..
lol. Over dramtic much?
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
It's just an old picture guys.. Chill. (:

Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Sorry! Didn't even look where I was creating the thread! (: gosh, I took that shot so long ago I have it on my modded version of lfs I believe it's a s14. I'm all mixed up right now.
Code Red Drift Team
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
We are pleased to welcome yet another drifting team to the LFS community. Code Red Drifting is in an up and coming stage, but lacks driver count! If you would like a role in this new league of drifting please visit the team facebook page and message us! If you are interested in being a team driver you can also submit an application on the team website. We may have the best looking cars, entries and angle but without driver we're merely a spec in the world of LFS.

[CRD] SpeedWerx (Leader)

[removed image]
Last edited by Flame CZE, . Reason : removed image containing a vob mod
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
almost there
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Sounds good :eclipsee_

Well one things certain this bguy got to dam good lookin skins for 2 different cars lol

I look forward to more comp with you :slap: ;P lol
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Considering i made all my stuff from scratch and it was better quality then yours i'm sure i won. I didn't use the same picture because it was low reselution (couldn't find the original) and if you made skins since the first time you saw a racecar then you should know the XRT has no room for the AXE logo. That and your talking crap about my work yet you compete against me using my own work that states "Speed Werx, Please do not edit". I was being creative not copying exactly what was used as an example.

Also, the skin you made won't cover the whole side of the car by the way..
I can literally go on and on about the mistakes you've made but i'm sure you can do the same about my work.. Everyone makes mistakes and their is still lots of room to improve on my part considering that was only my 2nd skin.

Anyway we both tried and some made bigger mistakes than others.. ;P

impala ss (think again...) ... 99054497_b07a1bc668_b.jpg

(coincidence i think not.. lol) ... nascarimpalass02_biga.jpg

Just for future reference AFAIK (As Far As I Know) ;P
Last edited by Speed Werx, .
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
So i think i win All mine was made by me.
Speed Werx
S2 licensed

goto: 2) MANUAL PATCH (3.2 MB)

- Click HERE and save the patch installer.
- You can run the patch installer from its download location or from your LFS folder.
I've Been Working on it! -SpeedWerx
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
I'll try (:
Im Working on it! -Creative Minds
Speed Werx
S2 licensed
Im Working on it! -Creative Minds

Like it so far? (its not nearly done..)

If you need me to make any changes now or later just email me ([email protected])
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That goes for everyone else who wants skins! ;P