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Hendrik Hemmler
S3 licensed
Nice to see progress!

Unfortunately (just a very quick test) I get the same error message (but with "-2147024809" this time).
Let me know if any information could be helpful.
Hendrik Hemmler
S3 licensed
Same on the second machine (much less devices attached, G25 again).
If I just use "Send effect" with the startup values (10000|-1|0|0|-1 & 5000 & 0)
I get "Cannot create effect. E_INVALDARG: An invalid par. (...) -21470248)"

I'd be very thankful if you could have another look at some point. Maybe you could revisit your todo list as well
Hendrik Hemmler
S3 licensed
Missed your reply, thought I had subscribed properly.

I was trying this with a G25. I can try it on a second PC soon.
Hendrik Hemmler
S3 licensed
Just tried it, but so far all I get is "Cannot acquire the device. Make sure no other application is using the device"
Hendrik Hemmler
S3 licensed
This is 2560x1200 as I always wanted WIDEscreen

(7900GTO 8xS AA/8x AF, Vista x64, Powerstrip for the custom resolution, Dell 3007WFP-HC)
Last edited by Hendrik Hemmler, .