If u don't a broadbandrouter it's ok to forwarding. Every1e uses xp is strongly recomended to turn on "UPnP" in the routers configuration site, accessed on internet.
You could type "http://xxx.xxx.x.x" Whereas "x"'s is the routers ip address
Linksys uses "" D-Link "" SMC ""
Linksys psw is "admin" same for the d-link I think. SMC uses "smcadmin"
I have the replay with the whole scene, i can send it over msn if it's of any interest, can give you the username of the idiot, if u send me private msg
Now I did manage to find his username by the help of one who did find him in his log. i dont want to say his name here, but I certainly send it to the developer...
I would just say that I watched an replay last night and tried to search for the one who crashed in the whole 5 or more pack in the front of the grid when the race lap began.
The track was Blackwood, and when the first corner came, the idiot just acted like a torpedo and smached in al the car in the front.
In the rest of the race i watched from my replay the fella, and he just ruined the race for all of us who tried to be serious!
he first had the nick "___" and changed it twice, becuse he is a nickcopyer! an unfortunate driver had the realnick. The others even tok wrong of the two and started an wote kick session on the serious one!
He also tried his best to camouflage in with the rest by drive reasonably when others passed by, but some times at the start finish strait for instance, he just tailed someone and didn't brake at all before the hairpin corner, and smached in the car in front.
So thats it folks! I just vant to warn u that there are those who play wery unfair out there...
Is u sure of what u saying Tweaker?
From what i learned from games like F1 challenge the camber culd be propotional with the amount of anti-roll bars and suspension stiffness
is there somewhat a different law of physics in this sim, than the real world?