Ok, a few things I want to clear up, I'm not a complete idiot, I know what blue flags are, but some people expect you to pull over even if you are 100 metres in front of them.
In Maraz's case, I was slightly frustrated because I had rolled the car and had to make a pitstop, so I was trying hard to make up time, but your claim that I turned in on you is bs. The safest way to let someone past is on a straight. As you were so close I would have let you past after the esses, but instead you decided to lunge at me, that was your own fault.
When you did pass me, you broke earlier than I expected, maybe I should have anticiptaed it, but it wasn't a banzai move I put on you, I did it to avoid rear-ending you.
I'm sorry if I caused you any inconvinience, the race didn't go to well for me and I let myself get annoyed, but I was not ignoring blue flags.