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Change frame rate display to clock?
S2 licensed
Had to reformat and reinstall everything, so now I have LFS back up and running but I can remember the little tweak that change the frame rate display to a clock. Anyone remember how to do that?
S2 licensed
Quote from Paulo Bordini :F9 used to bring up my tire temps but stopped working. I've tried everything including reinstall. Anyone have a suggestion?

TrackIR captured my keys. Turned it off and problem solved.
S2 licensed
Quote from N20zuki :i hit F9 to bring up the tire monitor and nothing. Same with F10

Did you just install TrackIR or any other program that captures those keys for it's own use? I was using TrackIR for IL2 flying, and switched to LFS and experienced exactly what you describe because TrackIR loaded at start up even though I wasn't using it.
Yes, but F9 not showing temps
S2 licensed
A bit off topic, but not a lot: for some reason F9 does not show tire temps on my system. Used too, but not now. F10 does show damage, however. Is there an options switch that turns F9 on or off (if there is I can’t find it)? Is the a config file switch (ditto)?
S2 licensed
Quote from ddmak :T . . . good to know the Bootcamp works better than Parallels . . .

FWIW, I installed Bootcamp on my MacBook so i could run IL2 Stormovik, but it wouldn't cooperate. Installed Parallels instead and it runs flawlessly. Overall, I much prefer it to Bootcamp if for no other reason because it doesn't require a complete reboot. I run IL2 in a window right next to the stunning new Apple iWork Numbers application (makes Excel look like VisiCalc by comparison).

But I'm here because I'm trying to run LFS and get a graphics driver error (could not detect suitable screen modes) I'm trying to sort out.
Last edited by Tailspin, . Reason : added some second thots
S2 licensed
Quote from sdimm88 :The problem is that the logitech g25 has two motors in it. . . . If lfs could be configured to remove that gap when using a g25 this problem would be out of the world.

That's what I've concluded too. At the moment I'm using 105% in Profiler and 50% wheel centering, contrary to all recommendations. Notch is still there. but has a real car feel.
S2 licensed
Quote from gohfeld23 :I've had some luck on my DFP with setting the FF in profiler to 80%-90%.
It took out the notch but you'll need a day or two to get used to the FF as it will feel a tad different. One benefit of this is that it'll allow you to be more precise in setting FF in LFS as the 5% difference is now much smaller.

Good luck.

Rats, that didn't help either.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Hi All, i had a similiar problem, but i soon sorted it. If you go into your options, look for something called "analogue steer smooth" turn this down to 0, it should then get rid of this problem, or it did for me at least.

Dang, found it and changed it. But joy.
S2 licensed
Quote from robertchapple123 :you using 720? plus i have the same problem dunno how to fix it hope there is a solution.


Actually, since I race mostly FOX, I have it set at 450º.
New G25 problem (not covered elsewhere)
S2 licensed
Searched here, at Logitech, and across the web and can't find a solution to this problem: there seems to be a 10º 'notch' or 'play' in the center of the steering range of my G25. If it was a real car I'd say I have worn tie-rod bushings. In any event it makes smooth steering rather difficult.

Found several Logitech-general and G25-specific setup recommendations, but none seem to solve the problem. In fact, I'm on my 3rd wheel from Logitech--they seemed to think it was defective, and assured me it should be smooth across the full wheel turn.

The problem occurs with and without using Logitech Profiler, and is definitely related to the force feedback. That is, with FF at 0% in LFS the problem goes away, and as I crank it up the 'edges' of the notch become more and more pronounced. While it's possible I've had three defective wheels, that seems such unlikely.


1. Does anyone else have this problem?
2. Does anyone have a solution?


For the record, the Windows device settings I'm using now are Force feedback ON and 101%, Spring and Damper effects ON and 0%, Centering spring ON and 0%. In LFS Wheel Turn Compensation is 0.00.
Last edited by Tailspin, .
Actually, he's right you know . . .
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :The truth is that most people in the world are not actually too bright . . .

Half the people in the world are dumber than the other half.

Maybe more.
It ain't paranoia if someone really is out to get you
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I guess I'm just prejudiced against idiocy

Me too! Is it prejudice if something you think is true?

Actually, what irritates me is people who are smart that are idiots.
S2 licensed
I used to drive Nascar Racing 2003 sim until I discovered LFS. LOVED being able to drive real tracks, including several that I'd actual driven in real life (BMW drivers school). Today I still enjoy watching real races because I "know" what's around the next corner thanks to the fact that I've virtually been there--recent Monaco F1 comes to mind. In fact, not having real tracks is my only regret with LFS.

As for flying, as a flight instructor for almost 40 years I absolutely agree that flight sim experience helps when you climb into a cockpit. No doubt about it, hours in a sim will save you money and make you a better pilot in a real aircraft. Indeed, real airline pilots will make they're first flight in a real airliner with passengers on board (as copilot); all their training is in a sim. A sophisticated full motion sim to be sure, but a sim none the less.

That said, I can also assure you that as a noob you might be able to keep a 747 in the air for a while, making gentle turns and climb/dives, you would probably be unable to recover from even a steep turn, much less successfully land.

As a former Naval Flight Officer (bombardier/navigator, not pilot) with lots of jet experience, and as a civilian commercial pilot and flight instructor I was hopeless trying to fly a Lear Jet the first time I got my hands on one. For that matter, as a certified multi-engine instructor with lots of tailwheel time, the first time I ever tried to just taxi a conventional gear, twin engine WW2 C-45H I was mortified by my performance. ('Course maybe I'm just not a very good pilot--but I haven't bent an airplane yet!)

BTW, a sick pilot or copilot is not an emergency. Even a 747 can be flown by safely by a single pilot if necessary.
Not in LFS
S2 licensed
TrackIR is indispensable for flight sims, but I don't use it with LFS. I find that small head movements are indistinguishable from car shifts and ruin my 'feel' of what the car is doing.
S2 licensed
Quote from RobbyMac :I did tweak the fox body a bit (suspension shadows/holes, added body moulding to the top of the sidepods and some minor shadowing). I also went the upper engine cover like tweaks (more yellow/less blue).

Nice touches!

Quote from RobbyMac :Tweak, your much closer than where I am (indianapolis). Although, I was born in the Pensacola naval base back in 69 just before hurrican Camille (sp?). So I guess im a 'Navy Brat', though he finished shortly afterwards (did a small stint in Norfolk) and somehow I wound up in the midwest.

Hey, I was in pensacola in 1969 going through flight school! How 'bout that.

Will down later. My bride sez we gotta eat!
S2 licensed
Looks terrific! I love it!

Are you anywhere near San Diego? While the car may never fly (well, it certainly will with current LFS physics, but that's a different issue) I do still have a WW2 C-45H and would be dee-lighted to take you along sometime by way of small repayment for your efforts (actually that offer is open to both of you).

Again, thank you both, and let me know if you're around these parts so we can hook up sometime!

I'm indebted to you!
S2 licensed
Quote from RobbyMac :I'm a designer by day

I say do what you're good at, man! You're the guy who's so graciously investing his time for my pleasure, so i say make it you masterpiece--something you're proud of--and I'll be thrilled!
Last edited by Tailspin, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Well yeah, mine was just a work in progress

Man, that's amazing! You really have knack for it. Good eye emulating their scheme.

Quote from Tweaker :Great photos on Flickr BTW My Grandfather helped build quite a few of those planes back in the day.

Thanks! Who'd he work for? What did he do?
Yeah Baby!
S2 licensed
Quote from RobbyMac :I was unsure about Toyota though, since you requested it.

Let's go with the Toyota has to have an engine, after all.

Great work, just as it is...but I don't see your 'signature' anywhere. How's about a tasteful "Body by Fisher" or 'Pinifarina' plaque somewhere, if you know what I mean, that shows you made this skin
I'm Happy!
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :You could perhaps just use what Robby made... it is sufficient I think.

I'm delighted with both and can't figure out how to choose! Yours reflects the simplicity of the aircraft perfectly, but he's already added a bunch of details.

So in the end, since I'm imposing on you both, maybe the answer is go with his so neither have to put in any more effort on my behalf?
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :The yellow edge on the wing that is above "US NAVY", I don't know if I like that being there, but it's up to you. (I think it kind of represents the wing tips)

I like it. As you say, it looks like the wingtips/tail on the Hornets

Quote from Tweaker :Anyways, there aren't any details of a jet's body panels, this is just the design of the yellow bits im doing first.

Can't wait to see it!
S2 licensed
Man, you guys nailed it! Very, very nice. Although I specified other sponsors the clean design on the jets seems to favor skipping the Boeing, Nikon, Apple idea, eh? (I know it was a lot of work to find them and put them on RobbyMac, sorry!)

Sure appreciate your both taking on the challenege. They look great!

Now I'm feeling like I'd better improve my driving to hold up the Blue's reputation. I just can't seem to get down into the 1:00.xx at Aston Club. Did a 1:01.38 yesterday lapping alone...but that's a looooong way from 1:00.99.

Anyway, thank you both very much for your time and effort.
Last edited by Tailspin, .
Anyone for a US Navy Blue Angels FOX?
S2 licensed
As an old Navy flyer (probably before you were born!), I've always been a fan of the Blue Angels.

I'm currently racing (respectably, but not exceptionally) a blue and yellow FOX that sez little more than FLY NAVY on it, a simple design stolen from a 1970's recruiting bumper sticker. IOW, it's pretty awful.

My car paint scheme has no detail at all--but if you check the Blue's link above you'll note the aircraft paint scheme doesn't actually have much in the way of details either--no pins stripes, thunder chickens, airbrushed naked women, etc. ;-) But they are shiny...and that could be the hard part.

Naturally, the aircraft have all kinds of bumps and and holes and pointy bits that make them sexy (not unlike women, you'll note, which makes them sexy) that the FOX template, of course, does not.

I anyone would like to tackle a FOX that would emulate Blue Angels decor and style with the addition of sexy details I'd be thrilled and grateful. I'm maxed-out on my Photoshop skills with the ugly one I have.

As for sponsors, well, obviously Navy would be foremost. But even they can't afford to campaign a race car solo, federal budgets watchers being what they are, so.... I've always been an avid photographer and shoot with a Nikon, so they would be a cool co-sponsor. Come to think of it, I drive a Prius and an FJ Cruiser, so I wouldn't mind touting Toyota products, and they're certainly into racing. Beyond that...Boeing, NASA, Apple? Yeah, Apple. I'm surrounded by their products and, frankly, bought an HP just so I could race (very few Apple racing sims)!

Dunno how I'll repay anyone that takes on this task, but I'll find a way. I'll find a way, mark my words. My deep and sincere thanks in advance.


PS: car number has to be 17. My wife and I used to own and operate an aerial sightseeing business flying vintage 1920's and WW2 aircraft. For some bizarre reason, over the 15 years we did it, 5 airplanes came to us with #17 as the number on their nose or tail, the so-called "buzz-number.'" Go figure. Anyway, it became my lucky number and so it seems only fitting to have it on the car.
Can't get rid of center slop
S2 licensed
New G25 feels like the car I'm driving needs new tie-rod bushings...there's about 5 degrees of slop in the middle where steering wheel effect and ffb are essential nill. Tried turning 'remove deadzone' on and off with no relief. Tried turning centering springs on and off in windows and profiler with no relief.

I have a vague recollection that such an issues solved on black momo, but I'll be damed if i can find it searching here of in Google.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Have to send yours back now
S2 licensed
Love the G25 pedals, but notchy wheel and totally loose shifter prompted a call to Logitech. They're replacing it, but DHL picks old one up tomorrow and it'll be 7-10 days after they receive this one before I get new one.

Meanwhile, I went back to black Momo. Whoa, what a difference in the G25 pedals! The progressive resistance makes a huge difference.

It'll be interesting to see how my times compare. At AS2 in FOX mostly 1:03s (or worse) and occasional 1:02. Tomorrow will see how it goes.