Fernando seems to be skipping Melbourne, as his doctors recommended.
'to limit as far as is possible any environmental risk factors that could potentially result in his sustaining another concussion so soon after his previous one'
People are helping you out with your free version of this game patiently and all you do is complain about the few euros that the full game costs..
I'm not sure what you mean by "man, 15€ for 1 + track and a few ugly cars?" but I'll summarzie the pricing system just to make sure.
Demo, 0£: 3 cars, 1 track
S1, 12£: 6 more cars and 3 more track environments additionally to the demo content
S2, 24£ in total OR 12£ if you already bought the S1 license: 11 more cars and another 3 track environments on top of the demo and S1 content
(Permanent content, no renting system for temporary content)
I bought S2 almost 9 years ago, did not spend a single cent on it from then on and yet I benefited from all the improvements that the devs released for free during those years.
To me, such a pricing model makes it appear like the devs share their passion with us for really cheap, rather than thinking the game is too expensive for it's poor content.
I like it, the launching cars are nicely synced with the music. After the start, the field looks like a train but that issue is unavoidable when using the AI, I guess
Thanks, yours looks awesome! Do you get the proportions right just with your visual judgement? I added a grid for that purpose which makes it really easy to draw, that way it's only about how patient you are
Same here, knowing how long such a drawing takes discourages me to even get started, usually..
I already published this in the leagues section. I'm dropping it here, too, simply so those of you who are interested in LFS movies without being involved in any league racing don't miss it.
This includes footage from several leagues that team GenR ran in 2013 and 2014.
The song starting at 12:06. SoundHound doesn't help me out and whenever putting parts of dem lyrics inna di google I fail as well. (Totally missspelling everything, probably)
I don't have a single video on Youtube, I got fed up with it back when they blocked almost every single video in Germany that contained music. Plus, the "fair use" of copyright protected material (songs in this case) on Youtube is somewhat a legal limbo to me.
Surely I'd reach far more people using Youtube - but those of the community who are seriously interested in my movies are not scared by a download and check them out that way (luckily ).
Yep, I grabbed some league racing replays from the forum. Because I needed replays and didn't race much myself, lately, but also because I wanted to show something of the league racing that still exists these days.
The streaming often doesn't really work at zippyshare, I upload my stuff there to offer a download link. I now added a direct download link which might work as a stream, depending on your browser. Otherwise I'd suggest to just download the movie (and then delete it again after watching)
Thanks a lot, Senis!
This time I really focused on getting the hang of the editing software and neglected the camerawork a bit. And about the story line I was not sure at all if it was easy / possible to understand what is happening for someone who watches this for the first time. As I kept the movie fast paced and used a few confusing elements here and there.
I'm posting a higher resolution version of the classic FBM BMW skin that comes with LFS (4096x4096 instead of 1024x1024). I created it because I had to take lots of onboard shots of the FBM for a movie and it just looks nicer using a high res skin. So if you need such too, for any reason, feel free to replace the old file on your computer.
Eclipsed saved me some work as he already threw together a few of the decals in the same resolution years ago, that I used now. So thanks for that and credits to him!
Hey, I think you did a good job choosing the right scenes and music, also syncing the cuts and effects nicely to the music. When it comes to camerawork I'd like to give you a few ideas that you might want to try out:
- In most shots you used a high field of view (FOV). Personally, I never use more than 20°, rather something around 15° most of the time. The result is that you see more of the car(s) and less of the environment that way. Have a look at 0:46+ and 2:03+ in your video, there you used a low FOV and it looks much different!
- Sometimes you use a static cam and move it to the left and right (e.g. 0:06 - 0:10). I'd suggest to either only move in one direction or not to move it to the sides at all. Instead, you can pan it and/or zoom in OR out using the FOV during a shot (using the keys 5 or 6 I think).
- In general, a low value in the option "View Smoothing" helps you to get smoother camerawork. I like to use the lowest possible value of 0.1s there and then have to play and record my videos at 0.25x speed to get a satisfying camera work.
I hope you find some of these hints helpful! Good vid
(Edit: I recreated the FBM_BMW skin in a resolution of 4096x4096 for this project. Posted it in the skins section now in case anybody needs that skin in high res)
Alright, some more testing with clips from other sources than Fraps revealed that exporting is actually not what causes the quality loss in the free version. It does seem like something already goes wrong while importing the Fraps clips to Lightworks: When displaying imported files in fullscreen mode (F12) I believe there should be no visible quality loss as it's the raw file. However, in my case this is where the the clip gets awfully pixelated, before any compression has even happened.
If you guys happen to know a way to solve this (maybe some import settings?), let me know!
Having its roots in the film industry, Lightworks doesn't support the codec that Fraps uses - which is a bit confusing as you can import Fraps clips and don't get an error / green screen but a messed up version of the actual clip. So the only way to work around this seems to be transcoding the raw clips into a format that Lightworks supports.
Bump, I tried out Lightworks lately (they published version 12 a few days ago) and thought I'd leave some basic information here for those who are interested.
Lightworks is currently offered as a full version that you can buy (or "rent" for a month/year) and alternatively as a free version. The latter includes a surprisingly big amount of content (compare free vs. pro) and has no expiring amount of time to use it. There is no restriction when it comes to input formats. The installation caused no problems here and learning how to edit, use effects etc. seemed really easy for me (who has never used any professional editing software before).
However, the disadvantage of the free version comes into play when actually exporting a project to a video file. Using the free version you may only export your projects to H.264 mp4 files with a maximum resolution of 720p.
While I can live with the restricted resolution itself (considering I'm not paying any money for it), the quality really ruins it: You cannot affect it by setting a target bitrate or filesize. Instead, an unchangable bitrate will be used. I did a quick test with raw LFS footage (recorded using fraps) and the exported file was in a quality that is not acceptable for today's standards.
However, the good thing is that you can actually try out the software really carefully for free and then decide if it's worth spending money on it. For editing great movies the free version will do - for actually exporting them in form of quality video files it won't.
(Although it might be possible that you create lots of projects using the free version and then buy the full version for a month once you're ready to export all your work to proper video files)
EDIT: The restricted export settings in the free version are not what causes the loss of video quality for me (see 2 posts below). My problem is yet to be solved.