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S2 licensed
Likely limited for the sake of the transmission...
S2 licensed

Som du sier så bør det ikke være for stor jobb. Dersom du ønsker deg litt ekstrajobb kan du jo ta en kikk på hjelp-fila, der er kun et par elementer oversatt...

Scawen, please add arco to the translators list for Norway. :up:
S2 licensed
Quote from mantis9 :Heres an old pic of it, I cant remember the details but I know the number of racers had just been increased so the endurance league had a test race.

Good times
S2 licensed
Flott arbeid

Så mange manglende bokstaver og andre små skrivefeil at det er flaut

Diff-filen var også veldig fin, lett å se hva du har gjort.

En ørliten kommentar:

Quote :< 3a_sh32btmd Vis 32-bit modi :
> 3a_sh32btmd Vis 32-bit moduser :

Modus er et fremmedord hentet fra latin, korrekt flertallsform er modi.

Ellers kan jeg ikke være uenig i noen av endringene.

Jeg har ikke så mye tid og motivasjon for lfs i øyeblikket så om du vil påta deg hovedansvar for oppdateringer i oversettelsen hadde det vært fint. Er såklart tilgjengelig for diskusjon dersom det er ønskelig. Hvis du gir positiv tilbakemelding her (eller via PM om du har ytterligere spørsmål), skal jeg be om å få lagt deg til oversetterlista. Du vil da få direkte tilgang på .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Can I buy co2 offsets for my FZ5?
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :I am not condoning wrecking, but in real life if you are

1. not up to speed
2. not 'aggressive'

you will get destroyed, especially in tin top racing...

what you get is guys who want to make real strong moves, and if you not ready for it, or just wimping around you will get engulfed.

You will notice that the fast drivers, that are blamed for all this, once they are all racing together there isn't any major contact, nor is there much complaint between them. The reason for this is because they are used to it. It's how you gotta's the same in real life.... and that's a testament to how good racing in LFS is.

I am in no way saying to win you should wreck people, but I am recognising the fact the the driver who is indecisive, not aggressive, and non-ballsy enough can cause as much carnage as anyone else. Of course they look blameless, but it's something I see time and time and time again. The driver that is indecisive and unpredictable is the one that can cause all the trouble for themselves.

When your racing someone who you know is fast, decisive, and as aggressive as you the racing is clean, and respectful. Contact may be made, but that happens. that;s how it happens in real life, and that's the way it happens in LFS!

sometimes ppl don't understand how much of a nuisance they are.

I would have to see a reply of your races to decide an opinion on your specific situation.... but sometimes you just gotta turn it on. Be decisive, go for it... that's what makes racing fun...

Well aren't you full of crap :chairs:
S2 licensed
Quote from ans7812 :Out of curiosity, why would you want to do this in the first place unless you already know how many RPMs each gear is spinning at given a certain speed?

S2 licensed
Quote from Mako. :I just thought that, this is ghetto as hell, therfore amusing.

Yes. Living in a bad part of the city with people of your own ethnicity and/or religion invariably leads to taping of computer steering wheels.

How amusing. Ha ha!
S2 licensed
Less is more. Remove the quotes & images altogether please...

Quote from BlueFlame :the whole point of Sigs and Avatars is to add some extra colour to the forum, it would look so boring if the only thing different was the text somebody was writing, and their username, also, signitures and avatars are a good benchmark when your looking for someones next consecutive post, or reading back on something you posted yourself.

I agree on avatars, I don't on sigs. If having only text makes a thread boring, then it's something wrong with the contents of that thread - no signature can fix that.
S2 licensed
First time I've watched an entire porsche cup race. Nice effort Norbi!
S2 licensed
One million dollars!
S2 licensed
Quote from szyszek :Sorry if this is the wrong place for this thread

Oh but of course not. This is the right forum for all sorts of organised races and ladder systems, as long as they are organised by STCC
S2 licensed

Quote from felplacerad :Woah, I can't even make a post allcaps if i try.

S2 licensed

Den norske oversettelsen av LFS er i all hovedsak gjort av meg, og noe redigert ved hjelp av DriveSafely. Jeg har derimot ikke like god tid som før og dermed ikke fulgt like godt med når det kommer nye strings som skal oversettes.

Har nettopp gått igjen hele oversettelsen og lagt til det som manglet. Dersom noen er interessert i å se over kan du hente siste versjon her: ... te/translate.php?action=2

Dette er versjonen som vil komme følge med patch V dersom det ikke blir gjort endringer. Mao, det hadde vært fint om de som bruker norsk språk i LFS kunne teste denne og komme med innspill på ord de vil ha endret til noe annet, og eventuelle skriveleif. Jeg antar at jeg i hovedsak snakker til deg her Blackfang

Tore: Er enig i at menyene er i overkant kompliserte. For en ny spiller er det lett å gå seg vil. Det er lenge siden det ble foreslått å ha et valg for 'simple menus' eller noe i den dur, for de som ikke er så interessert i å fikle med alle små detaljer.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Yep, and they weren't even using slicks. They were EXTREMELY hard compound bias plys that had full tread patterns. I remember hearing they'd actually use a single set over the course of several races.

In the early sixties perhaps it was done, but not with the powerful 3-litre engines with 400+ hp that you are comparing with (from '66 onwards).
S2 licensed
Quit, nooooo.....

....on a break?
S2 licensed lots of stuff here. You can get there by a boat ride and see the fjords, then a nice train ride up the valley. Located along a fabolous mountain road from west to east, and a nice place if you want to do some hiking too. Even if you don't like hiking the road is recommended
S2 licensed
Because people keep buying them
S2 licensed
Quote from Tailspin :And yes, you CAN take an inside line to make it hard for him to pass. And yes you CAN make one blocking move on a straight away (but only one). Unless of course it the leaders blowing past you.

Sure, you can block all you want

Then they give you a black flag
S2 licensed


Impress me, forum users
S2 licensed
Jeg beklager. Egentlig er jeg ikke kaptein Sorte Bill. Jeg er ikke kaptein engang.

En gang i tiden visste jeg om de aller fleste norske LFSere (og mange visste vel om meg og...). Startet en av de første internasjonale ligaene, vi hadde 4 fulle felt i løp når S1 enda var ferskvare Er også ansvarlig for den norske oversettelsen... Snart 4 år senere henger jeg ikke lenger med utviklingen. Har lagt LFS litt til side i påvente av videre utvikling, kjører for tiden mest gamle formelbiler i GPL.

Kommer tilbake på et senere tidspunkt. Lykke til med NM
S2 licensed
Quote from audimasta :Hmm did i miss something? Who is Torfinn?

Jeg er kaptein Sorte Bill! pirate:
S2 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :Just read the latest news over at and you know why LFS isn't covered like the other (Simbin) games.

Whats that supposed to mean? LFS news are posted on RSC just like news of any other sim (by Simbin or not). Lack of any posts lately are probably due to lack of any real news in the LFS world...
S2 licensed
There is a 'contact us' choice on, click there and look the second to last option.

I doubt you'll get any discount on something which is already so cheap, but nobody will stop you from trying