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S2 licensed
lol how about this week any developments ? sorry to keep pestering you, i just want someone to make it for me
S2 licensed
that looks class good job micky
S2 licensed
just wonderdering how its going ?
S2 licensed
anyway just buy S2 :P it is well worth the money and so much more fun ^^
S2 licensed
thanks for replying im just happy you said you might do it ^^
S2 licensed
hmm how come no one has responded ? i know its a bike helmet but im sure someone could adapt it please could someone respons either saying no one will make it or someone will, thanks
S2 licensed
that look v nice, good job
S2 licensed
Is this possible for someone to do ? I know the front will have to be adapted but i hope someone can do it
S2 licensed
lol thats a good skin, shame the team isnt Manchester United FTW !!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Good work though, i may download it then burn my pc ^^
My helmet
S2 licensed
I was wondering if you very talented skin makes could make me the helmet i use in RL I would very much appreciate it if someone could make this for me. My helmet is the pic below except the red parts are blue like the pic below that pls pls pls can someone make this ^^

Hope you guys had a good christmas and have a happy new year
Last edited by GWADanny, .
S2 licensed
lol yeah that looks cool, nice details
S2 licensed
defo in, it is so much better this way
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :There's nothing wrong with criticism. If we all unconditionally accepted everything the devs produced it would be a weirdly sycophantic scene around here.

true , but it really does happen very often.
S2 licensed
Man it really is sad people having a go at the developers when they are doing a great job every new realease is great, when the false start patch was announced people were saying oh it wont be fun anymore, it was so much better, and people moaning about how realistic its getting, the more realistic the better as it will show true racing skills and get you as close to propper racing as possible, which i think is great, and how does more realistic mean less fun, its even funner in my opinion, just because when you crash the damage actually affects the driving of the car, that is so much better than it having no effect at all, thats just boring and no fun at all. I have had lfs now for just over a year and i love it its like a part of me.

LFS developers FTW ^^
S2 licensed
Quote from Thorvertonian :LFS is the popular Racing sim, as it's the only one!!!

lfs isnt the only racing sim, but it has the best community my miles
S2 licensed
waheyyyyyyyyy finally lol welcome to LFS S2 ^^
S2 licensed
im sure they will know how to use a card as they will have to use it alot, lol i dont understand how you cant do it ((((((((((
S2 licensed
dont give up ask your brother or parents to fill in the details for you
S2 licensed
none of them numbers on the front are relivent to the security, the security number should be on the back on the signature strip ffs every card has one lol i hope you find it and get on lfs soon
there should be 7 numbers on the signiture strip but theres a space between them there 4 numbers a little space then 3 numbers, the 3 numbers are the security

Please dont make me come to croatia to do it for you
S2 licensed
its not complicated simply follow what they have said above ^^ i hope to race you soon Spajki in sssssssssss222222222222 also if you have any problems purchasing the game post here and people will help you so you will get your s2 licence good luck
S2 licensed
I played the nKpro demo and i think it is very good and very realistic although it does have problems, specificly online where not many play ATM which should be one of the best aspects of any racing sim, LFS is still 1 of the best sims but i think nKpro will be very close to LFS in the future.

Oh and about rFactor, i think it sucks piss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
S2 licensed
all you need to do now is tape some cardboard wings on it and you will be off
S2 licensed
Hope you get well soon mate, hope you win karting when you recover, good luck, hope to race you soon
S2 licensed
go into your lfs folder, then data, then sounds, that should work
S2 licensed
It is rare because normally in long race at least 1 person drops out due to a bad setup choice or lack of concentration and go for a visit to see the wall Even in small races you will get people dropping out.