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S2 licensed
Quote from andy29 :I had a thought last night. I don't think anyone's suggested it. The map is often covered up by chat text, so how about having a key that would raise the map to the top (ie. above chat messages) when it is held down? Exactly like ctrl + shift does for the frame rate/time and LFSW names. Then seeing it, say, when exiting the pits will be no problem at all, however much chat text there is.

Yes this would be good , have been thinking this too.. there can be many situations on public servers when map would be good to see.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from h3adbang3r :

Originally Posted by Alles
i admit i do use it sometimes. but very rarely. i only use it if the guy who is infront of me, and im laping him, is not letting me pass and ignores auto BF message. when he doesent i just bump him and dont care if he spinns, it just makes me mad

h3adbang3r If you do blue flag spam even a mid-race joiner, it makes you look stupid, and you are giving away any right to pass any lap car.

there is the word stupid . between the words look and ,and .

Thats why I answered :

"midrace joiner who dont get the blueflag is only thing what looks stupid..."

info : get the blueflag = dont understand blueflag

info part 2 : there are people who are NOT smart to find that nice gap, they just ram in, bye bye good race .

Quote : *message from me: jeezz they sometimes go in the next turn with 50km/h when 15 racers are coming in like 150km/h+ and this makes peeps really mad sometimes .

h3adbang3r Who are you talking about? Backmarkers or mid-race joiners? A backmarker that is going that slow compared to everyone else shouldn't be blocking the track, if he/she is making competieve laptimes, sure, he/she can race the leader.

info : there I was still talking about midrace joiners .

Quote :
message from me:
AND BTW : there are people out there who really know this blueflag and they honor it for real . or if they are accidently on they way they apology , its not that hard . if everybody try to get this, there is no need to that shit spamming .

h3adbang3r All you did was entirely throw my post out of context. You are assuming that I have no idea what a blue flag is. Should I tell you again? A blue flag is a signal shown by a race marshall that the race leader is beginning to catch up to you, and should be wary. The backmarker still has the right to race the leader, but not if he/she is driving too far off the pace.

INFO : and did I write somewhere that you dont understand blueflag?
no I did not.

INFO part 2 : that was just a message to all peeps ,
that there is nice peeps out there .

Quote from pine-fin : Quote:
Originally Posted by Alles
..if he keeps driving infront of me and slows me down and ignores blue flag, that pisses me off and i hit him to learn him a lesson or two.

If you are faster than he is, there should be no problem passing him If he blocks passes, then it should be easy to fake one and pass with ease on the next corner.

omg now faster peeps haves to fake pass, when someone dont understand what have to do when blueflag appears ...

How many F1 drivers do fake pass so to pass in next corner? answer there is no suchs idiots on the track same time so they dont need to .

Dont you understand that there is dudes always again and again race after race blocking lead lappers. Thats why it keeps peoples fingers on F1 = blueflag respect leadlappers . after few that shit it changes to vote kick.
S2 licensed
Quote from h3adbang3r :If you are spinning a person on the lead lap about to go a lap down, you have no such right do spin someone like that. A car about to go a lap down has EVERY right to race as the leader does. It happens in real life, lead cars lose time becuase of cars about to be lapped, but they don't go wrecking them. If the person is a mid-race joiner, they should not be in the way at all. If you do blue flag spam even a mid-race joiner, it makes you look stupid, and you are giving away any right to pass any lap car.

this topic looks as stupid as you do, when you try to say that my friend is stupid because he says what he might do... to peeps who dont care about other people at all...

Quote from h3adbang3r :If you do blue flag spam even a mid-race joiner, it makes you look stupid, and you are giving away any right to pass any lap car.

midrace joiner who dont get the blueflag is only thing what looks stupid...

jeezz they sometimes go in the next turn with 50km/h when 15 racers are coming in like 150km/h+ and this makes peeps really mad sometimes .

AND BTW : there are people out there who really know this blueflag and they honor it for real . or if they are accidently on they way they apology , its not that hard . if everybody try to get this, there is no need to that shit spamming .

Sometimes it just looks like people are too proud/****s to honor the blueflag ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :
LOL =) NG it wasn't Muroc that made me leave, far from it, it was just that UKCT has been my home really for the last 6 months and I wanted to offically be a part of the team =) I hope you guys don't think that it was because of something you guys did or didn't do, I may have come across that way on the forum and I didn't mean to. =)

and I did not mean that eather that we was the reason
that rose thing next to ya bed was a joke :uglyhamme

I guessed, that you would go to any UK team

1st person tells bad jokes -> :uglyhamme <- 2nd person laughs to it
Last edited by NoGhost, .
S2 licensed
:weeping: Im going to miss youuuuuuuuuuu !!!,,

Hope they treat you well , every sunday there must be fresh roses beside vipers bed , we made that mistake and forgot , see what happened

cyaaaaaaaa at track
S2 licensed

And I could not stop so I made another one

here you can find 3 older layouts, more for racing with others.
"Skill" track for XFG & XRG
S2 licensed
Annoying skilltrack

There is always 1 tyre somewhere wich is hunting your perfect round.
Wich makes this quite addicting.

Maybe its fun with other cars too like LX4 or UF1? Yes this is desinged for smaller ones, do not try with GTR cars

Annoying skilltrack II
This starts in narrow corners with some grass, again. but have wider middle section and ends back to challenging narrowcorners,
dont crash your ve hi cle
Last edited by NoGhost, .
S2 licensed
oh how nice of you all
S2 licensed
blue flag is blue flag even the bikers from mars are lapping you .

every car was fighting for positions.

blue flag is not syndroma its rule ...
"( it goes for all sizes of cars, small and big ones )"

play nascar there is no blueflags
S2 licensed
So when do we start??
S2 licensed
Congratulations !!
S2 licensed
Great idea and good work

That vid clip looked nice.
It gives wayyyyyyyyyyyy better and real look of the race.