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S2 licensed
Nope never installed any mods and it isn't a "damaged" jpg skin or whatever, cause it's the same trouble with other skins... It just happened from one day to another...
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :..facepalm..

defentaly graphics card driver heat

Quote from G. Dierckx :Update: Seems to be this problem only accurs when using RB4... So whats the "source" of the problem than?

So no... I don't think so... It would have to be on all cars the same wouldn't it? Or is rb4 just the "detect the overheated graphic card"
S2 licensed
Yeah it's the directx I was looking after.. Thanks
S2 licensed
I guess I miss explained my request...

What I want to do is make a application wich will "overlay" in lfs... But with own graphics like PNG files etc... The drift mod was just an example.. But xFire is another one and the custom gauges also one they all have their own "forms" inside lfs...

Thats what I'm after how to get my own made images, inside lfs..
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :As i undestood you ...

... Search any drift mod and hope that it fits your needs ...

The drift mod was just a example of the Sort of application I want to make.

Quote from Shadowww :Way #1, which is 1337er but harder: make a Direct3D hook
Way #2: Use InSim.

Already done the InSim stuff so was looking for the Direct3D thing Gona hit google and start trying out some stuff, thanks!
Lfs ingame "overlay"
S2 licensed
Hi, I had a question there is a "drift mod" wich displays your drift angle in the screen of lfs.

How can you do stuff like this? I have absolutely no idea what to google after.. If anyone knows the technique or can help me on my way with some links etc. ?
S2 licensed
Lol vincent...
S2 licensed
Quote from NabZ245 :Seem to be getting this error:
Fatal error: Class 'IS_MSC' not found in C:\LFS\PHP\programs\Stunt\ on
line 239

Should be MTC, not MSC. Maybe a typo by DarkTimes.
S2 licensed
Quote from DJJackal :yo GLEN i need a copy of that insim get back to me ASAP [email protected] msn thanks so much if u do!!!!

added on msn
S2 licensed
just pick from the mci package the speed thats the most accurate.. (thats how the km's get calculated on j4f)
S2 licensed
Quote from burnsy1882 :well, that's also you're problem, there aren't drivers for linux for vmwares, "technically". since it's virtual machine, the HAL supporting it is also virtual, so you'll never get any performance out of it for any games.

if you had a dedicated linux box, then yes, under WINE it would run fine.

just in case, for those that don't know what vmware is, or what a virtual machine is, go here.

There might be a misunderstanding... I ment that I was going to see if my graphical drivers are supported for linux, then I might install linux as my "main" os, so i get rid of vista
S2 licensed
Quote from teedot :lol vmware.. theres your problem

oh ok lol gona check if my drivers are suported under linux then i might install it as my os
Linux ingame screenshot
S2 licensed
I was playing with some linuxes on a vmware and after a few hours i wanted to see what the effect is to have lfs on linux...
S2 licensed
Quote from jimimonet :Make sure the wheel is cenetered how you want it and then push the "C" in the "A" box. It must be unlocked first.

jup I already did that
G25 Wheel turning problem
S2 licensed
Well i have a weird problem, Look at the screenshot added, you have that bar at the left "A", that works fine when i turn my wheel, but the turning bar in the middle "B", it doesn't turn the same as "A"

Does anybody knows the problem? Everything else is working fine, shifter + pedals but only the wheel won't work, when i turn it one inch to the right it turns full the the right, same as for the left

I also added my Logitech profiler settings
S2 licensed
any idea when the source gets released?
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Try N2 for the unpack string, for the unsigned 64 bit int. It's a bit of a munge, but it *might* work. It seems to be a bit hit and miss and works on some of my boxes and not on others.

Doesn't seem to work
[1] => Array
[username] => MariusMM
[Time] => Array
[1] => -1166256534
[2] => -1035679743

[BanHours] => 168

S2 licensed
Quote from rodo37 :Hello,

Unix Time is 1 January 1970
64bit Time is 1 January 1601

So, if you have the number of second since 1601 to 1970, you can use the function time();

$time = second_betwen_1601_and_1970
$totaltime = $time + time();

Ban =

$ban_time - $totaltime = Time left in second (I think...)

I'm not an expert in php...

jeah i already found out about that, but it's just that there isn't anyway for me to convert those bytes to a decent value in php i can get alot of numbers out of it.. but none of them makes sence
S2 licensed
Quote from rodo37 :Hello,

I'm looking after a script in php to display all current banned on my website. It's possible ?

I got it working.. only the time doesn't show up so you don't know till when he/she is banned..
[php] reading bans.ban
S2 licensed
Hey i got everything working on the reading bans... but only how do i convert "__int64 Time" to a decent php var?

Greetz Glenn


Time shows up as weird text
Last edited by windstyle, .
S2 licensed
Screenshot from when u say something with normal player name and when with a special name

string message = e.MessageText.Substring(e.TextStart);

S2 licensed
Quote from GeForz :I'm pretty sure the library does provide all data which is included in the default lfs packet. so the textstart should be there, too...

nope i had to add it myself... but still it doesn't work on special names :s code:

string message = e.MessageText.Substring(e.TextStart);

it does work fine on my player name, but it doesn't on "Laport" with special characters in it, on my old insim it works fine with:

string bericht = MSO.Msg.Substring(Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].PlayerName.Length + 10)

S2 licensed
When u make a server, there are all buttons to allow cars yes or no.. only the BF1 button is missing...
S2 licensed
Quote from filur :
struct IS_MSO // MSg Out - system messages and user messages
byte Size; // 136
byte Type; // ISP_MSO
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Zero;

byte UCID; // connection's unique id (0 = host)
byte PLID; // player's unique id (if zero, use UCID)
byte UserType; // set if typed by a user (see User Values below)
[B]byte TextStart; // first character of the actual text (after player name)[/B]

char Msg[128];

substr(MSO.Msg, MSO.TextStart);

hmm jeah but the problem is that i work with a Library, so can't edit it... I better create my own?
InSim Commands problem (LFSLib.NET)
S2 licensed

I have a problem with getting commands when people have weird characters in their name..

Normally for as far as I know to remove the playername from the message + : etc u do:
e.MessageText.Substring(e.Playername.Length + 7,e.MessageText.Length-e.Playername.Length - 7);

Seems to work fine on normal names but when u start using weird characters it doesn't function...

Is their anybody who knows a different way?

Greetz Glenn