I have also reviewed the Danish translation and found a couple of typos and have a couple of suggestions for alternative formulations. Red words are to be removed, green words are corrections of typos or additions.
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Mange tak.
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I think the installer adds a more finished touch to the product. Keep up the good work.
amp88: Between the nodes you could interpolate with a 2nd order approximation to update the gaps more frequently. I would suggest updating the displayed gap at a fixed freqency always presenting an interpolated value which is calculated from a model that you update everytime you receive a node update.
Oh, I hadn't understood it as he wanted to know when one driver laps another instantly. I just thought he used a timer based update because it was easier than an event driven update.
The combination sounds like the perfect solution
Because you're using the split times for calculating the gaps you could use the event that a sector is finished by a racer to update the gaps to the other racers. By storing at which lap and race time a sector is finished for all racers you can easily determine when racers have been lapped: If racer A has not lapped racer B, racer B will update sector splits before racer A, i.e. the lap counter for that sector is updated for racer B before racer A. If racer B has been lapped by racer A, racer A will update sector split before racer B. If difference in lap count of a sector split is 0 gap should be calculated as time diff by comparing the race times stored for that sector; if it is greater than 0, gap should be calculated as lap diff by comparing the laps stored for that sector.
I have no insim programming experience, so I might be handicapped by lack of knowledge. But it works in my head
EDIT: My answer seems to have come a little to late...
You've got the right power adapter.
If the green lamp on the wheel lights up when the wheel is connected it receives power from the power adapter.
As suggested the FF may be switched off in either the Logitech driver or in LFS.
I also reccomend the latest Logitech drivers (5.02) since they resolve an issue with random FF jerks when using the Formula Force EX wheel.
Just thinking out load... With just 1GB of RAM you may be on the edge of what can be stored in-memory if a lot of background applications and services start up when Windows starts. Perhaps the memory usage has increased a bit from Z to Z13 causing Windows to swap more often. Further your HD may be badly fragmented which causes swapping to take even longer.
I have given it a thought on how to deal with the "abusive restarts voters" and have come up with an idea that may work.
I do not know the details of the voting system, e.g. if a vote is only valid for a certain period of time; hence I assume that a vote is valid until the end of a race.
If a racer votes for a restart it must be because the racer do no longer want to participate in the running race. Therefore if a racer votes for a restart and enough racers have not voted for a restart within some period of time, the voter should be sent to spectate, allowing the rest of the racers to finish their race.
Well, you'd better believe it, because a lot of the LFS racers are rather serious sim racers. And the target group of IRacing racers are exactly serious sim racers, who are willing to spend some money on their hobby.
The LFS racers who are facing towards IRacing I believe would be quite happy to pay an extra amount for new LFS contents, however there are simply not enough hands in the development group to make more frequent releases.
In a number og earlier posts complaints were raised against having decreased the text size in the menu screens. However, I think that the smaller text size it not the real problem; it is the poor rendering of the text. The text appears quite blurry as if anti aliased rather poorly. I discovered that by decreasing the MIP bias for text to -0.2 the text suddenly appeared crystal sharp. Maybe this should be the deafult setting if all others experience the same blurred texts?