I see. Maybe I will have a look into it. But I'd like to ask you first, are you saying:
1) Because that mod has values outside the limits, that is the reason why you hex edited the engine files and cause disruption online?
2) Because that mod has values outside the limits, that gives you an excuse to cause disruption?
3) Did that mod with edited wheel values actually cause disruption, sore ears, excessive HDD usage when used online?
Why are you even mentioning it now? Do you believe that pointing out something else somehow reduces your own rule-breaking? Or is it that the existence of that LARGHERR mod has pushed you over the edge and that's why you now break the rules, so actually you are a victim rather than a perpetrator, and should receive counseling instead of punishment?

I think you need to have a little think about your priorities in life.
By the way, to those who simply can't stand that we are trying to run a mods system that is legal and doesn't support models ripped from other games, why don't you go and use the other games that have a mods system that does suit you, or maybe even play the games that have the models you want to rip?