I agree with this - mostly. I think it'll be a couple more decades than just ten years though. Here in the USofA, we have a couple of issues that need ironing out. Most of our highway maintenance is funded by gasoline taxes. Nice simple system. Electric cars don't need gasoline obviously, so something else needs to be done to make up for the loss of funding. Some states, like mine, are having electric car owners pay a yearly fee to make up for that. Trouble is, unlike the gas tax, you have to pay that in one lump sum and its a few hundred dollars. Most work commuters can't afford that. And at least with gasoline, drivers basically pay as they go based on miles driven. Electric cars have to pay a set fee so unless you're really into road trips, you might not be getting a good deal with this. And charging stations. At this point there are way more teslas than charging places and I think the closest charging station near me is 15 miles away. So I think that at least here, we still have a ways to go. Plus, until they come up with better source materials for the batteries, there's still more oil than rare earth metals required for all those batteries.... Whatever happened to hydrogen fuel cells?