Didn't know where to post a thread.
The correct lights of the car, in my opinion, are a very important part of the overall visualization of the car, at the moment it is possible to create the glass of the lantern using the alpha texture, but its overlay occurs in the "Add" format, which completely kills the contrast of the lantern and its realism, I would like it to be in the mode selecting "Alpha" was the selection "Alpha mod" where you could select "Multiply" overlays and you could highlight the reflector itself, and not the texture with glass, since this option makes it much easier to create car lights.
Forza has very realistic graphics, but for example, the lanterns look unnatural, but in Asseto corsa asset - with the help of mods, people were able to achieve amazing results, the shader with refractions + the correct blend mode - give a gorgeous picture.

The correct lights of the car, in my opinion, are a very important part of the overall visualization of the car, at the moment it is possible to create the glass of the lantern using the alpha texture, but its overlay occurs in the "Add" format, which completely kills the contrast of the lantern and its realism, I would like it to be in the mode selecting "Alpha" was the selection "Alpha mod" where you could select "Multiply" overlays and you could highlight the reflector itself, and not the texture with glass, since this option makes it much easier to create car lights.
Forza has very realistic graphics, but for example, the lanterns look unnatural, but in Asseto corsa asset - with the help of mods, people were able to achieve amazing results, the shader with refractions + the correct blend mode - give a gorgeous picture.