Project RandomCar - test race for new possible series

With addition of user created cars more than a year ago,the options for racing have widened drastically,adding possibility to race many different cars in same class. First this was used in Race Green 300km of Westhill 2022,where a total of 39 cars were available for selection initially,all balanced to be in very similar pace around the 14 kilometer track. Around then also the idea for new series ignited in my head - a league where many different cars can be used in same race through multiple rounds.

To spice things up,there is an addition to car selection - to avoid everyone selecting favourite car and have the race just like any other race,each racer will receive the car selected by a random draw (scheduled at specific time on public draw). Since all cars are still not equal (not possible on LFS's variating circuits),faster racers will have a challenge if they want to win or finish in high positions again if a slower car drawn. However racers usually driving at bottom half of the field could get assigned a car with slight advantage,which will give them a chance to finish higher than usually. Also despite leveling,some cars will always be faster in turns,some in straights,meaning there will always be some challenge during the race between racers.

To reduce some cars being overperforming or underperforming in different tracks,with time restrictions might be adjusted regarding feedback from drivers. The selected car class is TBOplus class - the average paced car class,a bit faster than the crowd favourite GTi class,yet not too fast to require professional racer's reflexes. The standard LFS's 3 TBO cars are used as a base for leveling other cars - that means approximate power weight ratio of 200BHP/ton. The additional set of cars from user created mods list are selected from approved list - all cars deemed to be potential candidates were tested to decide the restrictions.

That's the plan for longer term,however we still have to figure out if this concept of racing is interesting for racers,so we will host a test event on coming tuesday as it is the "free" tuesday between RTFR races. Since the server is free,we will use the same RTFR server without name change.

10th january 2023

18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET - 60 minutes qualifying
19:10 UTC / 20:10 CET / 21:10 EET - Race start

Rockingham ISSC (RO1)
Race distance: 21 laps (~30min)

Available cars and their restrictions:
1. ACOSTA STARLIN (21% / +180kg)
3. CAMMERA 730 TURBO (14%)
6. FXO Turbo (4%)
7. FZ50 (20%)
8. IMPREZZIVE B2 (22%)
9. Raceabout 06 (17% / +160kg)
10. RB4 GT
11. TALOT SUNS LOMIS (10% / +100kg)
12. URC1 (50% / 120kg)
13. VGI-6 TEDAVI (1%)
14. XF COUPE TURBO (+30kg)
15. XF TURBO 5
16. XR GT Turbo (+1%)

All cars are limited to use Road Super tyres only (Slicks are forbidden!)

It is every driver's own responsibility to use correct restriction during practice phase,however administration will try to point out wrong restriction at possibility.

Car draw:

To get a car drawn and to participate in the race,racers have to sign up for it. Cars will be drawn in 2 waves:
1st wave - monday,9th january 18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET (all who have signed up until 17:50 UTC)
2nd wave - tuesday,10th january 17:50 UTC / 18:50 CET / 19:50 EET (all who have signed up between 1st wave and signups deadline)

10 minutes before the draw a public link to scheduled draw will be posted and everyone can see live the draw.
For this test race we will use simple numbers draw - the online randomizer will draw same amount of numbers as signups count in range from 1 to 16 (car ID number from cars list). The order of these numbers will be same as signups order - the 1st drawn car will be assigned to 1st signup,2nd car to 2nd signup and so on (a signups list will be added to draw link).

Please visit any of RTFR main info threads for ruleset used in this test race.

Click to join link: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race (pass=green)


To sign up for this race (required for the car draw),simply write your ingame name as a reply in this thread. Signups deadline is tuesday,10th january 17:40 UTC / 18:40 CET / 19:40 EET
Here is my signup as an example:


I hope this concept of racing will be interesting to take part - if so,a future series will be created in the "free" tuesdays. Current idea is to hold a 10 race scored series through the year,where the winner of round will be allowed to select a track for next race (from a bit limited selection). Additionally the winner will be allowed to select one car for public voting,where a new addition of cars will be selected. It is planned to go through the unapproved cars list and select 5 best suited cars as candidates,where a public voting will decide which one will deserve to be added to cars lineup. Additionally if there will be many complaints about specific car from current cars list,we might held a voting for it's removal.
Attached images
[MRc] Texas
PiranMOTO_CarLimiter is now loaded in server. That means you cannot join session without required restriction anymore. Here are available commands for the insim app:

;carlim ver reports current version

;carlim explain X [Y] reports cars in class X, or restrictions for car X
;carlim specs X [Y] (optionally filter by intial letter Y)
;carlim spec X [Y]

;carlim whitelist reports current whitelist

(prefix ; (semicole) required instead of usual ! known from Airio)

Aditionally the restrictions list is available through options menu (press shift+i or type !opt) of Airio.
[MRc] Michal
[MRc] TimDC
[WCL] T.Soini
「DD」 tBug
(copied, not typed)
[MRc] PedroBR
Vincent Adultman
S M.Kapal
[MRc] Miiko
Three Jump
#23 - UCHU
[PM] Jam 616
This thread is closed